Part 1 Family Therapy Flashcards
Who emphasized the importance of the family in diagnosing and treating childhood emotional problems, which led to the Child Guidance Movement in the US?
Alfred Alder
Developed Birth Order Theory
Alfred Adler
Believed family, community, and social aspects play a role in shaping a child’s personality
Alfred Adler
One of the pioneer’s of family therapy; he contributed to the development of the psychodynamic approach to family therapy, stressing the importance of family-caused mental illness in children and the need to take the individual and family dynamics (how they relate to each other) into account.
Nathan ACKEerman
Ackerman ACKE’s for the the children whose FAMILY CAUSED their mental illness
Theory used to explain systems exist based on patterns and principles that can explain how systems function, de-emphasizing individual dynamics w/problems viewed as an expression of a dysfunction in family dynamics; who developed it?
General Systems Theory; Ludwig von Bertalanffy
Per Ludwig von Bertalanffy, problems are viewed as an _________ of ___________ in family ___________ .
expression; dysfunction; dynamics
When von Bertalanffy’s General System’s Theory was integrated into the practice of family therapy this resulted in thinking of the family as a _______ of __________ and family therapy became known as the _____ ______ of psychotherapy
Counseling/psychology theories are often grouped into five key approaches known as the _________ ___________ .
five forces (psychoanalytic, cognitive-behavioral, existential-humanistic, multicultural, and social justice behavioral, humanistic-existential, transpersonal/family systems, social justice)
Two early approaches to family therapy and who developed them?
Communications Approach (Gregory Bateson)
Contextual Approach (Boszormenyi-Nagi and Paul Framo)
Who theorized that when an identified patient improves another family member become symptomatic?
Gregory BATEson (developed Communications Approach to family therapy)
“BATE another family member to exchange illness”
What approach to family therapy integrated individual, IP, existential, and systemic aspects?
Contextual (Boszormenyi-Nagi and Paul Framo)
Who proposed four dimensions for conducting therapy?
Boszormenyi-Nagi and Paul Framo (Contextual Approach)
Boszormenyi-Nagi and Paul Framo (Contextual Approach to therapy) proposed what four dimensions for conducting therapy?
- Genetics/physical health/hx events (facts)
- Individual psychology
- Systemic transaction (interactions) of family rules, power, alignments, and triangles
- Relational ethics, justice, reciprocity, fairness, and loyalty
Who founded the Systemic (System’s approach) Family Therapy approach?
Murray Bowen
The System’s Approach to family therapy describes the family as a complex, _____-________ ___________ unit, striving to maintain ____________.
self-regulating emotional; homeostasis
Who wrote “Family Therapy in Clinical Practice” and what did the book “recognize” the need for in terms of clinicians?
Murray Bowen; need for clinicians to work through the dysfunction in their own families if they were to be effective therapists
Per the System’s Approach to family therapy (Bowen), if there is change to one member of the family unit then there is ______________ change in the functioning of the other members.
Family System’s theory (Bowen) proposes that dysfunctional ___________ _________ maintain problems w/in the family and to promote functioning this must be changed.
systemic factors
The 8 concepts of Bowen’s Family System’s Theory are referred to as what? Six are related to emotional __________ and 2 r/t processes across _____________ and ___________ .
8 INTERLOCKING concepts (triangles, differentiation of self, nuclear family emotional process, family projection process, multigenerational transmission process, emotional cutoff, sibling position, societal emotional process); processes; generations and society
One of the 8 interlocking concepts in Bowen’s Family System’s Theory is Differentiation of Self which says that a person’s sense of self/degree of wholeness is demonstrated by their ability to do what?
separate one’s intellectual and emotional functioning from the family
A Differentiated person has a firm _____ of _____ with clear _______ and _________ and is ____________ from the family while remaining in contact w/them. Further, they are _________, goal-________, secure, capable of _________ ________, and less __________ to praise OR criticism.
sense of self; values and beliefs; individualized; flexible; orientated; handling stress; reactive
An Undifferentiated person has little or no sense of _______ and is susceptible to _________ __________; they are also dependent on others for approval, is e__________ r___________, i_____________, and vulnerable to __________.
self; family influence; emotional reactive; impulsive; stress
Undifferentiated ego mass belongs to what theory and what does it mean?
Family System’s Theory (Bowen); members have low levels of differentiation “stuck together”
According to Bowen’s Family System’s Theory what is it called when two undifferentiated family members form a dysfunction interaction pattern and function as a single emotional system?
According to Bowen’s Family System’s Theory, one of his 8 interlocking concepts is triangles. What are triangles? Families with high levels of ____ are more likely to develop these.
(smallest stable relationship system- two unstable due to little room for tolerance) 3-person systems that manage tension by shifting it around; families with high levels of fusion are more likely to develop triangles
What concept (process) of Bowen’s 8 interlocking factors is the transfer of dysfunctional family patterns from one generation to the next?
Multigenerational transmission process
Bowen’s concept in which there are four basic relationship patterns that govern where problems w/in a family develop is called? - when tension increases activity in one of these relationships, coping is poor … source of family tension
Nuclear Family Emotional Process
(four basic relationship patterns: marital conflict, dysfunction in one spouse, impairment of one or more children, emotional distance)
If undifferentiated people marry, attempts to reduce anxiety will occur in one of what four ways?
- marital conflict - overt, chronic, w/dysfunctional patterns - focus what is wrong with each other
- dysfunction in a spouse (emotional) - the one that yields
- Impairment in a child (psychological) - spouses focus their anxieties on one or more children which undercuts differentiation and induces anxiety in the child
- Emotional distance - risk becoming too isolated
Bowen’s concept Family Projection Process?
parental undifferentiation is transmitted to child and the child serves as an extension of parents
Bowen’s Emotional Cutoff Concept?
reducing or cutting off emotional contact to manage anxiety/conflict - helps but creates isolation and undue emotional significant to subsequent relationships- must reattach to become healthy adult
The most important goal of Bowen’s Family System’s Theory?
help increase family members self-differentiation
According to Bowen, if differentiation occurs w/in the family system the family will function better and results in rewarding __________ ______ w/in the family across generations. Undifferentiation results in emotional ________, _________, and multigenerational _______ process.
emotional contact; fusion, cut-offs, transmission
Bowen’s Family System’s Theory begins with _____________, first asking each family member their ___________ of the problem, second assessing the degree of e__________ functioning and i_____ of emotional processes, third utilizing a __________ to identify patterns, and generate hypothesis, and fourth assess the level of _____________ of each family member while identifying __________ and multigenerational _____________ ___________.
ASSESSMENT; perception; emotional, intensity; genogram; differentiation, triangles, transmission processes
When using Bowen’s Family System’s Theory intervention/techniques the therapist can choose to meet with ___________ or _________; the focus is to increase levels of ____________ and decrease _____________ turmoil.
individuals or family; differentiation, emotional
What are the 5 interventions used when utilizing Bowen’s System’s Theory?
Self-statements - promote
Transform - dysfunction generational patterns
Repair- cut offs
Disrupt - nuclear family emotional processes