Categorisation Of Non-issuable Stock And Procedure Of Its Disposal Flashcards
The three tier categorization committee are
DCC (District categorisation committee)
RCC (Regional Categorisation committee)
ZCC (Zonal categorisation committee)
On identification/categorisation of damaged food grains by TA/M(QC) at the depot, _________ % stock should be further categorised by the DCC (District categorisation committee)
DCC (District categorisation committee) consist of
Area Manager
M(QC), District Lab
M(QC), of concerned depot
Categorisation done by DCC within _________ days from the date of detection/categorisation of damaged food grains at depot
RCC (Regional categorisation committee) consisting of
AGM (QC) of Regional office
AGM (Fin./A/Cs) of Regional office
Area Manager/AGM(QC) of concerned District
RCC check _______ % of the total stock categorised by the DCC
ZCC (Zonal categorisation committee) consist of
QC officer nominated by ED (Zone)
AGM (QC) OF Regional office
AGM (QC)/Area Manager of the concerned District
ZCC (Zonal categorisation committee) will test check _____% of the stocks categorised by the DCC
Damaged food grains more than 1000 MT in a particular ___________, be immediately intimated to this Division as the same has to be scrutinised by the Hqrs Vigilance team
Who is the competent to take decision on extension of period for lifting of stocks by Registered parties/RRC (Rate Running Contract ) holder beyond stipulated period of 30 days provided the concerned parties have deposited the requisite cost of damaged food grains
Executive Director (Zone)
If the rates of damaged foodgrains received in tender inquiry/auction are below the reserve price , such rates shall invariably be approved by
Executive Director (Zone)
The categorisation of damaged foodgrains will be treated as final only on the receipt of Categorisation reports of _____ and _____ by the General Manager(Region)
If more than 1000 MT of damaged foodgrains accrued in a Region , disposal of damaged foodgrains requires _____________ Clearance
Storage charges on account of delay in lifting of damaged foodgrains at rhe rate of _______________ per bag or part of a bag per day subjected to a minimum of Rupee________ per bag or part thereof
25 paise, 1
The inspection by ZCC (Zonal categorisation committee) may be done only if lot size of non-issuable/damaged foodgrain stocks is more than __________MT in a _________
50 , Depot
If the weight of the lot is less than 50 MT categorisation may be done by ___________ and ___________
Reserve prices of feed -I damaged foodgrains (wheat and rice) is
60% of MSP of the crop year for wheat
60% of derived MSP of the crop year for rice
Reserve Price of Feed-II damaged food grains(Wheat and Rice is)
50 % of MSP of the crop year for wheat
50 % of derivd MSP of the crop year for rice
Reserve Price for Feed-III of damaged foodgrains (Wheat and Rice ) is
40% of MSP of the crop year for wheat
40% of derived MSP of the crop year of rice
Reserve Prices for Industrial use of damage food grains (Wheat and Rice) is
30% MSP of the crop year for wheat
30% of derived MSP of the crop year for rice
Reserve Price for Manure of Damaged food grians(Wheat and Rice) is
10% of MSP of the crop year for wheat
10% of derived MSP of the crop year for rice
Food grains held by State Govt. And its agencies ,In case the stocks are found to be upgradable then state agency will be given _______ month of time to upgrade ,if state agency does not upgrade such stocks within given time ,the FCI will declare them as Damage
1 (later in 2014 changed to 3 months)
GM (R) can extend it for 1 month after Genuine justification given by the state