JTIP Flashcards
Crude oil tankers are VERY LARGE and typically have ____to____cargo tanks. Vent pipe sizes are normally _____
Chemical tankers have many cargo tanks from ____to____and more. Vent pipe sizes are normally ____.
8 to 12 cargo tanks : small
12-20 and more : 19 feet
The term Reid vapor pressure means the vapor pressure of a liquid at a temperature of ______
How long does a Coast Guard Certificate of Compliance ( COC ) stay valid for? These exams typically last ___to____ hours and are done offshore.
100 degrees
2 years
4 to 6 hrs
Coast guard certificates of inspection ( COI) are issued for a period of ____years. These exams take ___to___hours
Cargo grades are A, B, C, D, E or liquified petroleum products .
5 years
4 - 5 hours
DOI (declaration of inspection) typically takes ____ - ____ minutes with 2 inspectors.
Gangways - handrails must be a minimum of ____inches high.
60 to 90 minutes
33 inches hight
Containment barrels : what are the required barrels for containment under each hose connection manifold area for the following :
6” diameter piping
6”-12” piping
12” or more
2 barrels
3 barrels
4 barrels
Upon arrival at the terminal, fire hoses shall be connected and placed both forward and aft of the vessels manifold. Fire mains shall be capable of being pressured within ____minutes.
2 minutes
Fire wires - there shall be how many rigged to the vessel and located where on the vessel and they shall be maintained not greater than ____feet above the water.
2 - both fore and aft on the off shore side
5 feet
For vessels transferring Grade A, B, C, D or Liquified petroleum products at least ___placards stating danger keep alway shall be on off shore side of vessel with letters not less than ____inches.
2 placards
6” lettering
Pump rotor ventilation system must change the air in the cargo up room ____ times per hour and discharge no less than ____ meters above the deck.
45 times per hour
4 meters
Warning signs at the gangway - the lettering shall not be less than ____inches compared to warning signs for small craft on water side the lettering shall be not less than ____inches.
2 inches
6 inches
IG (Inert Gas) systems are required aboard all US crude oil carriers over ______DWT and US Product carries over _____DWT.
20,000 DWT
40,000 DWT
Class II Standpipes shall be located and installed to permit not less than 2 hose streams to protect any point on the wharf when each said outlet is equipped with not more than ____feet of 1 1/2 hose.
350 feet
Automotive equipment is prohibited within a distance of ____feet of any tank vessel transferring gas.
Signage at gangway of tank vessel shall carry a warning placard with letters not less that ____high on a contrasting background shall state, warning, no open lights, no smoking no visitors.
100 feet
2 inches high
Warning for small craft - the vessel shall have at least ____placards, stating danger keep away, with letters not less than ____ and be located where? How many shall barges carry?
Gangway climbing angles shall not be more than _____
2 placards
6 inches and on the off shore side
Only 1 sign for barges
40 degrees
Respective unused hoses, loading arms, manifolds that are blanked off shall be blanked off with at least a bolt in every other hole and in no case less than ____bolts.
Tank vessels must be able to move under its own power within _____
4 bolts
30 minutes , if not a tug needs to be available within 30min