CONSTITUTION - basic info Flashcards
How many states in the USA?
When did America declare its independence? Who from?
America declared independence on the 4th July 1776, from Britain
How many time zones does mainland USA have?
FOUR Eastern time Central time Mountain time Pacific time
12.00 pm in New York? 9 am in California
How many people have served as President of the USA?
44 men have served as President of the USA
Trump is the 45th President of the USA.
Joe Biden is 46th.
The two main parties?
Democrats - Donkey
Republicans - Elephant
Three bodies constituting three parts of the Federal government?
President is the Executive
Congress is the Legislative
Supreme Court is the Judiciary
How often is the US President elected?
Every four years…. the last election was on Tuesday 3rd November 2020.
What are the two chambers of Congress?
House of Representatives - 435 members
Senate - 100 members
What’s the difference between senators and congressmen/women?
Senators represent the entirety of a state whilst congressmen and congresswomen only represent a congressional district.
AOC is the House of Representatives Congresswomen for the 14th Congressional District of New York
How often are Congressional elections?
All of the House of Representatives are up for election every 2 years/
Senators serve 6 year terms and so 1/3 of the Senate are elected every two years.
America’s geographical features
America is geographically isolated
America is very large - the UK could fit into Oregon alone. The 48 mainland states have 4 time zones alone/
There is diversity in landscape… Florida is tropical, Alaska has arctic weather, and Arizona has deserts whilst New Hampshire and Maine have dense forestation.
America’s racial and ethnic diversity
‘Nation of immigrants’
Hyphenated society… African-Americans, Italian-Americans, Asian-Americans.
2065 - no racial or ethnic group will be a majority in the USA.
Two Americas? What does this mean?
Blue Democrat areas are typically urban areas such as California and such.
Red Republican areas such as Arkansas are are not.
This refers to the division between Democrats and Republicans.
Name a colony starting with D
Name a colony starting with P
Name a colony starting with G
Name a colony starting with C
Name a colony starting with S
South Carolina
Name a colony starting with V
Name a colony starting with R
Rhode Island
Name the two colonies starting with M
Name the three colonies starting with New
New Jersey
New Hampshire
New York
Name the one colony starting with North
North Carolina