PARTIES - key ideas and principles of the two main parties Flashcards
Which country’s parties are wider (in terms of ideology)? The UK or USA?
US Parties are far wider in the ideology spectrum too as they facilitate a varying range of opinions.
E.g., Senator Susan Collins is a pro-choice Republican.
Senator James Inhofe is a pro-life Republican. He introduced a bill to congress which would not allow the taxpayer to fund abortion.
On which level are US parties organised?
National infrastructures - Republican National Committee and the Democratic National Committee head their parties.
E.g., the party platform is produced by the RNC etc.
So, do state level organisation not exist?
Parties in America are also organised at a state level - every state has its own Democrat and Republican Parties with their own party platforms which are relevant to the state they’re in.
What divides America’s two main parties?
How do Americans identify themselves?
Most Americans identify themselves as Conservative - 35% approx
20% approx identify themselves as Liberal
What divides America’s two main parties?
How is the word, ‘liberal’ used differently in the US and Europe?
In EU, liberalism refers to classical liberalism and the likes of Maggie T and laissez-faire economics.
In the USA, liberalism refers to modern/social liberalism which advocates for a mixed economy and the welfare state.
What divides America’s two main parties?
What policies do American liberals tend to support?
Fiscal liberals believe in a small government which fights inequality, supports low taxes, and has greater regulation.
Socially, liberals advocate for civil rights, abortion rights, gay marriage, gun control rights etc.
What divides America’s two main parties?
What policies do American conservatives tend to support?
Fiscal conservatives want a small government, low taxes, and limited regulation.
What divides America’s two main parties?
Why are America’s parties described as big tent parties?
There have been moments where voting behaviour of Dems and Reps in Congress have overlapped.
There are Conservative Reps and Liberal Reps and there are Conservative Dems and Liberal Dems.
What divides America’s two main parties?
Define the 100-party system
Nelson W Polsby argued that variations in the 50 political cultures of states have considerable differences overall in what it means to be an affiliate of either the Reps or the Dems.
He argues we have a 100-party system because the Dems in NYC differ crazily from the Dems in Texas.
What divides America’s two main parties?
Why do Americans feel like there is a substantial overlap between the two main parties?
Civil Rights Act 1964 was supported by 80% Reps and 64% Dems = support for the bill was geographical, and not ideological.
Policy differences
Social and moral issues | death penalty
evi :)
Democrats oppose the death penalty and want a fairer legal system whilst Republicans are more supportive of the death penalty and support the rights of states to execute citizens necessary.
29% of Dems strongly oppose death penalty.
9% of Reps strongly oppose death penalty.
Policy differences
Social and moral issues | same-sex marriage
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Democrats are forward thinking but they recognise that there is work that still needs to be done. Republicans believe in the nuclear family based on heterosexual marriage.
Obergefell v Hodges 2015 - Reps disagreed with this ruling and Dems agreed with this - O was a gay man who was married to Arthur, who was dying of cancer. Ohio didn’t recognise their marriage, but by a 5-4 ruling, the SC stated that if you’re married in one state, other states must recognise it.
The Dems supported the ruling, the Reps disagreed with the ruling.
Policy differences
Social and moral issues | abortion
evi :)
Dems believe that women should have access to quality reproductive healthcare services, including a safe and legal abortion. Reps believe however, that the sanctity of human life and unborn human children have a right to life which cannot be infringed.
Trump became the first sitting president to attend an anti-abortion rally in Jan 2020 - he argued that ‘every person is worth protecting’
2021 Dec abortion legislation - state legislatures made headlines when they enacted laws that restricted abortions e.g., Texas forbidding abortions after six weeks, has become the first state to effectively eliminate most procedures statewide since Roe v Wade.
Policy differences
Social and moral issues | environment
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The Dems are committed to the climate crisis - they want to ensure that 50% of their electricity came from clean energy resources within a decade.
Republicans support the development of any and all forms of energy that are beneficial or profitable for a free economy without subsidies (oil, coal, natural gas, nuclear power, hydropower)
Trump’s govt withdrew from the Paris Agreement in 2017 which sought to promote greater greener energy sources.
Biden re-joined the Paris Climate Agreement and wants the US to reach net zero emissions by 2050.
Policy differences
Social and moral issues | guns
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Dems want to expand and strengthen background checks to close dangerous loopholes that enable access to weapons of war - Reps firmly support firearm reciprocity legislation which acknowledges the right of individuals to use firearms to protect themselves or their family.
