Part V Flashcards
hostage 4.0
sb who is kept as a prisoner and may be hurt or killed in order to force other people to do sth
:: rehine
hospitable 15.0
j/ a hospitable person or place is friendly, pleasant and welcomes visitors.
:: konuksever, misafirperver, yaşaması uygun yer
host 1.8
n/ a person who receives or entertains other people as guests.
anto: guest
:: ev sahibi
hostess: hostes, ev sahibesi
offend 5.2
v/ cause to feel upset, annoyed or resentful
I was deeply offended by her comment
:: kırmak, gücendirmek, küstürmek
horrify 9.8
fill with horror; shock greatly.
syn: scare, frighten, intimidate, awe, dismay
:: dehşete düşürmek, korkutmak
humility 9.6
n/ the quality of not being proud or not thinking that you are better than other people.
syn: modesty, humbleness
:: tavâzu, alçakgönüllülük
humiliate 9.5
v/ make (someone) feel ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity and pride.
syn: mortify, embarress
:: aşağılamak, küçür düşürmek
humid 10.9
j/ marked by a relatively high level of water vapour in the atmosphere.
:: nemli, rutubetli (hava)
humane 8.6
j/ having or showing compassion or benevolence.
:: hümanist, yardımsever
hum 9.6
v/ make a low, steady continuous sound like that of a bee.
:: vızıldamak, hımlamak
howl 8.5
v-n/ a long, doleful cry uttered by an animal such as a dog or wolf.
:: ulumak, feryat etmek
owl: baykuş
hover 5.0
v/ remain in one place in the air.
:: havada asılı kalmak
housing 2.1
:: konut, iskan, ev
household 1.9
n/ a house and its occupants regarded as a unit.
:: hânehalkı
hostile 4.1
j/ showing or feeling opposition or dislike; unfriendly.
:: düşmanca, muhalif, hasım
redundancy 17.5
n/ the state of being not or no longer needed or useful.
:: fazlalık, ihtiyaç fazlası
herd of nerd
:: inek sürüsü
herald 12.9
v-n/ be a sign that (something) is about to happen.
:: müjdelemek, haber vermek; müjdeci
hence 3.6
adv/ as a consequence; for this reason.
syn: therefore, hence, hereby, on account of this, so
:: bundan dolayı, böylelikle
hurl 7.4
v/ throw (an object) with great force.
:: fırlatmak, savurmak
hurl insults at someone
(birine hakaretler savurmak )
harıl harıl çalışmış savurmak için
hush money
money paid to sb to prevent them from disclosing embarrassing or discreditable information.
:: sus payı
hypocrisy 9.4
n/ behaviour which shows that sb does not really believe sth that they say they believe or that is the opposite of what they do or say at another time.
:: riyakarlık, ikiyüzlülük
hypocrite 16.2
:: iki yüzlü, riyakar
(hipokrat ?!)
hypocritically -> riyakarca
interfere 4.4
v/ to try to control or become involved in a situation, in a way that is annoying.
You shouldn’t interfere in other people’s business
:: araya girmek, karışmak, müdahil olmak
identical (aydentikıl) 3.8
similar in every detail; exactly alike.
:: özdeş, aynı
ignite (ig nayt) 7.5
v/ catch fire or cause to catch fire
:: tutuşturmak, ateşlemek
dignity –> onur, haysiyet
ignite the wick : fitili ateşlemek
ignoble 30.8
j/ not honourable in character or purpose.
noble: asil, soylu
:: şerefsiz, aşağılık
ignore 5.8
v/ refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally.
syn: disregard, take no notice of
:: görmezden gelmek, aldırmamak, kulak asmamak
illegible 26.1
j/ not clear enough to be read.
:: okunaksız, okuması zor
iilegitimate 12.3
j/ not authorized by the law; not in accordance with accepted standards or rules.
2/ (of a child) born of parents not lawfully married to each other.
:: gayri meşru, yasadışı
impartial 12.6
j/ treating rivals or disputants equality.
(tüm rakiplere veya tartışmacılara eşit muamele etmek)
:: tarafsız, âdil
illustrate 2.3
v/ provide (a book, newspaper, etc.) with pictures.
:: resimlemek, örneklerle açıklamak
immortal immoral immobile immemorial imperfect
:: ölümsüz (mort: ölüm, mortal: ölümlü, fâni)
:: ahlaksız
:: hareketsiz, sabit (motionless)
:: hatırlanması çok zor, eski
imaginative 8.0
j/ having or showing creativity or inventiveness.
:: hayal gücü yüksek, yaratıcı
immaculate 13.0
j/ (especially of a person or their clothes) perfectly clean, neat, or tidy.
:: tertemiz, lekesiz
immense 5.7
j/ extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree.
syn: huge, vast, massive, enormous, gigantic, colossal, cosmic
:: engin, uçsuz bucaksız
immigrant 2.0
n/ a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.
:: göçmen, mühacir
implement 2.2
v/ to make a law, system, plan start to happen or operate.
:: yürürlüğe koymak, yerine getirmek, uygulamak
implicit 6.8
j/ suggested though not directly expressed.
syn: implied
:: üstü kapalı, îmâlı
impotence 15.5
n/ inability to take effective action; helplessness.
2/ inability in a man to achieve an erection or orgasm.
:: iktidarsızlık, güçsüzlük
impress 3.0
v/ to make sb admire or respect you.
:: birini etkilemek, iz bırakmak, zorla askere almak
impressive: etkileyici
impression: izlenim, intiba
impromptu 13.7
j/ done without being planned, organized or rehearsed.
:: doğaçlama, hazırlıksız yapılan
improper 8.3
j/ not in accordance with accepted rules or standards, especially of morality or honesty.
syn: inappropriate, unacceptable, unsuitable
:: uygunsuz, yersiz
improvise 8.9
v/ create and perform (music, drama, verse) spontaneously or without preparation.
:: uydurmak, doğaçlama yapmak
inadequate 5.0
j/ lacking the quality or quantity required, insufficient for a purpose.
syn: insufficient, deficient
:: yetersiz, eksik
inadvertently 9.2
adv/ without intention; accidentally.
syn: mistakenly, accidentally
:: yanlışlıkla, dikkatsizlik sonucu, kazara
incidence 5.9
n/ the occurrence rate or frequency of a disease, crime or sth else undesirable.
:: insidans, oluş sıklığı, vuku bulma
COincidence: tesadüf, rastlantı, denk gelme
incident 1.9
n/ an event or occurrence.
:: olay, hadise
inclination 8.4
n/ a person’s natural tendency or urge to act or feel in a particular way; a disposition or propensity.
n2/ the fact or degree of sloping.
n3/ the angle at which a straight line or plane is inclined to another.
:: eğim, eğilim, eğim açısı, meyil
inconsiderate 29.4
j/ thoughtlessly causing hurt or inconvenience to others.
not caring about other people’s situations or the way they feel.
syn: thoughtless, unthinking, selfish
:: düşüncesiz, anlayışsız, duyarsız