The food corporation of indis(staff) Regulation ,1971 commencement date is
30 April 1971
Section 1 defines
Food corporation of India establish under section______ of the act _______
3, (37 of 1964)
accelerated promotion scheme (APS) ADDED VIDE NOTIFICTION no _____ dated ______
131 , 17/06/2021
Regulation 4 of staff regulation describe about
category IV recruitment unit is _______ and promotion/revision retrenchment unit is____________
Divisional , Region
category III recuritment unit is ________ and promotion/revision retrenchment unit is ___________
Region , Zone
category II recruitment unit is ________ and promotion/revision retrenchment unit is ___________
Zone , Zone
category I recruitment unit is ________ and promotion/revision retrenchment unit is ___________
All-India, All-India
Board is authority for creating of post of category
Any post below the Board Level
Chairman is authority for creating of post of category
Category I post the maximum of the scale of pay of which does not exceed Rs. 1800
Managing Director is authority for creating of post of category
Category II posts and category I posts the maximum of the scale of pay which does not exceed Rs. 1600
Executive Director (Personnel) is authority for creating of post of category
Category III and IV posts
Zonal Manager
- Category II posts up to 6 months
- Category III and IV posts up to 1 year.
Regulation 15 is defined for
The appointing authority may in his discretion extend the period of probation by a further period not exceeding ______ year
During the period of probation an employee directly recruited shall be liable to be discharged from service without assigning any reason by giving him a notice of _______ days
Regulation 16 is defined for
Termination of service and discharge is defined in Regulation no
The Services of any employee who has appointed on a regular basis to any post in the corporation and has satisfactorily completed his period of probation may be terminated by the competent authority on giving such employee __________ days notice
Resignation is defined in Regulation no
superannuation and Retirement is defined in Regulation no
Employees whose date of birth is the first of the month sall retire from service on the afternoon of the last date of the _____________ month on attaining the age of 60 years
Voluntary Retirement of employees is described in regulation ________ , can take voluntary retirement on completion of ______ years of qualifying service
22-A, 20
Joining time is described in Regulation no
Joining time admissible in distance b/w old hq to new hq is 1000 km
10 days (if travel by road for more that 200 km it is 12 Days)
Joining time admissible in distance b/w old hq to new hq is more than1000 km
12 days (if travel by road for more that 200 km it is 15 Days)
Joining time admissible in distance b/w old hq to new hq more than 2000 km
15 days except in case of travel by air for which the maximum time will be 12 days (if travel by road for more that 200 km it is 15 Days)
Section 3 of staff regulation defines
Leave and Joing Time
Section 4 of staff regulation defines
Conduct Regulations
Regulation 31-C defines
Prohibition of sexual harassment of working women
Misconduct is defined in Regulation no
Regulation 34 defines
not Taking part in politics
Demonstrations and strikes is defines in Regulation no
Not Taking part in elections is defines in Regulation no
connection with press or Radio is defined in Regulation no
Regulation 39 Defines about
Criticism of government or the corporation
Gifts are defined in Regulation no_______
Category -I and Category -II shall make a report to the corporation if the value of such gift exceeds on occasions such as wedding, anniversaries, funerals or religious functions
25000 Rs
Category -III shall make a report to the corporation if the value of such gift exceeds on occasions such as wedding, anniversaries, funerals or religious functions
15000 Rs
Category -IV shall make a report to the corporation if the value of such gift exceeds on occasions such as wedding, anniversaries, funerals or religious functions
7500 Rs
In any other case an employee shall not accept any gift without sanction of the corporation if the value thereof exceeds
Rs 5000 in case of Category-I and Category -II
Rs 2000 in case of Category-III and Category-IV
Public demonstration in honour of Corporation employees is prohibited in Regulation no
private trade or employment prohibition in mentioned in Regulation no
46 Regulation deals with prohibition of
Investment, lending and borrowing
Regulation 48 deals with
valuable property
Regulation 51 deals with
Bigamous marriages
Consumption of intoxicating drinks and drugs in prohibited in regulation no
Section 5 of staff regulation deals with
Discipline and appeal Regulations
Penalties are defined in regulation no______
Regulation 56 defines
Disciplinary authorities (In clauses (v) to (ix) of regulation 54 shall not be imposed on any employee by an authority lower than the appointing authority
Regulation no 58 deals with
Procedure for imposing major penalties
Regulation no 59 is for
Action on the inquiry report
Regulation for procedure for imposing minor penalties
Procedure for disciplinary proceedings after retirement
Procedure for withholding of employer contribution of the pension corpus for recovery of pecuniary loss
Regulation no 61 deals with
communication of order
common proceedings are mentioned in Regulation no
Regulation no 66 deals with
Regulation 67 is for
Regulation 68 deals with
Orders against which appeals lie
Regulation 70 describes
Period of limitation for appeals (45 days from the date on which a copy of order appealed against is delivered to appellant)
Regulation for consideration of appeal is
Section 6 is defines
Pay and allowances
Increments is defined in regulation no
Ex-gratia grant is defined in regulation no
88 (In the event of death of an employee in extraordinary or tragic circumstances , The Managing Director may sanction