It is a developmental transition between childhood and adulthood entailing major physical, cognitive, and psychological changes.
This refers to the process by which a person attains sexual maturity and the ability to reproduce.
True or False. Adolescence and puberty were thought to occur at the same time (around 13).
This is a risky stage because of the immature brain at that time.
2 Stages of Puberty
- Adrenarche
2. Gonadarche
It is the stage characterized by increasing level of androgens, most notably dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) which influences growth of pubic, axillary, and facial hair.
A puberty stage indicated by the maturation of sex organs.
True or False. Girls with lower percentage of body fat in early childhood tend to show earlier pubertal development.
False. Higher percentage of body fat
These are the organs directly related to reproduction, which enlarge and mature during adolescence.
Primary sex characteristics
These are the physiological signs of sexual maturation (breast development and broading of shoulders) that do not involve sexual organs.
Secondary sex characteristics
It is a rapid increase in height, weight, and muscle and bone growth that precedes sexual maturity. (Girls: 9 1/2 to 14 1/2 ; Boys: 10 1/2 to 16)
Adolescent growth spurt
It is a boy’s first ejaculation through nocturnal emission.
Also known as wet dreams, it is an involuntary ejaculation of semen.
Nocturnal emission
This is a girl’s first menstruation.
It refers to the trend that can be seen only by observing several generations, like the trend toward earlier attainment of adult height and sexual maturity, which began a century ago in some centuries.
Secular trend
True or False. Sexual maturity is earlier in developed countries than in developing countries.
The brain network that is sensitive to social and emotional stimuli (peer influence).
Socioemotional network
Brain network which regulates responses to stimuli.
Cognitive-control network
True or False. Amygdala matures after the prefrontal cortex.
False. Amygdala MATURES EARLIER than prefrontal cortex. This may explain why teens act irrationally based on emotions. Since amygdala is more on emotions and prefrontal cortex is in-charge with reason, planning, and judgement.
Late bedtimes and oversleeping in mornings results to _______.
What is a hormonal gauge of the brain of when we feel sleepy?
_________ pertains to the descriptive and evaluative beliefs about one’s appearance. More common among girls than boys.
Body image
Due to body dissatisfaction, others will manifest an eating disorder that is marked by self-starvation and is potentially life threatening. What is it?
Anorexia nervosa
An eating disorder in which one will engage in binge eating and then purges the body by laxatives.
Bulimia nervosa
It is the repeated, harmful use of a substance, usually alcohol.
Substance abuse
________ is an addiction (physical, psychological, or both) to a harmful substance.
Substance dependence
It is the act of consuming five or more drink on one occasion.
Binge drinking
True or False. Prevalence of depression increases among adolescence.
What are the only antidepressant medications currently approved for adolescents?
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI)
This is the final stage of Piaget’s theory where teens are able to think abstractly.
formal operations
________ is the ability to accompany the stage of formal operations, to develop, consider, and test hypothesis.
Hypothetical-deductive reasoning
This is change in the information or thing inside the brain.
Structural change
It pertains to the changes on how adolescents use stuff in the brain.
Functional change
The long-term memory includes the following knowledge:
- Declarative knowledge (facts)
- Procedural knowledge (how)
- Conceptual knowledge (why)
_______, described as social dialect of puberty, is coined by linguist Marcel Danesi.
Lawrence Kohlberg’s 6 Stages in Moral Development
Stage 1: Orientation toward punishment and obedience
Stage 2: Instrumental purpose and exchange
Stage 3: Maintaining mutual relations
Stage 4: Social concern and conscience
Stage 5: Morality of contract, of individual rights, and of democratically accepted law.
Stage 6: Morality of ethical universal principles
What level of Lawrence Kohlberg’s Moral Development is when people base the right thing to do on direct consequences?
Level 1: preconventional morality
What level of Lawrence Kohlberg’s Moral Development is when we base morality on abstract principles. ?
Level 3: postconventional morality
What level of Lawrence Kohlberg’s Moral Development is when we base morality on conforming to social norms?
Level 2: conventional morality
True or False. Gender differences in moral reasoning are small.
True or False. Prosocial reasoning based on personal reflection about consequences and on internalized values and norms decrease with age.
True or False. Reasoning based on stereotypes such as ‘it’s nice to help’ decrease with age.
True or False. Self-efficacy have no association with school performance.
False. Those high in self-efficacy tend to do well in school.
True or False. Adolescent males have more white matter.
True or False. Adolescent females have more grey matter.
True or False. Adolescent females show advantage for visual and spatial performance.
False. Adolescent males
True or False. Adolescent females are more able than males to integrate verbal and analytic tasks (left brain) with spatial and holistic tasks (right brain).
What is the personal involvement in schooling, work, family, or other activity?
Active engagement
This type of working students work more than 20 hrs a week and spend little time in school or leisure activities.
This type of working students are able to balance part-time jobs,school works, and leisure activities.