ELECTIONS - Party Conventions and Campaign Flashcards
Balancing the ticket
This means having two people with varied positions. In 2008, this could be seen through Obama being a young black man, and Biden being an old white man. Biden was selected as Obama’s running mate, but prior, he was a Senator.
Ideological balance = Ronald Reagan (right-wing) picked Bush (moderate).
Experience = Biden served in the senate for 36 years whilst Obama served for 4 years.
Balancing the ticket doesn’t always work… Sarah Palin
The Palin McCain duo = she was young and female (2008).
She was the Governor of Alaska… she goes wrong.
Infamous interview = she said that she had foreign policy experience because Alaska was near Russia. SNL did a skit on this which made it famous. Initially she was successful, but McCain eventually lost.
Potential in government
You must select a running mate who can run the country if the president must step down/dies/resigns.
An example of this can be seen through Governor George W. Bush selecting Dick Cheney in 2000.
Bush had 0 experience in Washington and so he lacked knowledge. He chose Cheney because he needed someone to help him run the White House. Cheney had been a member of Congress, rising to be the Republican whip in the House of Reps which is the number two spot in the house Republican leadership team.
Unifying the Party
This is one way to unify the party after the intense primaries - an eventual candidate usually chooses one of his formal rivals as his running mate.
Trump choosing Mike Pence in 2020.
Why do you think Kamala Harris was selected as Biden’s running mate?
She is a young, woman of colour, which fits Biden’s agenda perfectly - this was successful cause Biden won
V.P additional info
- you don’t want to be overshadowed.
2. Trump’s stance = I’m not a politician, so my V.P is an absolute politician.
What is this stage?
This is the period after the convention when candidates and their running mates travel across the country to gain support. This also includes the TV debates in October and this period officially ends in November with Election Day.
Where do candidates look to campaign?
BATTLEGROUND STATES - also known as swing states, but these are states that both parties can win.
Bellwether states are states that usually point towards the winner.
You DON’T campaign everywhere - Richard Nixon did this and he lost because John F Kennedy was in the Battleground states winning (1960)
What are the bellwether states?
Michigan, Florida, Arizona, Ohio (though less), Georgia, and Texas (becoming more Democratic).
How do you know if the campaign is working?
Polling - every day you commission polls, and no national polls, only state-wide polls.
When are they held?
Generally held in July/August in a major city. You often pick a swing state.
In 2016, Republicans picked Cleveland, Ohio. Republicans won Ohio.
Democrats picked Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
What affects choice of location?
Whether you’ve been successful in that state before is important… if it’s a battleground state, you want to establish dominance there, so you’d select it.
What locations did Biden and Trump use in 2020?
None, because of Covid
Trump used the White House (controversially), and Biden did his online.
Trump’s main message in 2020
- Patriotism, hence the many USA flags in the back of the podium.
- ‘That China allowed to spread’ - blaming China for Covid.
- ‘Biden is weak’ - he is being led by weak liberals.
- ‘Americans build our future; we don’t tear down our past’ - referring to cancel culture briefly.
- ‘Biden is a Trojan horse for socialism’ - whistle for the white working classes.
Biden’s main message in 2020
- ‘The current president has cloaked the darkness for took long’
- Used Charlottesville clips to address racial violence and white supremacy
- ‘We the people, will come together’
- Imagery of women and POC voters.
- Still patriotic - ‘battle for the soul of the nation’ - flags and fireworks were present.
- Uses a video of Trump moving BLM protest for a photo op outside Church.
a) Informal role: Selling the candidate
Multi-million dollar event with extensive TV coverage - this allows the candidate to have significant media coverage especially during their acceptance speech.
Obama’s 2007 speech had an audience of 39 million television viewers.
The nominee can talk directly to their voters in speech and set their campaign narrative - it allows rising starts to mark their future campaigns, as Obama did in 2004.
b) Informal role: Party unity
Invisible primaries and the following primaries are internally bruising - candidates from the same party are pitted against each other. The convention gives the party the opportunity to repair the damage done by having them compete against the opposing party -
2008, Hilary Clinton opened her convention speech with ‘I am honoured to be here tonight. A proud mother. A proud democrat. A proud American. And a proud supporter of Barack Obama’
a) Formal role: Selecting party candidates for presidency
Most party delegates are bound by rules as to whom they have to vote for, but this is still a process which takes place at conventions which formally acknowledges the party’s nominee for president and V.P. In the vote of delegates, a simple majority of votes cast is needed to approve a candidate.
b) Formal role: Adopting a party platform/policy
In theory, the convention allows for discussion on and amendments to the party platform (manifesto). Parties consider what their members want but the National Party Convention is a rubber stamp for the platform. The majority of platform policy is established by the Platform Committees of each party in the days before the convention - this is done now in collaboration with the presumptive nominee. The platforms are then rubber-stamped by a vote at the convention.