Control Mechanism Of Pests Flashcards
Under good conditions the duration of the development cycle from egg to adult is ___________ days for beetles and ___________ days for moths
18-25 , 28-35
Major factors affecting population growth of most insect species are
Relative humidity
And Moisture content
High moisture content, More than ________ percent renders food grains soft and susceptible to attack
Species breeds rapidly even in driest conditions are…
Trogoderma granarium
Tribolium spp
The optimum conditions of temperature and relative humidity (RH) for the rapid growth and multiplication of stored grain insect pets range from ________ and __________respectively
25-35 degree Celsius
60-65 %
When the insect population reaches a certain density, their metabolic activities release more heat than can be dissipated, In localised areas where the insect population is extremely dense the temperature may reach _______ degree Celsius Associated micro-organisms, mainly _______ may raise this to nearly _______degree Celsius causing extensive spoilage and occasionally , ____________
Spontaneous combustion.
Temperature below ______ degree and above ______ degree retards growth and development , Heating of grains to ________ degree Celsius for __________ min kills almost all pests
Oxygen level <__________% is lethal to all insect pests
Use of low O2 _______ % and high CO2 ________ % is lethal to all insects
Bio agents are
Grain protectants are
Pyrethrum dust or 5% malathion at 250g/100kg of seed
Fumigants are
Aluminium phosphide
Ethylene Bromide
Ethylene dichloride/carbon tetrachloride mixture
Prophylactic treatment at storage depots in FCI , Chemicals are
Malathion 50% EC
Deltamethrin 2.5 % WP
Generally ______ % of the stocks to be treated during the month are treated with Deltamethrin 2.5 % WP and remaining ______% stock is treated with Malathion 50% EC
80 , 20
______ is used to control surface infestation, crawling infestation and cross infestation of stored grain pests by air charging which acts as contact pesticide as well as fumigant when the space is airtight after spray
In case DDVP is not available, air charging can be done with ________
Malathion 50% EC
Dilution of Malathion is
Dilution ratio of Deltamethrin 2.5% WP is
Dilution Ratio of DDVP is
Doses with diluted solution of Malathion 50% EC, Deltamethrin 2.5% WP and DDVP 76% EC is
3 L per 100 m2
3 L per 100 m2
3 L per 100 m2
Periodicity of Malathion 50 % EC is
15 days
(21 days in winter)
Periodicity of Deltamethrin 2.5 WP is
90 days
(3 months)
Periodicity of DDVP 76% EC is
As and When required
(Use banned w.e.f
Floor area of stack for rail fed godown and Raod fed godown is
9.15 m * 6.1 m =56 m2
9.15 m * 6.1 m =56 m2
Volume of stack in Rail fed godowns and road fed godown are
9.15 m * 6.1 m * 4 m =223 m3
9.15 m * 6.1 m * 4 m =223 m3
Floor area of one chamber of Rail-fed Godown and Road-fed Godown is
41.23 m * 21.34 m = 880 m2
41.23 m * 21.34 m = 880 m2
Height of rail-fed godown and road-fed godown are
6.35m , 5.60m
Total wall Area of Rail-fed and road-fed godown are
872 , 778 metre square
Platform length of Rail-fed godown and road-fed godowns are
126.01 m
Platform width of Rail-fed and road-fed godown is
3.05 m , 2.45 m
Triangular area height of rail-fed and road-fed godowns
3.63 m
Shed volume of rail-fed godown and road-fed godown is
7184 m cube and 6524 m cube
IUPAC name of DDVP is
2,2-Dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate
Chemical formula of DDVP
Chemical formula for Deltamethrin
Chemical formula of Malathion is
Dose of air-charging is
270 meter cube/ Liter prepared (diluted ) solution
Highly effective fumigant which depletes the ozone in the atmosphere, so not used commonly
methyl bromide
What type of gases release during fumigation with aluminium Phosphide(ALP)
Phosphine gas
Carbon dioxide
Aluminium phosphide (ALP) ,each tablet is of how much gram
3 gm
Aluminium phosphide (ALP) doses for covered godown is
9 Gms/MT
Aluminium phosphide (ALP) doses for CAP storage is
9 Gms/MT + 20% extra dose
Aluminium phosphide (AlP) dosages for shed fumigation
63 Gms/28 meter cube
Aluminium phosphide(ALP) dosages for Khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium ) infestation is
9 Gms/MT + 50% extra dose
Insecticides Act year of formation is
Insecticides Rules year of formation is
Toxicity class of insecticides are
Extremely Toxic
Highly Toxic
Moderately Toxic
Slightly Toxic
LD50 values of
Extremely toxic,
Highly Toxic,
Moderately Toxic
Slightly Toxic
insecticide are
> 5000
Upper half mark of insecticide according to its toxicity class
Extremely toxic
Highly toxic
Moderately toxic
Slightly Toxic
POISON with SKULL mark (RED)