Parositology Unit 2 Flashcards
How do flagellates move?
They have at least one flagella (blood spinal, fluid)
How do apicomplexans move?
Internal wave like motions because they require a host
How to amoebids move?
Pseudopods (false feet)
How do ciliated protozoans move?
Undulated hairs or hairs.
What are the two flagellates called?
Giardia and trichomonas
What are the definitive hosts of giardia?
Horses, dogs, cats, ruminants
What are the two distinct forms to giardia?
Motile trophozite and non motile cyst
How is giardia diagnosed?
Elisa test from fresh samples
What is the preferred method of fecal flotation for giardia?
Using zinc sulfate
What is the best way to do a fecal smear looking for giardia?
Fresh unrefrigerated samples less than 30 min old
What are the symptoms of giardia?
Diarrhea, weight loss, anorexia, mucous stool
What is Trichimonas foetus definitive host?
What is Trichimonas blagburni definite host?
What protozoan affects cattles reproductive tract?
TriTrichimonas foetus
What protozoan affects cats cecum/colon?
TriTrichimonas blagburni
What are the symptoms of TriTrichimonas blagburni?
Chronic Diarrhea lasts for weeks, months and years.
What are the symptoms of TriTrichimonas foetus in cattle?
It’s sexually transmitted and it causes infertility and fetal death
What are the three types of apicomplexans?
Coccidia, toxoplasma, and cryptosporidia
What is another name for coccidia?
Cystoisospora spp.
What are coccidias definitive host?
Dogs, cats, swine
How long does it take for oocysts to become infective?
6 hours of being passed into the environment.
What are the symptoms of coccidia?
Yellow mucousy diarrhea, watery yellow and bloody, adults can be asymptomatic and it’s more common in young animals
What are the definitive hosts of Toxoplasma Gondii?
What’s the best fecal floatation method for diagnosing coccidia?
What are the intermediate hosts of toxoplasma gondii?
Mammals, birds, and humans
How soon does coccidia sporulate?
1-5 days
What’s is true of coccidia?
It is not immediately infected it has to sporulate
Where do cysts form from coccidia?
Liver, brains and muscle
What acts as paratenic hosts spreading coccidia?
Flies cockroaches and earthworms
What are symptoms of Toxomplasma gondii?
Usually asymptomatic, infects, sick old and young, or with chronic diseases Lungs- respiratory Liver-jaundice Eyes-blindness Neurological symptoms