Boat 2 Flashcards
The plasma line, what is the breaking strength?
221,000 lbs
221,000 is the breaking strength of what piece of equipment on boat 2?
Plasma line
The crane basket on boat 2 has a max load of what?
600 lbs
Boat 2 has 2 locations where you can find 30 amp outlets, where are they located?
Crane basket and the chord reel
Towline on boat 2, what is the breaking strength?
39,500 lbs
For safety reasons, the bow monitor on boat 2 should stay within how many degrees horizontally of the center line?
15 degrees
The foam tank alarm will sound when foam levels reach two percentage levels. What are they?
25 %
5 %
The bow monitor on boat 2 is very dangerous because it produces ___TONS of thrust and because of this do not operate it out of ____degrees from center line.
7 tons
15 degrees
The highest degrees in which boat 2 bow monitor can point is what?
75 degrees
For a water display, at what set point will boat 2 operate at?
Set point 3
Boat 2, deck monitors are ____gpm and can reach ____feet
1000 gpm
246 feet
Boat 2, aft deck monitors are ____gpm and can reach ___feet
3500 gpm
328 feet
Boat 2, underwharf monitors are _____gpm and can reach ____feet
2000 gpm
289 feet
Once boat 2 air tanks are depleted it will take the air compressors ____minutes to refill tanks.
5 min
The 1st compressor on boat 2 will start at ____psi or lower
The 2nd compressor on boat 2 will start at ___psi or lower
165 psi
Automatically in 45 seconds if 175 psi or lower
The air compressors cut out pressure is what?
180 psi
How many starts will each compressed air tank produce on boat 2?
Boat 2 carry’s how many gallons of clean oil ?
How many gallons of waste oil?
300 gallons
250 gallons
The stokes litter basket on boat 2 is rated to what ?
600 lbs
Which is also the crane basket max, 600lbs
Boat 2 air draft is what?
46 feet
The tow post on boat 2 is rated to what?
Plasma line and tow line are rated to what?
150,000 lbs
221,000 lbs - plasma
39,500 lbs - tow line reel
Boat 2 has a gray tank that can hold how many gallons of waste?
25 gallons
Stokes litter basket on boat 2 - what color strap is strapped first? If the basket fell into the water, it would float face up at an angle of ____degrees
Gray strap
45 degrees
If boat 2 is towing the tow fish the speed that should be used ___to ___ knots and the tow fish should be off the bottom by ___to___percentage of depth.
3 to 5 knots
10 - 20 %