Mark and Patricia from Missouri 2020 June - during George Floyd protests, they pointed firearms and yelled at trespassing protesters - they were charged and they were forced to pay fines. They later criticised the BLM protesters at the 2020 RNC.
Policy differences
Social and moral issues | immigration
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Dems believe they need to fix the immigration system to create newer and legal paths for citizenship for their law-abiding families.
Reps believe their highest priority is to secure borders and ports of entry to enforce stricter immigration laws.
Trump in 2020 wanted to ‘build a wall’ and make Mexico pay for it. He also temporarily banned Muslims entering the country in 2017 through exec order 13769.
Right now, Biden faced criticisms (2021 Sep) over the failure to uphold humane immigration system following mishandling of the Haitian Migrant Crisis, following images of border patrol agents on horseback trampling migrants. This mainly happened in Texas, following the assassination of Haitian president. Biden nearly doubled the amount of daily deportation flights back to Haiti from four to seven.
Policy differences
Economic issues | tax
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Dems believe that wealthier Americans should pay more tax and that companies who work unethically should have their tax breaks removed (companies who cause pollution etc.)
Reps are more supportive of tax breaks for companies and believe that taxes should be cut in order to promote growth.
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act 2017 = $1.5 trillion tax cuts helped billionaires pay lower rate than the working class.
Biden 2021 - less than two months after his inauguration, Biden moved forward on the three elements of his Build Back Better program = increasing corporate income tax rate from 21% to 28%
Policy differences
Economic issues | minimum wage
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Dems believe in raising the federal minimum wage to $15 and over time, to give all Americans the opportunity to join a union regardless of where they work.
Reps believe that the minimum wage is an issue that should not be handled federally - it’s rarely mentioned by the Reps.
Biden - supported raising the federal minimum wage to $15 hourly from the current $7.25.
As of 2021, a majority (51%) of Reps also support raising the federal minimum wage above $7.25
Policy differences
Economic issues | banking
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Dems believe Wall Street cannot be an island in itself and gambling trillions in risky finance is incorrect.
Republicans believe that no financial institution is too big to fail - they support legislation that ensures issues of financial institutions can be resolved via the Bankruptcy Code.
Republicans are more laissez-faire = they rejected the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Consumer Protection Act in 2010 which regulated Wall Street following the financial crash.
Dems supported the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Consumer Protection Act 2010 which brought in regulation to prevent a crisis.
Policy differences
Social welfare | healthcare
evi :)
Dems believe that all people should be able to access healthcare, with government supporting this in the form of Obamacare, whilst Reps believe that healthcare is best run by the private sector who offer the most choice to the individual.
Obamacare progression * check case study flash card.
Policy differences
Social welfare | education
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Dems believe that every student should be able to access college, debt-free, and working families should not have to pay large sums of tuition to access uni.
Reps believe that the govt should not intervene in distributing student loans.
Policy similarities?
Student expenses
They both believe that student expenses for college should be reduced – it’s just that the Republicans want to do it without federal involvement, whilst the Democrats want to do it with federal involvement.
Policy similarities?
Keynesianism economics
Although Republicans are associated with laissez-faire economics, they can demonstrate pragmatism quite significantly – associated with conservatism.
In 2020, Reps supported a Keynesian-style Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act under Donald Trump - which provided $2.2 trillion economic stimulus for the economy.
Policy similarities?
Minimum wage
Minimum wage IS an issue for both Democrats and Republicans – it’s just that Republicans don’t think it’s an issue that the Federal government should be dealing with.
Policy differences
Obamacare case study
How did this healthcare system work?
Passed in 2010 with intention of expanding healthcare coverage.
Medicare guarantees healthcare for those 65+, but it only covers those on an extremely low income.
Millions cannot afford healthcare expenses - medical bills became the most common cause for bankruptcy in the USA.
Obama introduced ACA which basically offers subsidies to a greater number of people which expands the pool of people who can qualify for medicaid.
It requires insurance policies to offer a minimum standard of healthcare coverage - there is also an individual mandate which requires Americans to buy health insurance in the form of tax –> encourages the young to buy insurance.
This helped 13 million people!
Policy differences
Obamacare case study
Why did Reps oppose it?
‘The most dangerous legislation ever passed’
There have been 60 unsuccessful congressional votes to repeal it - 4 appearances in front of the SCOTUS.
Republicans want self-reliance and small government.
Many Rep states refused to expand Medicaid coverage for their people, declining the federal funding they would be entitled to on principle.
Fiscally - Obamacare is unsustainable because the cost of Medicaid has gone up and private healthcare premiums have risen too.