Part X Flashcards
nominate 5.0
v/ propose or formally enter as a candidate for election or for an honor or award.
:: aday göstermek, atamak
oscar nominated
nondescript 15.2
j/ lacking distinctive or interesting features or characteristics.
:: tasviri olanaksız, amorf, ne idüğü belirsiz
description: tasvir, betimleme
notable 5.3
j/ worthy of attention or notice; remarkable.
syn: remarkable, notable, considerable, noteworthy, noticeable, worthy
:: dikkate değer, tanınmış, ünlü
notably 5.3
adv/ especially; in particular.
The newspapers are notably biased.
notion 1.7
n/ a conception of or belief about something.
:: kavram, fikir, görüş
notwithstanding 10.6
:: …a/e karşı, rağmen, bununla birlikte, her ne kadar…ise de
Injuries notwithstanding, he won the semi-final match.
withstand:dayanmak, karşı koymak
nourish 10.4
v/ provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition.
syn: foster, nurture, nourish, feed
:: beslemek, büyütmek
nutrition: beslenme, besin
novice 7.6
j/ a person new to or inexperienced in a field or situation.
:: acemi, tecrübesiz
novus (lt): new –> noval // novice
noxious 16.0
j/ harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant.
:: zararlı, zehirli
nuisance 8.9
j/ a person, thing, or circumstance causing inconvenience or annoyance.
syn: annoyance, inconvenience, bore, bother, irritation, problem, trouble
:: sıkıntı, başbelası, dert, rahatsızlık
nullify 17.8
v/ make legally null and void; invalidate.
:: geçersiz / hükümsüz kılmak
nursery 5.6
n/ a room in a house for the special use of young children.
:: kreş, fidanlık, çocuk odası
oasis 10.5
n/ a place in a desert where there is water and therefore plants and trees and sometimes a village or town
:: vaha
object to 4.3
v/ -e karşı olmak, itiraz etmek
He objects to the label “magician”.
syn: be opposed to, be against to
obligation 3.0
n/ an act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment.
syn: obligation, liability, responsibility, duty, engagement
:: yükümlülük, zorunluluk
obligatory: zorunlu, mecburi
obligatory 14.4
j/ required by a legal, moral, or other rule; compulsory.
syn: compulsory, mandatory, obligatory, necessary, forced
:: zorunlu, mecburi
obliterate 10.6
v/ destroy utterly; wipe out.
:: yok etmek, kökünü kurutmak
oblivious 8.5
j/ not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around one.
:: dünyadan habersiz, kayıtsız
oblivion: unutulup gitme, unutulmuş olma
oblivion is inevitable.
fall into oblivion
unutulmaya yüz tutmak
obscene 10.0
j/ (of the portrayal or description of sexual matters) offensive or disgusting by accepted standards of morality and decency.
:: müstehcen
obaa scene
obscure 5.9
v/ keep from being seen; conceal.
:: gizlemek, karartmak
j/ not discovered or known about; uncertain.
:: karanlık, bilinmeyen, belirsiz
obscurity 12.8
n/ the state of being unknown, inconspicuous, or unimportant.
:: adı sanı bilinmezlik
obsolete 9.0
j/ no longer produced or used; out of date.
:: tarihe karışmış, artık kullanılmayan
Will books become obsolete because of computers?
obstacle 3.5
n/ a thing that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress.
:: engel, mani, ket
occasion 2.2
n/ a particular time, especially when something happens or has happened:
:: fırsat, durum, ortam, uygun ortam
occasional: nadiren
occasionally: arada sırada
occupation 3.3
n1/ a job or profession.
:: meslek, iş
n2/ the action, state, or period of occupying or being occupied by military force.
:: işgal
offend 5.2
v/ cause to feel upset, annoyed, or resentful.
:: gücendirmek, kırmak
He offended me with his offhand actions.
ointment 17.4
n/ a smooth oily preparation that is rubbed on the skin for medicinal purposes or as a cosmetic.
:: merhem
omen 14.6
n/ alamet, kehanet
omen’lerin olması moment meselesi.
ominous 8.5
j/ giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen; threatening; inauspicious.
syn: sinister, inauspicious
:: uğursuz, meşum
omit – omission 5.6
v/ leave out or exclude (someone or something), either intentionally or forgetfully.
syn: leave out, exclude, fail to include, except
:: hariç tutmak, dahil etmemek
- mutlak güç
- her yerde var olabilen
- her şeyi bilen
- her şeyi yiyebilen
on the verge of sth
:: eşiğinde olmak, olmak üzere
on the verge of extinction: yok olmanın eşiğinde
sth: death, war, break
onerous 16.0
j/ difficult to do or needing a lot of effort:
syn: burdensome, arduous, strenuous
:: külfetli, zahmetli
opt (for) 4.7
v/ make a choice from a range of possibilities.
:: opsiyonlardan biri seçmek / opt etmek
orator - oration 19.2
n/ a public speaker, especially one who is eloquent or skilled.
:: hatip, konuşmacı
oration: resmi söylev, nutuk
oriental 9.1
j/ of, from, or characteristic of East Asia.
occidental X oriental
batıya özgü X doğuya özgü
ostensible // ostensibly 9.3
j/ görünürde, göstermelik, zahiri
Their ostensible goal was to clean up government corruption, but their real aim was to unseat the government
tangible: elle tutulur, somut
tensible: gerilebilir
ostentatious 21.9
j/ too obviously showing your money, possessions, or power, in an attempt to make other people notice and admire you.
syn: showy
:: gösterişli, fiyakalı
oust 9.9
v/ drive out or expel (someone) from a position or place.
:: birini yerinden veya mevkisinden etmek
- üstün gelmek
- sayıca üstün olmak
- daha ağır basmak
- daha çok yaşamak
outcome 1.7
n/ sonuç, netici, çıktı
It’s too early to predict the outcome of the meeting.
outline 5.2
n/v/ anahat, taslak, özet
output 4.1
n/ the amount of something produced by a person, machine, or industry.
:: çıktı, ürün
input: veri girişi
outrageous 6.1
outrage 5.7
j/ shocking and morally unacceptable.
:: rezil, çok çirkin(öfke ve nefret uyandıran)
outrage: büyük öfke, hiddet
outshine 24.5
outlive 14.4
daha parlak olmak, gölgede bırakmak
2. daha uzun yaşamak
outskirts 8.6
n/ the outer parts of a town or city.
syn: suburb
:: kenar mahalleler, varoşlar
dış etekleri şehirin.
outspoken 8.9
j/ frank in stating one’s opinions, especially if they are critical or controversial.
syn: frank
:: açık sözlü, dobra, lafını esirgemeyen
outwit 21.7
v/ to get an advantage over someone by acting more cleverly and often by using a trick.
:: kurnazlıkla yenmek, zekası ile alt etmek
wit 5.8
n/ mental sharpness and inventiveness; keen intelligence.
:: zeka, nükte, ince espri
witness: tanık
witty: hazırcevap, nükteli