Part XIX Flashcards
verify 5.7
v/ make sure or demonstrate that (something) is true, accurate, or justified
:: doğrulamak
Are you able to verify your account/allegation/report/theory?
verus (Lt): true
verdict: doğru söz
vermin 21.7
n/ small animals and insects that can be harmful and are difficult to control when they appear in large numbers
:: haşarat, zararlı hayvan
Flies, lice, and cockroaches can all be described as vermin.
vermis: worm
veremin nedeni bitler
versatile 8.9
j/ able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities.
:: çok yönlü
He’s a very versatile young actor who’s as happy in highbrow dramas as he is in TV comedies.
A leather jacket is a timeless and versatile garment that can be worn in all seasons
vertere–versat > her yere dönebilen
verse 5.5
n/ writing arranged with a metrical rhythm, typically having a rhyme.
:: nazım, dörtlük, mısra, ayet
comic/light/satirical verse
Shakespeare wrote mostly in verse.
She recited a verse from the Bible/the Koran.
Each verse was sung as a solo and then everyone joined in on the chorus.
vessel 2.9
n/ a ship or large boat.
:: tekne, gemi, kanal, damar, kap
a cargo/fishing/naval/patrol/sailing/supply vessel
The remains of some Roman earthenware vessels were found during the dig.
A heart attack is caused by the blood vessels that supply the blood to the heart muscle getting blocked.
vestige 13.5
n/ a small part or amount of something larger, stronger, or more important that still exists from something that existed in the past (trace) // a trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists.
:: yok olmuş bir şeyden kalmış iz
These old buildings are the last vestiges of a colonial past.
There is now no vestige of hope that the missing children will be found alive.
veteran 2.4
n/ a person who has had a lot of experience of a particular activity.
:: emektar, eski tüfek
a Vietnam veteran
the surviving veterans of World War II
Thousands of veterans will take part in a commemoration of the battle.
vicariously 22.3
adv/ in a vicarious way (= experienced through the activities of other people, rather than by doing something yourself)
:: başkasının yaptığıyla tecrübe ederek
Some parents seem to live vicariously through their children.
People like to vicariously experience that kind of danger.
An employer could be vicariously liable/responsible for acts of harassment committed by employees.
vice versa
adv/ used to say that what you have just said is also true in the opposite order
:: aksi de doğrudur, karşı durumu da doğrudur
He doesn’t trust her, and vice versa (= she also doesn’t trust him)
If they go away, we have their children and vice versa.
He refuses to believe anything they say and vice versa.
vicinity 9.6
n/ the area near or surrounding a particular place.
:: civar yerler, yakın çevre alanlar
There are several hotels in the immediate vicinity of the station.
We could see that there were several open Wi-Fi networks in the vicinity.
Anyone who happened to be in the vicinity could have been injured or killer
vicious 6.3
vicious circle?
j/ deliberately cruel or violent.
:: kasıtlı olarak kötü, acımasız, ıstırap veren
(brutal, ferocious, cruel, ruthless, merciless, grim)
a vicious thug a vicious dog The police said that this was one of the most vicious attacks they'd ever seen. a vicious lie/accusation/rumour I have a vicious headache. He gave her a vicious look
vigil 10.3
n/ an act of staying awake, especially at night, in order to be with a person who is very ill or dying, or to make a protest, or to pray
:: gece nöbeti, gece ibadeti
His parents kept vigil beside his bed for weeks before he died.
Supporters of the peace movement held an all-night candlelit vigil outside the cathedral.
vigorous 6.3
j/ strong, healthy, and full of energy.
:: güçlü kuvvetli, canlı başlı, enerjik
vigorous debate
There has been vigorous opposition to the proposals for a new road.
He takes plenty of vigorous exercise.
vigor: dinçlik, yaşama gücü, güç kuvvet
vile 13.9
j/ extremely unpleasant, immoral, and unacceptable.
:: aşağılık, adi, son derece çirkin
This vile policy of ethnic cleansing must be stopped
This cheese smells vile
He responded with the vilest language imaginable.
vilis : low value
vindicate 13.5
v/ to prove that what someone said or did was right or true, after other people thought it was wrong. // clear (someone) of blame or suspicion.
:: karşı tarafın yanılmış olduğunu kanıtlamak, haklı çıkarmak, şüpheleri gidermek (acquit?)
The decision to include Morris in the team was completely vindicated when he scored two goals.
The investigation vindicated her complaint about the newspaper.
vindictive 19.1
j/ having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge.
