JTIP Flashcards
Crude oil tankers are VERY LARGE and typically have ____to____cargo tanks. Vent pipe sizes are normally _____
Chemical tankers have many cargo tanks from ____to____and more. Vent pipe sizes are normally ____.
8 to 12 cargo tanks : small
12-20 and more : 19 feet
The term Reid vapor pressure means the vapor pressure of a liquid at a temperature of ______
How long does a Coast Guard Certificate of Compliance ( COC ) stay valid for? These exams typically last ___to____ hours and are done offshore.
100 degrees
2 years
4 to 6 hrs
Coast guard certificates of inspection ( COI) are issued for a period of ____years. These exams take ___to___hours
Cargo grades are A, B, C, D, E or liquified petroleum products .
5 years
4 - 5 hours
DOI (declaration of inspection) typically takes ____ - ____ minutes with 2 inspectors.
Gangways - handrails must be a minimum of ____inches high.
60 to 90 minutes
33 inches hight
Containment barrels : what are the required barrels for containment under each hose connection manifold area for the following :
6” diameter piping
6”-12” piping
12” or more
2 barrels
3 barrels
4 barrels
Upon arrival at the terminal, fire hoses shall be connected and placed both forward and aft of the vessels manifold. Fire mains shall be capable of being pressured within ____minutes.
2 minutes
Fire wires - there shall be how many rigged to the vessel and located where on the vessel and they shall be maintained not greater than ____feet above the water.
2 - both fore and aft on the off shore side
5 feet
For vessels transferring Grade A, B, C, D or Liquified petroleum products at least ___placards stating danger keep alway shall be on off shore side of vessel with letters not less than ____inches.
2 placards
6” lettering
Pump rotor ventilation system must change the air in the cargo up room ____ times per hour and discharge no less than ____ meters above the deck.
45 times per hour
4 meters
Warning signs at the gangway - the lettering shall not be less than ____inches compared to warning signs for small craft on water side the lettering shall be not less than ____inches.
2 inches
6 inches
IG (Inert Gas) systems are required aboard all US crude oil carriers over ______DWT and US Product carries over _____DWT.
20,000 DWT
40,000 DWT
Class II Standpipes shall be located and installed to permit not less than 2 hose streams to protect any point on the wharf when each said outlet is equipped with not more than ____feet of 1 1/2 hose.
350 feet
Automotive equipment is prohibited within a distance of ____feet of any tank vessel transferring gas.
Signage at gangway of tank vessel shall carry a warning placard with letters not less that ____high on a contrasting background shall state, warning, no open lights, no smoking no visitors.
100 feet
2 inches high
Warning for small craft - the vessel shall have at least ____placards, stating danger keep away, with letters not less than ____ and be located where? How many shall barges carry?
Gangway climbing angles shall not be more than _____
2 placards
6 inches and on the off shore side
Only 1 sign for barges
40 degrees
Respective unused hoses, loading arms, manifolds that are blanked off shall be blanked off with at least a bolt in every other hole and in no case less than ____bolts.
Tank vessels must be able to move under its own power within _____
4 bolts
30 minutes , if not a tug needs to be available within 30min
Gasses and liquids definitions
Gas : Class 1 is ____ and _____ ; Class 2 is any other gas
Liquids : grade A,B,C,D,E ; A is the most flammable
Propane and butane
Systems shall be provided with hose connections located such that no point on the marina pier or float system exceeded _______feet from a standpipe connection.
150 feet
Emergency disconnect switches for fuel dispensers
An emergency disconnect switch for exterior fuel dispensers shall be located with _____feet of, but not less than ______feet from the fuel dispenser
100 feet
20 feet
There shall be an approved fire extinguisher within ____feet of a dispenser .
The dispenser hose shall be a max of ____feet
75 feet
18 feet
Tankships of ____gross tons and over on an international voyage must be provided with at least 1 international shore connection.
500 gross tons
Gangways should be how wide and have railings how high?
20 inches
33 inches
During operations of loading/unloading
What must be done if the following is occurring, severe electrical storm , fire on the terminal OR vessel, leakage or dangerous vapor condition or hazardous condition detected
Shall immediately stop all operations
The terminal operator shall test each insulating flange joint by measuring the electrical resistance between the metal pipe on the terminal side of the flange and the end of the hose or metal arm when freely suspended at what intervals?
Every 3 months
Emergency towing wires are rigged not greater than _____above the water
5 feet
The ventilation system shall change the air in the pump room ____times per hour at least ___meters /feet above the deck
45 times
4 meters / 13.1 feet