Part lV Flashcards
gaze 3.3
n/ look steadily and lntently, especially in admiration, surprise or thought. a steady intent look.
syn: stare
:: dik dik bakmak, gözünü dikmek
v/ to look at something or someone for a long time, especially in surprise or admiration, or because you are thinking about something else.
Annette gazed admiringly at Warren as he spoke.
He spends hours gazing out of the window when he should be working
gâze gelmek, gâz değmesi
genuine 3.7
j/ truly what sth is said to be; authentic.
syn: real, actual, bona fide
genuine 24 carat gold
:: hakiki, gerçek, içten
ghastly 14.6
j/ causing great horror or fear; frightful or macabre.
syn: terrible, horrible
Today’s newspaper gives all the ghastly details of the murder.
:: korkunç, ölü gibi solgun, berbat
ghost -> ghast-ly
glacier 8.0
iceberg: buzdağı
glamorous 8.2
göz alıcı, büyüleyici, çekici
glance 2.4
v/ take a brief or hurried look
:: kısa bir bakış atmak, göz gezdirmek
She glanced around/round the room to see who was there.
Could you glance over/through this letter and see if it’s alright?
glass altından glance
lancet: neşter / lance: mızrak
cover (a metal object) with a thin coating or film of a different metal.
syn: covered, coated
:: kaplama, kaplı, kaplanmış
gold/silver plated
goodwill 8.9
n/ friendly, helpful or cooperative feelings or attitude.
:: iyi niyet, temiz kalplilik; hava parası
gorgeous 5.5
very attractive
syn: spectacular, magnificent, wonderful, fabulous
:: muhteşem, harika
gospel 5.5
n/ the teaching or revelation of christ.
syn: bible, new testament, evangel, good book, holy writ
good spell= gospel
governor 1.8
grateful 3.6
j/ feeling or showing an appreciation for sth done or received.
syn: thankful, appreciative
:: minnettar, müteşekkir
gratis 33.0
adv/ without charge; free.
I’ll give it to you, gratis!
:: bedava, yok yere, sebepsiz yere
gratitude 7.1
n/ the qualify of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
syn: thankfulness, appreciation
She sent them a present to show/express her gratitude.
Take this as a token of my gratitude for all your help.
:: şükran, minnettarlık, gönül borcu
grave 3.3 - 6.1
j/ giving cause for alarm; serious
:: ciddi
n/ a place of burial for a dead body, typically a hole dug in ground and marked by a stone or mound.
:: kabir, mezar
greed 6.8
n/ intense and selfish desire for sth, especially wealth, power or food.
syn: avarice, cupidity, covetousness
:: açgözlülük, hırs, oburluk
greedy; aç gözlü, doyumsuz
grudge 14.5
n/ a persistent feeling of ill will or resentment resulting from a past insult or injury.
:: hınç — resentment
:: garez
:: kin — hatred
gruesome 11.6
j/ causing repulsion or horror; grisly.
syn: grisly, ghastly, frightful, horrid
:: ürkütücü, dehşet verici, korkunç
austerity 15.1
:: masraftan kısma, tasarruf, haşinlik
austere: sade, süssüz, hoşgörüsüz
austerity measures: kemer sıkma politikaları
intriguing 5.9
j/ arousing one’s curiosity or interest; fascinating
:: merak uyandırıcı, ilgi çekici
? dalavereci, / entrikacı /
harass 7.2
v/ to continue to annoy or upset sb over a period of time
:: taciz/tedirgin/rahatsız etmek, bezdirmek, usandırmak
harassment: usandırma, bezdirme
hardship 7.0
n/ severe suffering or privation.
syn: privation, deprivation, destitution, poverty
:: sıkıntı, zorluk, yokluk
The 1930s were a time of high unemployment and economic hardship.
haughty 20.5
showing that you think you are much better or more important than other people.
syn: proud, arrogant, disdainful
:: mağrur, kibirli, tepeden bakan, kendini beğenmiş
okunuş: hâdi (hadi abicim ya)
haunt 5.0 (v)
j/ (of a place) frequented by a ghost.
v/ (of a ghost) manifest ltself at (a place) regularly.
haunted: perili, hayaletli, cinli
j/ sık gidilen yer, uğrak
v/ aklından çıkmamak, gözünün önünün gitmemek, musallat olmak
hunt: av haunt: cinlerin av yeri
h aunt -> halamın evi cinli
30 years after the fire he is still haunted by images of death and destruction.
