Operating Suggestions Flashcards
-1 Prohibited Maneuvers
-Simultaneous movement of both PCLs to IDL or OFF in flight (PCL chop)
-Hovering turns > 30 deg per second
-Aerodynamic beaming with collective full down once main landing gear touchdown
-Rearward ground taxi
-Practice touchdown autorotation
-Flight beyond 90 deg angle and 45 deg nose up or down
-1 Section V
Non-prohibited but prohibited Maneuvers
-Taxiing with engine inlet(s) removed
•Engine overspeed check in flight
-Operating an engine against the gust lock
-Hovering in winds > 45kts from the sides or rear
-Flight with cockpit doors removed
•Maneuvering flight which results in significant increase in 4 per
•Nose downslope with winds > 15kts
-Flight into heavy or sever icing
-Intentional flight into severe turbulence
-Intentional flight into thunderstorms
Q 10 Sec Transient
Dual Engine
>80 KIAS
Q 10 Sec Transient
Dual Engine
< or equal 80 KIAS
Q 10 Sec Transient
Single Engine
Q Continuous
Dual Engine
>80 KIAS
Q Continuous
Dual Engine
< or equal 80 KIAS
Q Continuous
Single Engine
Emergency Stop NR
Routine Stops with Rotor Brake
NR < 40%
150-180 psi
12-18 seconds
Engine Start Minimum and Maximum psi
450 min
690 max
Time limit with rotor brake operations
Use of rotor brake with engine(s) operating restrictions
At IDLE only, single and dual engine starts authorized.
Starter Limits Temperature Range
Starter Limits <16 degrees C
1 min
3 min
1 min
30 min
Starter Limits 16-52 degrees C
1 min
30 min
When can we do dual engine starts?
Inside the ENGINE START ENVELOPE chart PTO -1.
Maximum wind velocity for rotor start or stop
45 kts
Maximum airspeed one engine INOP
130 KIAS
Maximum airspeed autorotation
120 KIAS
Maximum hovering wind velocity from the sides or rear
45 kts
170 KIAS
150 KIAS
140 KIAS
One hydraulic system malfunctioning
170 KIAS
Two hydraulic system malfunctioning
150 KIAS
Two hydraulic system malfunctioning IMC
140 KIAS
Landing light must be extended prior to
130 KIAS
Searchlight (and rescue hoist searchlight) must be extended prior to
155 KIAS
Cabin door fully open airspeed
145 KIAS
Opening and closing cabin doors airspeed
120 KIAS
Opening and closing cabin doors descents and ascents
descent - 1500 fpm
ascent - 500 fpm
Maximum airspeed for gunner’s window
170 KIAS
Manual operation of the stabilator in flight is prohibited except…
- Stabilator emergency training
- Functional check flight requirements
- Alternate stabilator control in case of AUTO mode malfunctions
APU operating limits with engine and rotor operating
Ambient temperatures above 43 degrees C limited to 30 minutes
When do maximum airspeed, pitch and bank limits applicable for the FRIES bar?
Only for the use of the SPIE rope and personnel attached to the D-Ring.
Maximum touchdown sink rate on level terrain
300 fpm
Maximum touchdown sink rate on slopes
180 fpm
Maximum forward touchdown ground speed on level terrain
60 kts
Nose upslope limit
6 degrees
Right/left wheel upslope limit
12 degrees
How does wind affect the landing limitations?
For upslope and right/left operations will be further reduced by 2 degrees for every 5 kts of wind.
What is the ice detector calibrated to? What will happen outside these parameters?
100 KIAS
Airspeeds above 100 KIAS ice rate meter will indicate higher liquid water content than the actual conditions.
What equipment is required to be installed, operational, and turned on to fy into trace or light icing?
Windshield anti-ice
pitot heat
engine anti-ice
engine inlet anti-ice modulating valve
insulated ambient air sensing tube
What equipment is required to be installed, operational, and turned on to fly into moderate icing conditions?
Windshield anti-ice
pitot heat
engine anti-ice
engine inlet anti-ice modulating valve
insulated ambient air sensing tube
blade deice
Windshield anti-ice temperature limitations
Shall not be used when OAT is over 27 degrees C
Backup Hydraulic Pump Hot Weather Limits apply when the rotor is static or operating?
Backup Hydraulic Pump Temperatures
Backup Hydraulic Pump Temperatures with Operating Time and Cooldown Time
-54-32 is unlimited with zero cooldown time
33-38 is 24 minutes op time and 72 min cooldown
39-52 is 16 minutes op time and 48 min cooldown
APU operating limits with engine and rotor operating
Ambient temperatures above 43 degrees C limited to 30 minutes
APU operating limits engine and rotor NOT operating
Continuously up to 51 degrees C
What is required if the APU OIL HOT caution illuminates?
30 minutes cooldown period is required before checking oil level
What is required if the APU OIL HOT caution illuminates?
30 minutes cooldown period is required before checking oil level
What configurations can fuel be dumped in? When is it not recommended and why?
All forward airspeeds, during climbs, descents.
It is not recommended while hovering in ground effect because the fuel could recirculate and create a hazard.
Full anti-ice capability cannot be provide at what engine power levels?
10% Q per engine and below
PTO -1
Do not power up the EO?IR in temperatures below
-40 degrees C
PTO -1
When can we expect transmission oil pressure to drop?
During nose-up slop operations (because oil pumps are located forward)
PTO -1
What are the slope landing limits based on/how will the angle be measured?
It’s based on the actual slope of the terrain not the angle indicated on the attitude indicator. (Attitude indicator may show greater slope due to compression of landing gear strut.
PTO -1
When will abrupt, full pedal input be avoided?
Above 80 KIAS
PTO -1
What are bank angles limited to with PRI SERVO 1 or 2 illuminated?
30 degrees
PTO -1
Limits with rearward flight and downwind hovering
Prolonged operations are to be avoided to prevent accumulation of exhaust fumes in the helicopter and heat damage to windows on open cargo doors.
PTO -1
Limits with simulating stabilator automatic mode failure
Stabilator shall only be slewed in the trailing edge up direction.
PTO -1
How will a fully developed blade stall present itself?
heavy 4 per revolution vibration
increasing Q
loss of altitude
PTO -1
Which turn direction (right vs left) will take more time to recover from?
PTO -1
Limitation with Stab auto mode failure
Do not exceed the airspeed indicator variable VNE red arc
PTO -1
CAUTION With opening cabin doors
Crewmembers must have full control of the cabin door when opening or closing it.
PTO -1
Power Off (autorotational) max rotor speed
PTO -1
CAUTION with Engine start limitation pressure altitude
Engine start attempts at or above a pressure altitude of 18,000’ could result in a hot start.
PTO -1
When does the starter limitation rest period timing start?
When the first attempt is aborted for any reason (it applies regardless of the duration of the first attempt).