The apt term for the process of giving birth.
Process of giving birth usually happens 2 weeks before delivery.
These are false uterus contractions.
Braxton-Hicks contractions
Stages of Childbirth
Stage 1: Dilation of Cervix
Stage 2: Descent and Emergence of Baby
Stage 3: Expulsion of the Placenta
Is said to be the longest stage, lasting 12 to 14 hours (for first child). It is a stage characterized by uterine contractions that are 15 to 20 minutes apart at first, then 2 to 5 minutes toward s the end of the stage. It ends when the cervix is opened about 10 cm or 4 inches.
Stage 1: Dilation of Cervix
This stage lasts for 1 to 2 hours; baby’s head emerges through the cervix into the vaginal canal. Ends when the baby is completely out from the mother’s body.
Stage 2: Descent and Emergence of Baby
Lasts 10 minutes to 1 hour wherein the placenta and remainder of the umbilical cord are expelled from the mother.
Stage 3: Expulsion of the Placenta
True or False. Vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) is always recommended.
False. When performing VBAC, proceed with caution.
It is the mechanical monitoring of a fetal heartbeat during labor and delivery.
Electronic fetal monitoring
2 childbirth methods
vaginal delivery
cesarean delivery
It is the usual childbirth method.
vaginal delivery
It is a childbirth method wherein the baby is delivered from the uterus surgically.
cesarean delivery
This seeks to prevent pain by eliminating the mother’s fear through education about the physiology of reproduction as well as breathing and relaxation training during delivery.
natural childbirth
This childbirth uses instruction, breathing exercises, and social support to induce controlled physical responses to uterine contractions and reduce fear and pain.
prepared childbirth
A method of labor wherein the expectant mother works actively with their bodies and controlled breathing.
Lamaze Method by Ferdinand Lamaze
Laboring method wherein woman gives birth in a quiet room under low lights to reduce stress, and newborn is gently massaged to ease crying.
LeBoyer Method
Who proposed the labor method wherein woman are submerged in a soothing pool of water?
Michael Odent
A local (vaginal) anesthesia given to a woman during the 2nd stage of delivery or when forceps are used.
pudendal block
This medication reduces the pain perception of a woman giving birth by depressing the CNS activity.
analgesic (painkiller)
This is injected into a space in the spinal cord to block nerve pathways that would carry sensation of pain to the brain.
regional (epidural/spinal) injections
An experienced mentor who furnishes emotional support and information for a woman during labor.
This pertains to the first 4 weeks of life, a time of transition from intrauterine dependency to independent existence.
neonatal period
What is a 4-week old baby called?
This is a result from bones of skulls that do not meet and makes the soft spot of a baby.
These are fuzzy prenatal hair.
Aka cheesy varnish; an oily protection against infection found in newborn babies.
vernix caseosa
Believed in the Middle ages to have special healing powers. These are secretions that leaks from swollen breasts of newborns.
Witch’s milk
It is a condition marked by reduced oxygen supply.
It is a condition marked by lack of oxygen which may cause brain damage.
It is due to immaturity of liver and evidenced by yellowish appearance. It may cause brain damage if not treated promptly.
neonatal jaundice
It is a stringy, greenish-black waste matter formed in the fetal intestinal tract.
This is a standard measurement of a newborn baby. It assesses appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, and respiration.
Apgar scale
A neurological and behavioral test to measure neonate’s responses to the environment. It assesses motor organization, reflexes, state changes, attention, and interactive capacities, as well as CNS stability.
Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS)
-developed by Dr. T. Berry Brazelton
Refers to an infants physiological and behavioral status at a given moment in the periodic daily cycle of wakefulness, sleep, and activity.
state of arousal
These are babies born with less than 5 1/2 lbs (2,500 grams) at birth because of prematurity.
low-birth-weight babies (LBW)
Infants that are born before completing the 37th week of gestation.
Premature (preterm) infants
Infants whose birth weight is less than that of 90% of babies of the same gestation age, as a result of slow fetal growth.
small-for-date (small-for-gestational-age) infants
Factors that affect the likelihood of having LWB babies
- demographic and socioeconomic factors
- medical factors predating the pregnancy
- prenatal behavioral and environmental factors
- medical conditions associated with pregnancy
fits and starts of brain growth
brain growth spurts
A skin-to-skin method in which newborn is laid face down between mother’s breast for an hour or so at a time of birth.
Kangaroo care
These are essential lung-coating substance which keeps air sacs from collapsing.
A brain lipid that is good for mental development.
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
These are influences that reduce impact of potentially negative influences and tend to predict positive outcomes.
Protective factors
Fetus that are not yet born as of 2 weeks after due date or 42 weeks after the mother’s last menstrual period.
Postmature infants
Death of a fetus at or after the 20th week of gestation.
The proportion of babies born alive who die within the first year.
infant mortality rate
Aka crib death; SIDS means
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Principles of Development
cephalocaudal principle
proximodistal principle
Principle that says development proceeds in a head-to-tail direction; upper parts of the body develops first before the lower parts of the trunk.
cephalocaudal principle
Principle that says development proceeds from within and without; parts near the center develop before the extremeties.
proximodistal principle
Pertains to the tendency of each of the brain’s hemisphere to have specialized functions.
This is the process by which cells acquire specialized structures and functions.
This is the process by which neurons coordinate the activities of muscle groups.
Is the normal elimination of excess brain cells to achieve more efficient functioning.
cell death
The process of coating neural pathways with a fatty substance called myelin. This enables faster communication between cells.
These are automatic, involuntary, innate responses to stimulations.
reflex behaviors
An early human reflex that occur when baby is dropped or hears a loud noise. The baby would:
- extend limbs
- arches back
- draw back head
An early human reflex that occur when palm of baby’s hand is stroked. The baby would:
- makes a strong fist
- can be raised to a standing position if both fists are closed around a stick
Darwinian (grasping)
An early human reflex that occur when baby is laid down on back. The baby would:
- turns head to one side
- assumes fencer position
- extends limbs on preferred side
- flexes opposite side
Tonic neck
An early human reflex that occur when both of the baby’s palms are stroked at once. The baby would:
- mouth opens
- eyes close
- neck flexes
- head tilts forward
An early human reflex that occur when baby’s cheeks or lower lip is stroked with a finger or nipple. The baby would:
-head turns
-mouth opens
sucking movement begins
An early human reflex that occur when sole of baby’s foot is stroked. The baby would:
- fan out toes
- twist in foot
An early human reflex that occur when baby is held under arms with bare feet touching flat surface. The baby would make step-like motions.
An early human reflex that occur when baby is put into water. The baby would make well-coordinated swimming movements.
These are increasingly complex combinations of motor skills which permit a wider or more precise range of movement and more control of the environment.
systems of action
Screening test that is given to children 1 month to 6 yrs old to determine whether they are developing normally.
Denver Developmental Screening Test
These are physical skills that involve the large muscles.
gross motor skills
These are physical skills that involve the small muscles and eye-hand coordination.
fine motor skills
Uses eyes to guide movements of the hands or other parts of the body.
visual guidance
ability to perceive object and surfaces in 3D
depth perception
A theory proposed by Eleanor and James Gibson that describes developing motor and perceptual abilities as interdependent parts of a functional system that guides behavior in varying contexts.
Ecological theory of perception
ability to acquire information about properties of objects, like size, weight, and texture by handling them
haptic perception
Apparatus defined to give an illusion of depth and used to assess depth perception in infants.
visual cliff
A theory proposed by Esther Thelen that views motor development as a dynamic process of active coordination of multiple systems within the infant in relation to the environment..
dynamic systems theory