[Part 5]-B11- hormonal coordination 🫥🚺🚹 Flashcards
How do hormonal contraceptives such as: an implant, skin patch or injection work ?
- hormonal contraceptives [such as: an implant, skin patch or injection] contain the hormone progesterone.
RECAP: How does progesterone stop eggs from being matured or released ?
- progesterone, stops eggs from being matured or released because, it stops the pituitary gland, from releasing more follicle stimulating hormone [FSH].
- ; progesterone, also inhibits the release of luteinising hormone [LH]-preventing more eggs from maturing, or being released.
How is the hormone, in a contraceptive implant delivered ?
- the contraceptive implant, is a tiny tube that’s inserted under the skin, that slowly releases progesterone.
How is the hormone, in a contraceptive injection delivered ?
- the contraceptive injection, contains progesterone which lasts for 12 weeks.
How is the hormone, in a contraceptive patch delivered ?
- the contraceptive patch contains a mixture of two hormones, which is stuck to the skin and replaced every seven days.
What are the advantages and disadvantages, of hormonal contraceptives ?
- advantage- the contraceptive implant lasts for 3 years, and is 99.95% effective.
- disadvantage- ; these hormonal forms of contraception, can have side effects such as: weight gain, acne, changes in blood pressure and potential mood changes [could also take place.]
What’s another disadvantage, of hormonal contraceptives ?
- disadvantage- like the pill, hormonal contraceptives don’t protect against sexually transmitted infections [STI], such as HIV
How do barrier methods work ?
- barrier methods such as a condom or a diaphragm, prevents the sperm from reaching an egg [and fertilising it- barrier methods prevent fertilisation].
How do condoms and diaphragms, work?
- This is because, a condom is a thin latex sheath that goes over the penis before intercourse, to collect sperm
- and a diaphragm, is a rubber diaphragm placed over the cervix, before intercourse. [and it’s initially fitted by a doctor]
What are the advantages and disadvantages of barrier methods ?
- advantage- if used correctly they’re an effective form of contraception because, condoms can reduce the risk of STIs.
- disadvantage- ; condoms can get damaged, and let sperm through
Fill in the gaps: both condoms and a diaphragm are ____ effective, if they’re used with a __________ gel.
- both condoms and a diaphragm are more effective, if they’re used with a spermicide gel.
What are some other advantages and disadvantages, of barrier methods ?
- advantage- since they don’t use hormones, there aren’t any side effects such as: changes in blood pressure
- disadvantage- but if a diaphragm isn’t fitted correctly, sperm can get past
What are spermicides ?
- spermicides, are chemicals that kill or disable sperm, reducing the chances of fertilisation
- ; they’re readily available, but not very effective.
What’s a IUD ?
- also known as an intrauterine device or the coil, an IUD is a small structure inserted in the uterus [by a doctor], which prevents an embryo from implanting.
What’s a IUD ?
- also known as an intrauterine device or the coil, an IUD is a small structure inserted in the uterus [by a doctor], which prevents an embryo from implanting.
- [there are two types of IUD’s: copper and plastic IUD’s- which release progesterone]
How do coppper IUD’s work ?
- there are two types of IUD’s. copper IUD’s release in the womb, copper to prevent pregnancy.
- This is because, the copper alters the cervical mucus, which makes it more difficult for sperm to reach an egg and survive.
- ; a copper IUD, can also stop a fertilised egg from being able to implant itself.
What’s the advantages and disadvantages, of an IUD ?
- advantage- an IUD is highly effective and can prevent pregnancy for up to ten years
- disadvantage- ; an IUD, doesn’t protect against sexually transmitted infections.
What’s another disadvantage, of an IUD ?
- disadvantage- ; an IUD, may also cause period problems such as: period-type cramps, or bleeding for a few days after having an IUD fitted.
How does [surgical] sterilisation in males work ?
- in men, sperm is prevented from leaving the penis.
- This is because, the sperm ducts are cut and tied, preventing sperm from being in semen. [known as a vasectomy]
How does [surgical] sterilisation in females work ?
- in women, the egg is prevented from, reaching the uterus.
- This is because, the oviducts are cut and tied, preventing an egg reaching the uterus. [known as a hysterectomy]
What are the advantages and disadvantages, of male sterilisation ?
- advantage- a vasectomy, is more than 99% effective
- disadvantage- ; a vasectomy, is considered permanent and is difficult to reverse. A person has to be certain, they won’t want children [before they go ahead]
What are the advantages and disadvantages, of female sterilisation ?
- advantage- female sterilisation, is more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy.
- *disadvantage-** ; there’s a small risk of complications, such as internal bleeding, infection or damage to other organs.
What’s another advantage, of female sterilisation ?
- advantage- female sterilisation dosen’t affect your hormone levels and women who have this operation, will still have periods.
What’s another disadvantage, of female sterilisation ?
- disadvantage- there’s a small risk that the operation will not work. This is because, tubes can rejoin immediately or years later.
- and if the operation fails, this may increase the risk of a fertilised egg implanting outside the womb (ectopic pregnancy).
How do natural forms of contraception work ?
- natural forms of contraception, such as abstinence, is abstaining from sexual intercourse.
- ; the rhythm method, is also a form of a natural contraception.
- This is because, it avoids sexual intercourse, around the fertile period, when an egg is released and present in the oviduct]
What are advantages and disadvantages, of natural contraception ?
- advantage- there are no side effects, to natural forms of contraception
- disadvantage- ; it’s very hard to tell when a woman has ovulated, which makes it unreliable [and makes natural forms of contraception, difficult]
Fill in the gaps: _______ methods of contraception such as the rhythm method, don’t prevent against ___’_.
- natural methods of contraception such as the rhythm method, don’t prevent against STI’s.
Why can’t contraception, be answered by science alone ?
- contraception can’t be answered by science alone because, many people have strong opinions on contraception.