Parenting styles Flashcards
Maccoby and Martin
- 4 styles parenting
1. authoritative/propagative
2. authoritarian/totalitarian
3. indulgent
4. neglectful
Authoritative parenting
parents are demanding but responsive
-propagative parenting and concerted cultivation
Authoritarian parenting
restrictive and punishment heavy
follow rules without explanation
high demands and low responsiveness
Indulgent parenting
low demand, high response. the parents are permissible and lenient with few behavioural expectations placed on the child
- parents try to be friends with child
- as adults. those with indulgent parents pay less attention to avoiding behaviours which cause aggression in others
Neglectful parenting
-low demand
-low response
-these parents are detached and dismissive and not involved in the child’s life
also dismiss child’s emotions and opinions
First borns
- get more parental time and have a higher IQ
- more achievement driven and are more authoritarian, conservative and conformist
Middle borns
- receive least attention at home
- have strong peer relationships
Last borns
-receive most attention, get ‘spoiled’; independent and rebellious
Cambridge study of delinquent development
-most important childhood predictors (during age 8-10) of delinquency were antisocial child behaviour, impulsivity, low intelligence, low attainment, family criminality, poverty and poor parent child rearing behaviour
Parental loss
- most children adapt well to parental divorce if financial support, reasonable contact with non-custodial parent and successful remarriage of single parent takes place
- if not then poor academic achievement, low self-esteem, 2-3 times more antisocial behaviour and higher rates of later life depression are seen
Parental divorce
- 3-6 age group often assume responsibility for parental deparation
- 7-12 age group show decline in school performance
- adolescents are hurt and angry and spend time away from home
- recovery usually takes 3-5 years
- 1/3 have lasting psychological effects
- boys are more affected and more physically aggressive
- recent divorce predicts suicide in children
- 25% of step families dissolve in 2 years, 75% are harmonious
- children of divorced parents undergo divorce themselves twice more than children of undivorced parents
- divorce has more of an impact than death of a parent
- suicide rates for children of divorce are high
- 25% have adjustment problems
- less of an effect than divorce
- causes increase in temper tantrums, depressive reaction and sleep disturbance
Day care
- providing day care for more than 4 months at less than 1 year age for >20 hours a week can increase insecure attachment
- otherwise it does not affect development adversely
- research shows that the earlier the age of adoption, the better the outcome for the child as they form attachments better
- before 4-5 is best
- parental disclosure of adoption reduces later psychological trauma