Parent Vol 3 (AFMAN11) Flashcards
Low Level Flight Definition
Below 500 ft AGL
Day Training Weather Minimums
700’ ceiling
1 SM visibility
Fuel Planning
Crews will plan to land at the destination with no less than 500 pounds of fuel.
It auto filters out any vertical obstructions that are less than 100’ tall.
To Determine MSAs
Mountainous and Non-Mountainous
Mountainous: add 2000’ to MEF
Non-Mountainous: add 1000’ to MEF
Single Ship LZ Clearance
25’ clearance from any portion of the helicopter to the nearest obstacle.
Multi-Ship LZs Clearance
Minimum of 1 RD between aircraft and 25’ of clearance from all other obstacles.
Maximum Restraint Devices Attached per Cargo Tie-Down Ring
Minimum Force Rating
5000 pounds or 23 kilo newtons
If Known Obstacles Cannot be Identified Prior to .5 NM
Climb to a sufficient altitude to ensure obstacle clearance, do not descend until obstacle clearance is assured.
When Anticipated Power Margin is 10% or less,
A second crew member with reconfirm power computations by either verifying accurate FMS numbers were input or by utilization or other approved TOLD calculation methods.
Operation Power Requirements
Clear Escape
Equal to or greater than power for intended hover height.
Operational Power Requirements
Restricted Escape
Equal to or greater than OGE.
Operational Power Requirements
Restricted Visibility
No less than 10’ + 5%
Training Power Requirements
Clear Escape
Equal or great than intended hover height + 5%
Intended hover will not be less than 10’
Training Power Requirements
Restricted Escape
Equal to or greater than OGE + 5%
Training Power Requirements
Restricted Visibility
Equal to or greater than OGE + 5%
Pinnacle Definition
Surface are smaller than the rotor diameter.
Pinnacle or Ridgeline Power Requirement
Clear Escape Route Definition
No obstacles would impede a go-around or departure from an LZ using no more power than that required to hover.
Restricted Escape Route Definition
Obstacles that require using more power than that required to hover while executing a go-around or departure from an LZ.
Restricted Visibility Definition
The crew anticipates losing ground references due to sand, dust, snow or any other obscuration during any portion of the approach and landing.
High Recon
150’ ASE Minimum
50 KIAS Minimum
Low Recon
50’ AHO (along the flight path) Minimum
50 KIAS or SEAS (whichever is greater)
When can Low Recon be performed on final?
OGE is available and at the pilot’s discretion.
Prohibited Maneuvers
Vol 3
- Actual engine shutdown in-flight
- Deliberately entering vortex ring state or power settling
- Dual EDECU malfunctions
- Intentional removal or primary AC power in-flight
- EDECU lockout (except FCF, FCF training, operational check flights, EP training, or actual emergencies)
Instrument Unannounced Deviations of…
10 degrees of heading
10 knots
100 feet
When is CRUISE checklist required?
Prior to conducting low-level operations.
Minimum separation between the closest portions of any two helicopters in a formation is…
1 rotor diameter
Minimum formation taxi spacing
100’ from main rotor to tail rotor.
<3 RD authorized TFMS
Crew Complement for H3 (HIT, Hover, Hoist)
2 Pilots
*The caveat/note is that a SMA will check the hoist
Crew Complement
EP Sortie, Contact, Remote Ops
2 Pilots
*NVG flights require 2 SMAs
Crew Complement HAAR
2 Pilots
2 SMAs
*Day single ship HAAR only requires 1 SMA but they will be on the same side as the tanker.
When do weather minimums NOT apply?
Hover and air taxi operations at the aerodrome.
When is EM data required to be computed?
All sorties that include tactical maneuvering.
What must be reviewed prior to applying power to the aircraft?
AFTO Form 781 (forms)
When will seat belts be worn?
Crewmembers performing duties in primary crew positions during all phases of flight.
What is the exception to wearing seat belts?
When performing duties that preclude safe wear, and crewmembers will notify the AC when off of seat belt.
Aircraft Lighting Single Ship Ops
Overt position lights
At least one strobe light
Aircraft Lightning Formation Operations
Lead and Last Aircraft
Lead: overt or IR position lights, strobe light is optional
Last aircraft in formation: overt position lights, at least one strobe light
Taxi restrictions with wing walkers
No closer than 10’ to obstructions
Taxi restrictions without wing walkers
No closer than 25’ to obstructions
Maximum ground taxi speed
15 KGS
Fuel Dumping restrictions
> 3000’ AGL
not over agricultural or populated areas
except during emergencies or operational necessity.
When will power available and power required be briefed?
Prior to final approach
When are the BEFORE LANDING and CRUISE checklist not required to be re-run?
Subsequent landings to the same area and the configuration of the checklist does not change
These apply even if the aircraft ascends out of the low-level environment.
When does a new Form 365-4 need to be recomputed?
Initial takeoff gross weight changes by more than 500 pounds.
Caveat: FE will review changes to gross weight, zero fuel weight, and CG.