:: kindar, intikam güden
In the movie “Cape Fear”, a lawyer’s family is threatened by a vindictive former prisoner.
She was immature, spiteful, even vindictive at times.
vine 5.7
n/ the climbing plant that produces grapes as its fruit
:: asma, bağ, üzüm kütüğü
The vine twines round the pole.
We always buy tomatoes on the vine.
wine: şarap // grape: üzüm
vintage 6.4
n/ the year or place in which wine, especially wine of high quality, was produced.
:: (1983, fransa) mahsülü
The 1983 vintage was one of the best.
What vintage is this wine? (= In what year was it made?)
Cars of recent vintage may not need inspection.
violate 2.9
v/ break or fail to comply with (a rule or formal agreement).
:: ihlal etmek, kuralı çiğnemek
It seems that the troops deliberately violated the ceasefire agreement.
The doctor has been accused of violating professional ethics
violent 2.1
j/ using or involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
:: şiddetli, şiddet içeren
He yells a lot but I don’t think he’s ever been physically violent towards her.
Some scenes are violent and may disturb younger viewers.
virtual 3.7
j/ almost or nearly as described, but not completely or according to strict definition.
:: sanal, gerçekmiş gibi, gerçeğin kıyısında
He is a virtual prisoner in his own home.
She suffered a virtual breakdown when her marriage broke up.
virtue: erdem // virtuous: erdemli
virtually 2.0
adv/ nearly; almost.
:: neredeyse, büyük oranda
That wine stain on my shirt has virtually disappeared.
The hospital had virtually given her up for dead, but she eventually recovered.
vivid 5.6
v/ producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
:: canlı, inandırıcı
He gave a very vivid and often shocking account/description of his time in prison.
He’s one of those people with a very vivid imagination - every time he hears a noise he’s convinced it’s someone breaking in.
She was wearing a vivid pink shirt
vivere (Lt) – to live
vivacious: hayat dolu, şen şakrak
vocation 10.1
n/ a type of work that you feel you are suited to doing and to which you should give all your time and energy, or the feeling that a type of work suits you in this way
:: yatkın olunulan iş
I feel I’ve found/missed my true vocation.
Most teachers regard their profession as a vocation, not just a job.
To work in medicine, you should have a vocation for it.
vacation: tatil
void 6.9
n/ a large hole or empty space.
:: boşluk, hükümsüz, boş
She stood at the edge of the chasm and stared into the void.
Before Einstein, space was regarded as a formless void
The original version of her will was declared void.
volatile 6.6
j/ (of a substance) easily evaporated at normal temperatures. (uçucu)
j// liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse.(oynak, değişken, uçuveren)
Food and fuel prices are very volatile in a war situation
He had a volatile temper and couldn’t have been easy to live with.
The substance is highly volatile
voluntarily 7.4
adv/ in a voluntary way (= done, made, or given willingly)
:: gönüllü olarak
If you don’t leave voluntarily then we will send you away
He went voluntarily to the police to explain what he had done.
volunteer 2.2
n/v/ a person who does something, especially helping other people, willingly and without being forced or paid to do it
:: gönüllü, gönüllü olmak
The Health clinic is relying on volunteers to run the office and answer the phones
During the emergency many staff volunteered to work through the weekend.
He volunteered for* the army
vomit 8.9
v/ to empty the contents of the stomach through the mouth (throw up, puke)
:: kusmak
He came home drunk and vomited all over the kitchen floor.
She was vomiting (up) blood
vow 5.5
n/v/ to make a determined decision or promise to do something
:: yemin etmek, ant içmek
After a lengthy and painful divorce, she vowed never to remarry.
She took/made a vow never to lend money to anyone again.
voyage 6.7
n/ a long journey, especially by ship
:: seyahat, yolculuk
He was a young sailor on his first sea voyage.
The first year of a loving relationship is a voyage (= period) of discovery
vulgar 11.6
j/ lacking sophistication or good taste; unrefined.
:: adi, bayağı, nezaketsiz
Isn’t it rather vulgar to talk about how much money you earn?
It was an extremely vulgar joke
vulgus (Lt) : avam
vulnerable 2.9
j/ susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm.
:: duyarlı, kolay incinir, savunmasız
Tourists are more vulnerable to attack, because they do not know which areas of the city to avoid.
