Boat 2 Foam system is most efficient and proportions most accurately when the system is at its design pressure of _____
160 psi
Boat 2, longitudinal speed limitation lever, when set in the towing position, will restrict longitudinal component to _____
Boat 2, max time you can flow foam from port pilot house turret with 3% solution and 6000gal of foam is ______
36 minutes
Boat 2, forepeak ballast tank pump is _____ v ______gpm, tested ______ with a discharge on starboard side forward of frame 55
110 volts
30 gpm
Other bilge pump main 66 gpm
Boat 2 flowing water full capacity out of pilot house monitor and 1 deck monitor for 30 min, how much weight have you added?
PH monitor 5500
Deck monitor 1000
Total is 6500 gpm
30 min x 6500 = 19500 gal
19500 x 8.5lbs (sea water) = 1,657,000 lbs of water
Boat 2 pilot house has ____ fire main psi gauges and they read from ______
4 gauges
0-300 psi
Boat 4 Kamewa propeller oil pressure should read ____psi
150 psi
Boat 4 can deploy foam through its monitors a distance of _____
360 feet at 155psi
Boat 4 number of separate steering controls at the pilot house console ?
2 sticks , 1 follow up 1 remote box
Boat 4 hydraulic oil pressure gauge in the engine room console should read _____psi
1000 psi
How long will one tank of fuel last in the rotary saw?
I dont know look for answer
Boat 4 where is the control for the davit crane located ?
Engine room (quite room)
Port tariff - how many gallons in a barrel ?
42 gal to a barrel
55 gal to a drum
How many minutes to warm up the Nav-Net?
1 - 2.5 minutes
Boats 1, 3, 5 - Main engines will not start because the batteries are dead, now what?
Flow water, only need to crack it, start pump engine as it requires less voltage to start MIN 10V, the alternator on the pump engine will charge the main engine batteries .
Chapmans - making a line fast without knotting to a cleat or to stop or cease actions/way of vessel term is know as what?
What does the mayor executive directive No 8 state?
Zero tolerance for hazing all city departments must post zero tolerance policy
What are some distress signals that can be used as stated in annex IV 33 CFR 87
Fog horn 1 minute continuous
Arms waving
Chapmans - what keeps the compass card level even with pitching and rolling?
Berth 210 is best described as what type of occupancy/location?
East basin (SA Recycling)
Explosions at berth 148, what do you expect at this location?
Liquid bulk terminal
Chapmans - rules to take action to avoid collision. The best non verbal communication would be what?
Change your course or speed large enough to make your intentions clear
What information do you need to DR (dead reckon)
DR is always started from a known position
Only true courses steered are used to determine DR track
Only speed through the water is used for determined distance traveled
Which of the following is NOT a basic principle of DR (dead reckoning)
1) wind speed and direction must be tracked
2) DR start from a known position
3) true courses steered are used to DR
4) only SOG is used for determining distance traveled.
1 is not true - you dont need wind speed and direction to DR your vessel