Department Questions Flashcards
According to volume 3 prior to flowing heavy streams, how many blasts on horn must be sounded?
4 blasts
According to volume 3, please explain the wrong information about the length of the small boats and the propulsion engines. Please give the correct information.
Small boats are NOT 34’ in length they are 39’9”
Propulsion engines are NOT gasoline they are diesel. 2 caterpillars 3126B with 450 hp @ 2800rpms
According to volume 3, where shall logbooks be carried?
Kept in quarters at a place designated by the station commander
Bonus : what are the 3 exceptions to this rule
- When assigned to relief duty 2. Going to shops for annual 3. When transferred
According to vol 3 after company commanders supervise the filling of house fuel supply tanks. Each Monday morning fuel tanks shall be checked and fuel ordered. Once the fuel is delivered what are the waiting times to pump gas and diesel?
12 hrs delay for gas
24hr of diesel
Vol 3 fuel mixing and storing of premixed fuel at fire stations. What is the supply requirements for single fire stations vs task force stations?
Single stations carry 1 gallon
Task force carry 5 gallons
Vol 3 states that you can use power lube equipment with a maximum air pressure of what?
60 psi
Bonus : what are the 3 areas to be hand lubed only?
- All steering connections with rubber boots 2. Clutch throwout bearings
- Rubber seals on bearings
Vol 3 states that small engines that use gasoline shall be drained and replenished how often?
Every 30 days
Vol 3 reserve apparatus identification. What is 400 series, 500, 600 and 700 series?
400 is engines
500 trucks
600 RAs
700 speciality vehicles
During TSI’s the form filled out is called the DOI (declaration of inspection). Under the “firefighting” section its states that how many fire extinguishers must be in what location and be of a minimum of what rating?
2 fire extinguishers
Top and bottom of gangway rated no less that 20 BC
During TSI’s the form filled out is called the DOI (declaration of inspection). Under the section “firefighting” it states that vehicles shall be parked heading towards the exits and NOT be within how many feet of the vessel being inspected?
100 feet
During TSI’s the form filled out is called the DOI (declaration of inspection). There is also the ISGOTT - International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals. The ISGOTT has reference codes of A, P, R which you can find though out the DOI. What do those letters stand for?
A - agreement
P - permission
R - recheck
During TSI’s the form filled out is called the DOI (declaration of inspection). The gangway shall be properly rigged and maintained with handrails, adequate illumination and have a climbing angle that does not exceed how many degrees from horizontal ?
Max of 40 degrees
According to the DOI (declaration of Inspection) form that we fill out on TSIs , a vessel shall be able to move under its own power within how long? If it cant meet this requirement what shall be in place?
30 minutes under own power
Tugs Need to be available to move within 30min
According to the DOI (declaration of Inspection) form that we fill out on TSIs can the vessel be using window type air conditioners while alongside the dock?
According to the DOI (declaration of Inspection) form that we fill out on TSIs, under the “cargo equipment “ section it states that operations shall be immediately stopped for what 3 reasons?
Severe electrical storm
Fire on boat or terminal
Leakage, dangerous vapor conditions, hazardous situations
Book 30 - Command Procedures : tactical priorities in order of priority are
RESCUE - Remove endangered occupants/persons and treat the injured.
HAZARD CONTROL - Stabilize the incident, neutralize all hazards and provide for life safety.
LOSS LIMITING - Conserve property and limit further impact.
VICTIM/OCCUPANT STABILITIZATION - Provide for the safety, accountability, and welfare of non-responders affected by the incident. This priority is on-going throughout the incident.
SAFETY - Provide for the safety, accountability, and welfare of all responders at the incident. This priority is on-going throughout the incident.
No question - information only
Book 30 - establishing incident command : Incident Command terminology is required anytime a category _____assignment is held to work at an incident.
Category B assignment
Book 30 - incident command structure : The basic configuration of Incident Command addresses what three operational levels?
Strategic Level - Overall direction of the incident.
Tactical Level - Objectives assigned to Divisions, Groups, etc.
Task Level - Work assigned to individual companies/members.
Book 30 - incident command structure : the 3 operational levels are, strategic, tactical and task level. Which level is considered to be the “hands on” level?
The Task Level - refers to those activities normally accomplished by a company(ies) or specific personnel. The task level is where the hands-on work is actually done. Task level activities are normally supervised by company officers. The accumulated achievements of Task Level activities should result in the accomplishment of the tactical priorities.
Book 30 - INCIDENT COMMAND STRUCTURE : Normally, a company officer can effectively supervise their own crew and direct or coordinate the efforts of ____ or _____additional companies assigned to their Division/Group.
1 or 2
Book 30 - The number of Divisions/Groups that can be effectively managed by the Incident Commander varies. FIRESCOPE, NWCG, and MIMS provide for a span of control from 3-7 with ____being optimal. In fast moving complex operations, a span of control of no more than ____ Division/Groups is preferred. In incidents with minimal activity, slow moving, less complex operations, the Incident Commander may effectively manage more _____or more Division/Groups.
5 being optimal
6 or more
A modified numbering system is used for our library. How is this system broken down? A typical reference using this numbering system is “2/3-60.14” . Explain what this means?
2 = category,
3 = chapter,
60 = section,
.14 = subsections
rules and regulations governing members of the LAFD are established by who?
Board of fire commissioners
policies and procedures of the Department as directed by who?
The Fire Chief