The 3rd stage of Neo-Piagetian self-definition wherein children can integrate various aspects of the self.
representational systems
Erikson’s 4th stage wherein children must learn productive skills their culture require otherwise, they will experience feelings of inferiority.
industry vs inferiority (5 to 12)
2 components that will affect a child’s behavior
- family structure
2. family atmosphere
2 responses to family conflicts
- internalizing behaviors
2. externalizing behaviors
Are actions in response to family conflicts that is characterized by suppressed feelings resulting to anxiety and depression.
internalizing behaviors
Behavior that are hostile and aggressive.
externalizing behaviors
A transitional stage in the control of behavior in which parents supervise generally and children exercise moment-to-moment self-regulation.
The unfavorable attitude towards minority or those who do not belong to one’s own group.
The tally of scores that measures popularity.
sociometric popularity
When kids say they like that certain child.
positive nomination
When kids say they do not like that certain child.
negative nomination
Selman’s stages of friendship
Stage 0: Momentary playmateship (3 to 7) undifferentiated level
Stage 1: One-way assistance (4 to 9) unilateral level
Stage 2: Two-way fair-weather cooperation (6 to 12) reciprocal level
Stage 3: Intimate, mutually shared relationships (9 to 15) mutual level
Stage 4: Autonomous interdependence (begins at 12) interdependent stage
The stage of friendship when children define friends in terms of physical closeness and value them because of material/physical attributes.
Stage 0: Momentary playmateship (3 to 7) undifferentiated level
The stage of friendship when children define friends as someone who does what they want them to do.
Stage 1: One-way assistance (4 to 9) unilateral level
The stage of friendship that involves give-and-take still serves many separate self-interests.
Stage 2: Two-way fair-weather cooperation (6 to 12) reciprocal level
The stage of friendship when children view friendship as an ongoing, systematic, committed relationship. In this stage they tend to be possessive and demand eclusivity.
Stage 3: Intimate, mutually shared relationships (9 to 15) mutual level