Parasitology Flashcards
Depending on the site of infection, what do you call a free-living organism that passes through the digestive tract with infecting the host?
Spurious parasite
Presence of an ectoparasite connotes ______.
Presence of an endoparasite connotes ______.
It is considered as the most invasive parasite among the Entamoebas.
Entamoeba hystolytica
The type of host that allows the life cycle to continue and become additional source of human infection. A. Definitive B. Intermediate C. Reservoir D. Paratenic
C. Reservoir
The type of host that acts a means of transport so that the infective stage reaches its final host. A. Definitive B. Intermediate C. Reservoir D. Paratenic
D. Paratenic
This intestinal amoeba is a harmless inhabitant and is differentiated from E. hystolytica by the presence of a cyst with whisk broom ends and a trophozoite with a dirty cytoplasm.
Entamoeba coli
The period between the time of parasitic injection and the demonstration of infection.
Pre-patent period (Biological)
Enumerate the 3 virulence factors of E. hystolytica.
Gal/GalNac lectin (adherence)
Amebapores (penetration, stimulates IL-8)
Cysteine protease (cytopathic effect)
Intestinal amoeba that highly stains with iodine due to its large glycogen vacuole contained in its cyst.
Iodamoeba bustchlii
Intestinal amoeba that is transmitted through direct kissing and sharing utensils. Pathognomonic finding is a trophozoite with ingested WBC.
Entamoeba gingivalis
Free-living amoeba that is the causative agent of granulomatous amoebic encephalitis.
Give the 2 most common complications of Amoebic colitis.
Perforation, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
DOC for the cyst carrier state of E. hystolytica
Diloxanide furoate
Intestinal flagellate with a characteristic kite-like or falling-leaf motility.
Giardia lamblia
Opportunistic intestinal protozoa with a monoxenous life cycle.
Cryptosporidium parvum
What is the infective stage of all intestinal amoeba?
Urogenital protozoa that exists only as a trophozoite with 4 flagella and an anteriorly placed nucleus.
Trichomonas vaginalis
The immature cyst of this intestinal amoeba contains a cigar/sausage-shaped chromatoidal body.
Entamoeba hystolytica
DOC of Cryptosporidium in immunocompromised patients.
The largest protozoan parasite.
Balantidium coli
Differentiate the ulcer produced in amoebic dysentery vs bacillary dysentery.
Amoebic: flask-shaped
Bacillary: round, wide-based
DOC for most coccidian infections.
Coccidian with cyanobacterium-like body.
Cyclospora cayetanensis
Vector of Plasmodium falciparum transmission.
Anopheles minimus var flavirostris
Diagnostic stage of malarial infection.
Free-living amoeba that causes primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM).
Naegleria fowleri
Most frequent symptom of Trichomonas infection in men? women?
M: asymptomatic
F: vaginal discharge
Previously known as the Leningrad’s curse and is otherwise known as traveler’s diarrhea and gay bowel syndrome.
What do you call the dormant, exo-erythrocytic form of plasmodium that is responsible for its relapse?
Recrudescence due to undetectable asexual parasitemia is seen in which 2 plasmodium species?
P. falciparum, P. malariae
Malarial dots: Punctate granulations in P. ovale and P. vivax.
Schuffner dots
Malarial dots: Fine granulations in P. malariae.
Ziemann dots
Malarial dots: Coarse granulations in P. falciparum
Maurer dots
What do you call the type of Toxoplasma trophozoite that is rapidly, formed during acute infections?
Areas of high-malarial endemicity
PIKA: Palawan, Ifugao, Kalinga-Apayao, Agusan del Sur
DOC for prophylaxis in areas with MDR P. falciparum
The complete cycle of Toxoplasma gondii occurs in ____.
Domestic cats
What do you call the encysted form of Toxoplasma trophozoite that is slowly-formed during chronic/asymptomatic infections?
The infective stage of all Trypanosoma species.
Metacyclic trypomastigote
In shellfish poisoning syndromes caused by dinoflagellates, what toxin is responsible for short-term memory loss and seizures?
Domoic acid
DOC for American trypanosomiasis
This sign is seen in chronic sleeping sickness caused by T. brucei and is characterized by severe pain on pressure of palms of hands.
Kerandel’s sign
In shellfish poisoning syndromes caused by dinoflagellates, what toxin causes facial paresthesias, slurred speech and ataxia?
Tissue protozoan that causes cutaneous or oriental sore
Leishmania tropica
Pathognomonic symptom in Leishmania donovani infections.
Fever with twice daily elevations
Espundia lesions + Tapir lesions + Chiclero ulcer are all seen in this tissue protozoan infection.
Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis (T. braziliensis)
DOC for all infections caused by Cestodes
Diagnostic stage of Echinococcus granulosus
Hydatid cyst
Megaloblastic anemia is seen this cestode infection.
Schistosoma species: prominent lateral spine
S. mansoni