Language development Flashcards
Basic speech sounds
46 in the English language
- 0-12 months
- 6 weeks starts cooing
- 1 month-can distinguish speech sounds
- 6 months- babbling
- deaf babies of deaf-mute parents start babbling at 6 months but stop at 9-10 months
One word stage
12 months to 18 months
Jargon words and babbling continue up to 18 months
Earliest words are context bound and are an effort to communicate
-Holophrases- on word substitutes for whole phrases
-child can understand more words than they can produce
Two word sentences/Stage 1 grammar
18 months to 30 months
- telegraphic speech is seen where meaningful words are used without connecting words
- at this stage adults interact with children in a ‘motherese’- short simple pitch paraphrased language directed at infants
Stage 2 grammar
- over 30 months
- mean length of utterances increase largely due to use of function words-propositions
3 months
9 months
repetitive babbling
12 months
speaks 3 words
18 months
speaks up to 40 words
24 months
telegraphic speech
grammatically pairs up words and vocabulary more than 240 words
36 months
earl comprehension of grammar and syntax
48 months
correct use of grammar
60 months
language akin to adult speech
Noam Chomsky
Children are born with an innate language acquisition device
Children are born being able to decipher the transformational grammar of deep to surface structure conversation
Social interaction view of language development
Adults such as mother act as LASS (language acquisition support system). This is essential for the function of language is interaction
Elaborate language code
- characeterised by longer, complex sentences that are context independent
- focuses on past and future, employs ‘I’ pronoun and allows for the expression of abstract thought
Restricted language code
- characterised by short, incomplete sentences, which tend to be context-dependent
- frequently uses like ‘you know’
- focuses on present
- employs ‘I’ pronoun rarely
- little room for expressing abstract thinking
- lower socioeconomic classes