His experiences in the prison camp continued to haunt him.
heap 7.1
n/ an untidy collection of objects placed haphazardly on top of each other.
syn: pile, stack
:: yığın, küme, öbek
haze 8.3
n/ a slight obstruction of the lower atmosphere; typically caused by fine suspended particles.
syn: mist, fog
:: pus, hafif sis
haven 5.7
n/ a place of safety or refuge.
syn: refuge, shelter
:: sığınak, liman
hasty 13.0
j/ done with excessive speed or urgency; hurried.
:: aceleci, acele
He warned against making hasty decisions.
I think perhaps we were a little hasty in judging him.
Now let’s not leap to any hasty conclusions.
hasten 9.6
v/ be quick to do sth
:: acele ettirmek, hızlandırmak
There is little doubt that poor medical treatment hastened her death.
These recent poor results have hastened the manager’s departure
fasten ? hasteneye ?
j/ (of a person) tending to work with energy and commitment, diligent.
anto: lazy
:: çalışkan, gayretli
hamper 9.2
v/ hinder or impede the movement or progress of.
anto: help
:: engellemek, köstek olmak
halt 5.3
v/ bring or come to an abrupt stop.
:: durmak, durdurmak
reluctantly 7.2
adv/ in an unwilling and hesitant way.
syn: unwillingly, halfheartedly, grudgingly
:: gönülsüzce, isteksizce, istemeye istemeye
deduce 13.7
v/ arrive at (a fact or a conclusion) by reasoning, draw as a logical conclusion.
syn: conclude, make inferences
:: sonuç çıkarmak
heed 9.3
v/ pay attention to; take notice of.
syn: (above ^), mind, caring
he should have heeded the warnings.
:: kulak vermek, aldırmak, dikkat etmek
proximity 6.6
n/ nearness in space, time or relationship
syn: closeness, nearness
The best thing about the location of the house is its proximity to the town centre.
:: yakınlık, yakın olma
approximately : yaklaşık olarak
elusive 7.0
j/ difficult to find, catch or achieve
illusive: aldatıcı, yanıltıcı
The answers to these questions remain as elusive as ever.
Success, however, remained elusive for her.
elusive memories
formation 3.0
n/ the action of forming or process of being formed.
:: oluşum, biçimlenme
where conditions can lead to the formation of liquid water
> sıvı su oluşumuna neden olabilecek koşulların yeri
probe 5.2
v/ physically explore or examine sth with the hands or an instrument.
:: derinlemesine araştırmak
:: sonda
The interviewer probed deep into her private life.
hollow 7.5
j/ having a hole or empty space inside
jj/ without real significance or value.
:: içi boş, oyuk, çukur, kof
n/ a hole or depression in sth
syn: pit, hole, cavity
Hollow blocks are used because they are lighter.
hint 3.9
n/ a slight or indirect indication or suggestion
:: ipucu, îmâ, çıtlatma
:: üstü kapalı söylemek, ima etmek
hoard 15.2
v/ accumulate (money or valued objects) and hide or store away.
:: istifçilik yapmak, üst üste düzenli koymak, biriktirmek
board of hoard
hoarse 14.6
j/ (of a person’s voice) sounding rough and harsh, typically as the result of a sore or of shouting.
:: boğuk/kısık sesli
horse gibi bağırmak -> hoarse
hitchhike 19.7
v/ travel by getting free lifts in passing vehicles.
:: otostop çekmek
(hiç hikingle işim olmaz otostop iyi)
hinge 8.9
n/ a movable joint or mechanism on which a door, gate or lid swings as it opens and closes or which connects linked objects.
:: menteşe, esas nokta
We had to take the front door off its hinges to get our new sofa into the house
hinder 8.3
v/ make it difficult for sb to do sth or for sth to happen
syn: hamper, obstruct, impede, inhibit, retard)
:: engellemek, önlemek, zora sokmak
hilarious 10.9
j/ very funny
:: çok komik, kırıp geçiren
He didn’t like the film at all - I thought it was hilarious
hike — hiking 4.4
v/ walk for a long distance, especially across country.
:: doğa yürüyüşü, uzun yürüyüş
highway 2.5
n/ a main road, especially one connecting major towns or cities.
:: anayol, otoban, karayolu
homicide 5.2
n/ the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another; murder.
:: cinayet, adam öldürme
homi: insan | cide: yok etme