Start-ups are very vulnerable in the business world
wail 9.0
v/ give a cry of pain, grief, or anger. // to make a long, high cry, usually because of pain or sadness
:: feryat figan etmek, acıyla ağlamak
The women gathered around the coffin and began to wail, as was the custom in the region.
“My finger hurts,” wailed the child.
The four babies were wailing in unison.
Business people wailed that their trade would be ruined.
wander 3.2
v/ walk or move in a leisurely, casual, or aimless way.
:: aylak aylak dolaşmak
We spent the morning wandering around the old part of the city.
She was found several hours later, wandering the streets, lost.
He was here a minute ago but he’s wandered off somewhere.
wane 10.2
v/ to become weaker in strength or influence
:: eriyip solmak, tavsamak
By the late 70s the band’s popularity was beginning to wane
There are signs that support for the group is on the wane
vanus – vain
warrant 6.0
v/ to make a particular activity necessary
:: gerektirmek (entail, call for)
Obviously what she did was wrong, but I don’t think it warranted such a severe punishment.
It’s a relatively simple task that really doesn’t warrant a great deal of time being spent on it.
n/ an official document, signed by a judge or other person in authority, that gives the police permission to search someone’s home, arrest a person, or take some other action
:: arama izni, yetki belgesi
Judge La Riva had issued an arrest warrant/a warrant for his arrest.
wary 6.0
j/ not completely trusting or certain about something or someone (cautious, prudent, wary)
:: temkinli, ihtiyatlı
I’m a little wary of/about giving people my address when I don’t know them very well
Buyers should be wary of hidden costs when purchasing their holiday.
wasteful 13.3
j/ (of a person, action, or process) using or expending something of value carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose.
:: savurgan, müsrif
(wasteful, extravagant, prodigal, lavish)
It’s wasteful the way you throw so much food away!
wealth 2.5
n/ an abundance of valuable possessions or money.
:: zenginlik, mal varlığı, servet
During a successful business career, she accumulated a great amount of wealth.
Appalling poverty and great wealth coexist in the city.
wealthy: zengin, varlıklı
: having a great deal of money, resources, or assets; rich.
weary 6.8
j/ feeling or showing tiredness, especially as a result of excessive exertion or lack of sleep.
:: bitkin, yorgun, bezgin
(exhausted, tired, weary)
I think he’s a little weary after his long journey.
Here, sit down and rest your weary legs
weave 4.9
v/ dokumak, zikzak yaptırmak
This type of wool is woven into fabric which will make jackets
It takes great skill to weave a basket from/out of rushes.
weep 5.7
v/ shed tears.
:: göz yaşı dökmek, ağlamak
People in the street wept with joy when peace was announced.
He wept tears of rage/joy when he heard the news
weeping meadow
weigh 2.5
v/ find out how heavy (someone or something) is, typically using scales.
Yesterday a satellite weighing 15 tons was successfully placed in orbit.
She weighs herself every week on the scales in the bathroom
She weighs between 55 and 60 kilograms.
weight // overweight // lightweight // heavyweight // outweigh //
weird 3.9
j/ suggesting something supernatural; uncanny.
:: acayip, tuhaf
Her boyfriend’s a bit weird but she’s nice.
That’s weird - I thought I left my keys on the table but they’re not there.
weirdo: tuhaf kimse
welfare 1.9
n/ the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group.
:: refah, esenlik
We were concerned for our parents’ welfare when we heard about the storm in Florida
n// help given, especially by the state or an organization, to people who need it, especially because they do not have enough money
:: sosyal yardım
Your taxes pay for welfare benefits such as unemployment and sickness pay
It is widely acknowledged that the welfare system is under-resourced.
Since being made redundant, he has been receiving welfare.
whirl 8.1
v/ to (cause something to) turn around in circles
:: olduğu yerde dönmek
He whirled her around until she felt quite sick
whirlpool: girdap
wholesale 7.5
j/ done on a large scale; extensive.
:: toptan
a wholesale price/rate: The wholesale market price of gasoline is starting to rise.
wholesale sales/trade: During August, total wholesale sales dropped 0.9%
wholesaler: toptancı
wicked 7.8
j/evil or morally wrong.
:: kötü, habis
It was a wicked thing to do.
Of course, in the end, the wicked witch gets killed.
widespread 3.3
j/ existing or happening over a large area or number of people.
:: yaygın, geniş ölçekli
(general, extensive, universal, common, global, worldwide)
There are reports of widespread flooding in northern France.
Malnutrition in the region is widespread - affecting up to 78 percent of children under five years old.
The campaign has received widespread support.