Chart Questions Flashcards
Vessel Traffic Management System (VTS) - what channel does the VTS operate on? What is their “Call sign” ?
They operate of channel 14
Call Sign : San Pedro Traffic
Upon entering the VTS area, which is a ______mile radius off of ________. All vessels should report to VTS their what 7 things? What 7 bits of information does VTS want to know?
25 mile radius off of Pt Fermin
Call sign, vessel name, position, course and speed, destination, ETA to destination and if a pilot is needed.
Outbound vessels shall report ______ minutes prior to reaching the breakwater.
15 minutes
What is the Mariner Activated Sound Signal (MRASS). Where is it located?
This is a horn that can be activated by a mariner by switching to ch 81A and keying the mic 5 times. Horn will then operate for 30min
It’s located at the corner of Reservation Point, which is basically the opposite side from the pilot station also one located at LA Light
What resource gives me the most up to date information on operations going on in the Port? Specifically what district?
Notice to Mariners - 11th district
Chart 18749 Note “H” : states that vessels over what draft will be boarded where?
Vessels 50’ or less draft will be boarded south of RACON buoy #3
Vessels with a great draft than 50’ will be boarded south of Buoy #1
Bonus : what is the identifier for RACON Buoy #3 - - - (3 short)
According to Chart 18749 : Tell me the tidal information for Port of LA in reference to Mean Higher High Water, Mean High Water, Mean Low Water.
LA : 5.5, 4.8, 0.9
Chart 18749 - Anchorages and Berths : Green anchorages, both inside the break water and outside who is responsible for assigning ships to these? Also, what are the green D anchorages for? Who uses them?
The green anchorages are for the convenience of the Captain of the Port AND the Port pilots. Captain of the Port assigns the green anchorages OUTSIDE of the breakwater thru VTMS. Port pilots assign INSIDE the breakwater.
Green “D” anchorages are for US Navy and US Coast Guard for Explosive loading.
According to chart 18749 - Demarcation Line : where is the COLREGS international regulations for preventing collisions at sea1972 line located at? What does this line mean.
It’s located essentially “inline” with the breakwater wall at LA light and LB Light.
It’s the line from where you switch from International rules to inland rules
What chart shall you refer to for all symbols and abbreviations?
Chart 1
Chart 18749 special information : NOAA Weather Radio Broadcasts reception range is typically what distances? Station that broadcast from a higher elevation can achieve what distance?
20 - 40 miles
100 miles from higher elevation
The Compass Rose has in “inner” compass and an “outer” compass. One shows true north and the other magnetic north. Which compass is “inner” and which is “outer”
Inner - shows magnetic north
Outer - shows true north
Chart 18749 : Special information - Navigation regulations are published in Chapter 2 of the US Coast Pilot 7. Additions or revisions to chapter 2 will be published where?
Notice to Mariners
Bonus : what district are we located in?
District 11
Bonus : What is the US Coast Pilot 7 AND what chapter will you find Port of LA in?
The coast Pilot supplements the navigational information shown on NOAA Nautical Charts and you can find the Port of LA in Chapter 4
Soundings down on chart 18749 are conducted how? Feet ? Fathoms? Meters? Mean Low water? Mean Lower Low water, etc
How are the “heights” calculated? Feet? Fathoms? Meters? Mean Low water, Mean high water, etc.
In feet
Mean Lower Low water
In feet
Mean High water
The standard symbols and abbreviations approved for use on nautical charts produced by the U.S. Government are described and found where?
US Chart #1
Areas on a chart with Blue tint : A blue tint is shown in water areas on many charts to accentuate shoals and other areas considered dangerous for navigation when using that particular chart.
True or False
Upon entering the Main Channel in the Port of LA, what is the general location of the range lights? Better yet, also give the compass heading. Also, give me their characteristics for the front and rear lights.
The general location is near Berth 68, which is the pilots station.
Compass heading of 295.8 (which is technically to the rear light)
Front light is 43 feet high Q Y (quick flashing yellow)
Rear light is 58 feet high iso Y 6s ( flashes iso which is equal light and dark every 6 seconds )
Also the rear light is 93 yards behind the front light
What channel do you raise LA Port pilots on? What Channel do you raise LB Port pilots on? What channel do you raise VTS on?
LA - ch 73
LB - ch 12
VTS - ch 14
Bonus : in case you cant remember this for practical knowledge all 3, LA/LB pilots and VTS also monitor ch 16 and ch 13 so you can also try to raise them on one of those if you forget.
Where is the the “super Tanker channel” as stated in the Coast Pilot. What berths are included for this area for deep drafted vessels ?
The super tanker channel leads west from the main channel after entering from seaward into the main channel. The berths that the super channel lead to are berths 45 -50
The Coast pilot states that the super tanker channel depths are maintained deeper than their project depths which are _____ feet and ______feet
40 feet
45 feet
Inland Navigation Rules, Rule 9 : tell me what rule 9 is and what size vessels it governs.
The Los Angeles and Long Beach main channels are considered narrow channels. Vessels less than 20 meters in length, sailing vessels, vessels engaged in fishing, or any vessel attempting to cross these channels shall not impede a vessel that can only safely navigate within a narrow channel
How many structures and or bridges are there combined in both Ports? Name them.
There are 6
Vincent Thomas Bridge : H 165 (185 middle 500’) W 1150
Henry Ford Bridge : H 165/6.7 W180
Commodore Schuyler F Heim Bridge : H 45 W 75
Overhead Power Cables : H 155
Gerald Desmond Bridge : H 205 W 220
Queensway/ Magnolia Av bridge : H 45 W 500
Long Beach light. Tell me general location. What are its characteristics?
Location : from seaward into harbor, will be on port side when crossing through breakwall
Characteristics: Fl W 5s, 50’ high, 14 nm range, the structure is a white building that has a Dayshape(NG) divided into 4 sectors, the sides being white and the top/bottom being green with a white reflective boarder. It’s horn sounds 1 every 30 s (3s bl)
Ernie Question : chart 18749 and 51 a mariner activated radio sound signal (MRASS) fixed aid to navigation located at the southwest corner of reservation point can be activated how?
Keying the mic 5 times on ch 81a