Parturition, dystocia, post-partum events and reproductive surgery Flashcards
Decsribe rupture pre-pubic tendon or abdominal wall rupture
mainly heavy horses
Characterised by massive ventral swelling and oedema, abdominal pain and often recumbency
Describe how to manage abdominal wall rupture in pregnant mare
Use of belly band in late pregnancy?
Prognosis is poor because mare cannot generate expulsive abdominal effort
Parturition normally need to be induced- assistance with delivery
How to induce parturition in the mare
PG (higher dose than luteolytic)
Oxytocin- if close to due date
List 3 indications for induction of parturition of mare
- mares with dystocia or premature placental separation in previous deliveries
- Mares with abnormalities such as rupture of the prepubic tendon
- Mares that are very uncomfortable with marked ventral oedema and are running milk and have an open cervix
List 3 criteria for induction of parturition
adequate gestation length- at least 330days
adequate mammary development and milk/colostrum production
suitable softening of the cervix
List 5 things that can be used to predict parturition
Date of conception
Estimation of fetal age using ultrasound
Relaxation of pelvic ligaments
Waxing up of the teats
Change in mammary secretion
What is the most common cause of dystocia in mares
fetal disposition
How to treat perineal tears
Usually best to delay repair as heal well without treatment- Except third degree laceration
NSAIDs + topical treatments (lavage etc)
Don’t forget tetanus status
how long till placenta delivered in mares
within 3 hours of foaling- after this considered abnormal
How to treat retained fetal membranes in mare
- Separate allanto-chorion from uterus at vulva
- Twist allanto-chorion so force evenly applied
- Insert hand between uterus and allanto-chorion
- If haemorrhage or not easily separating – STOP
- Either attempt oxytocin treatment or preventative treatments and revisit in 8 hours
- Daily Abs and anti-inflam and lavage
Philomena foaled at grass 7 days ago. It has been very cold and the ground is frozen and she has been quite hungry. The foal is sucking well.
This morning she did not seem able to nibble at the grass, and what she did pull up fell out of her mouth. This afternoon she has developed some kind of fasiculations
what metabolic condition is this
signs of hypocalcaemia in mares
Mild cases appear to be hyperaesthesia and dry faeces
This is followed by inability to prehend food (which worsens the condition)
Subsequently there is diaphragmatic asynchrony (‘thumps’)
How to treat hypocalcaemia in mare
Treatment is slow infusion of calcium borogluconate to effect whilst continuously monitoring cardiac activity
what does Caslick’s Vulvoplasty aim to do
Aims to close the dorsal commissure of the vulva and so improve the vulval seal
3 Indications for a caslick vulvoplasty
Correction of mild conformational abnormalities which cause pneumovagina
Sunken anus
Sloping of the vulva
List 2 complications of caslicks vulvoplasty
faecal accumulation on sutures
wound breakdown
what is the aim of a episioplasty
Aims to produce some reduction in diameter of the vestibule- decreasing potential for contamination
2 indications of episiopasty
Correction of moderate conformational abnormalities which lead to pneumovagina
Elevated vulva in relation to pelvic floor
what are the aims of Perineal Body Transection (Pouret’s Operation
Aims to increase the distance between the anus and the vulva- restores anatomy and function
indications of Perineal Body Transection (Pouret’s Operation)
Correction of severe conformational abnormalities which lead to pneumovagina
what do you need to advise owner regarding 3rd degree perineal laceration
No use for that breeding season
Anus may never function again
May require more than one attempt at surgical repair
what are the aims of clitoral sinusectomy
To remove the sinus areas to ensure that CEMO (contagious equine metritis organism) cannot be harboured prior to export
Describe first degree laceration
small tears with significant reddening and bleeding - will settle with general nursing care
Describe a second degree laceration
laceration through the vulval lips
hole may seal on its own but if not can be sutured after sloughing has occured
Describe a 3rd degree laceration
extends through the anal sphincter muscle- anus and vestibule become one opening
Describe a recto-vaginal fistula
hole through the vestibule wall into the anus - doesn’t extend to the edge of the anus - will need to be turned into a third degree laceration to be fixed