Parasitology 1 Flashcards
sporozoites are released from sporocysts and eventually from the oocyst
Entamoeba histolytica, <4
Dysentery, appendicitis, liver abscess, need permanent stained smear (dark not) (daisy nucleus, slender, chromatoidal bars, RBC inclusion)
Entamoeba coli, >4
nonpath (uneven p. chromatin, 8 nuclei, squiggly, debris in cytoplasm)
Entamoeba hartmanni
nonpath, no RBC in troph, retain chromosoidal bar in mature cyst unlike E. histolytica (small 2-4 nuclei, target)
Endolimax nana, 4
nonpath (fidget spinner, anime eyes, small like hartmanni)
Iodamoeba butschlii
Cyst vacuole stained with iodine (vacuoles, basket, nucleus halo) (nana like troph)
Balantidium coli, macro/micro
dysentery, only patho ciliate, largest protozoa from swine (cilia, cytostome, vacuoles, macro/micronucleus)
Dientamoeba fragilis, 2
Ameboflagellate, no cyst/no wet prep, diarrhea, weight loss, colitis, and eosinophilia (fragmented nucleus, no p. chromatin)
Trichomonas vaginalis
wet mount, 10-20 min, may appear like PMN leukocyte (half undulating, long nucleus)
Trichomonas hominis
children more likely, small, nonpath (undulating, nucleus at anterior)
Trichomonas tenax
teeth, not in stomach or vagina (smaller)
Giardia lamblia, flagellate
kids, ventral disks leave impression, diarrhea (owl, spoon, 2-4 nuclei, halo around cyst), traveler’s diarrhea
Chilomastix mesnili
nonpath, cecal region in intestine (shepards crook, tail, lemon shape)
Trypanosoma cruzi
chagas disease (C or U, big dot)
Trypanosoma gambiense W
tsetse fly, dividing form seen (longer, small dot)
Trypanosoma rhodesiense E
more severe, dividing form seen
Leishmania tropica
sandfly, cutaneous lesion (in macrophage, kinetoplast)
Pneumocystis carinii
Pneumonia in immuno, fungus (grouped in sputum)
Cryptosporidium parvuum
Toxoplasma gondii
little fish swimming with 1 big nucleus
ticks, in RBC, tetrad, purple dot in fingernail, diamond ring