Parasites micro justus Flashcards
characteristics of entAmoeba histolytica
cyst: 1-4 nuclei
transmission of Entamoeba hsitolytica
fecal oral
oral anal
Pathogenese of Entamoeba hsitolytica
- cyst ingestion
- reaches stomach and forms trophozoite
- replicates
- attaches to hot cell via GalNac
- local necrosis via cytotoxins
- invades intestine walls and eats RBCs
- dissemination to secondary organs (liver and lung)
how does entamoeba hytolitcia attache to host cell?
GalNac addhesion protein
virulence factors of Entamoeba histolytica
- GalNac
- Cystine kinase (cytolysis)
- Pholspholipase A (cystolysis)
- collagensase
- hyaluronidase
- elastase
- RNase
diseases caused by Entamoeba Histolytica
- intestinal amebiasis
2. extra intestinal amebiasis
what is intestinal amebiasis?
amebiasis dysentery: invasive inflammatory diarrhea ulcerations bloody pus
what are the extra intestinal manifestations of Entamoeba histolytica?
access formation in right liver lobe
ulcers that can brake and casue peritonitis
diagnosis if Entamoeba histoltitca?
- fecal antigen test O&P
- flask shaped ulcers in colon
treatment of Entamoeba
idoloquinol (Queen idol)
differente between Entamoeba Histolytia and Coli?
Coli: part of normal flora, often confused as Hsitolytica on O&P, has MORE Nuceli usually, doesn’t ingest RBC!
characteristic structure of Giardia trophozoite?
- kite shaped
- bi nucleated
- 4 flagella
transmission of Giardia lambilia and intestinalis
fecal oral (bad water) oral anal sex
pathogeneiss of Giardia lambilia and intestinalis
- ingestion of cysts (min. 10-25)
- arrives in duodenum
- Tunis in to trophozoite
- multiplicates
- attachment to duodenal wall non invasive via sucking disk
how many cysts needed to infection of Giardia lambilia and intestinalis?
MIN. 10-25 which is not many…. very infective
disease caused b Giardia lambilia and intestinalis
50% asymptomatic
-foulsmelling diarrhea
malabsorption of vitamins
diagnosis of Giardia lambilia and intestinalis
O&P test
Treatment of Giardia lamblia and intestinalis?
what are the human pathogens of Cryptosporodium spp.?
C. Parvum
C. Hominis
what is the infective from of Crypotsporodium?
transmission of cryptosporidium?
fecal oral
oral anal
life cycle of Cryptosporodium
- sporocytesare ingested
- sporozites will attach to intestinal surface and will mature
- sexual development= fertilization of oocyte
- oocyst can mature in intestine or be excreted
diseases caused by Cryptosporodium ssp
asymptomatic in immunodeficiency sufficient patients
severe watery diarrhea in AIDS
special stain to diagnose Cryptosporodium?
acid fast!!!
characteristics of naegleria flowleri
- amoeba
- trophozoite (infective from)
- cysts
where is naegleria floweri around in?
in fresh water
what do we associate with naegleria floweri infection?
water sport
swimming in lakes
contaminated contact lenses
path of enters of naegleria floweri?
enter CNS via cribriform plate
disease caused by naegleria floweri?
PAM= primary amoeba meningoencephalitis
rapidly progressive death in 4-5 days.
what is PAM?
caused by naegleria floweri
rapbidly progressive disease death in 4-5 days
treatment of Naegleria floweri?
Amphotericin B
characteristics of Toxoplasma gondii
- sporozoa
- forms: cyst, sporozoite, tachyzoite, bradyzoite
- defintie host: cats
- intermedeiate hsot: humans
which forms ca toxoplasma gondii be in?
modes of transmission of toxoplasma gondii
- fecal oral (cat feces cysts)
- under cooked meat (cysts)
- torchesssss
where does the sexual reporduction of T.gondii takes place?
cats intestine
pathogenies of t.Gondii
oocyte is being released in feces
takes 3-4 days to mature in to infective cysts
ingested by human
sporozoites infects human cell
develops in to tachyzoites (fast replication)
delivered to guise where is develops into bradyzoites (slow replication= chronic)
order of t. Gandhi forms:
- oocyst
- sporozoites
- tachyzoites
- bradyzoites
diseases caused by Toxoplasma
how does toxoplasmosis represent in healthy individuals?
reseblmes monoucleosis
how does toxoplasmosis represent in chidden?
- intrscrsnial calcifications
- hydrocephalus
- chorioretinits
- deafness
effect of toxoplasmosis in immunocompromised ppl?
diffused encephalopathy
what is the vector for trypanosome Brucei?
tsetse fly
what disease does trypanosome Bruce cause?
sleeping sickness
life cycle of trypanosoma?
infects would due to fly bite
travels in blood until LN
resporduces in csf and lymph
reuptake by fly to finish growth
what is the Winterbottoms sign? which disease?
posterior cervial lympnode enlargement caused by tryposoma Brucei in sleeping sickness
explain sleeping sicknes
incubation time a few days to weeks
- sign: ulcers at site of bite
- cervial and axially lymphadenopathy
- fever chills
- chronically involves CNS and causes coma
how Does entamoeba move forward?
with its pseudopodia feet prcesses
how do protozoa ingest foot?
vie the cytostome (mouth)
which organisms does Metronidazole kill?
flagellated bugs:
- entamoeba
- gairdia lamblia
- trichomonas vaginals
cryptosporidium ssp name some
- C. parvum
2. C. hominis
characteristics of trypanosoma Cruz?
in latin america
reservoir cats and dogs
transmission of tramponosoma cruzi
vector borene: reduviid bugs feces
pathogenesis of trypanosoma cruzi
reduviid bites patient deposits feces in wound patients scratches which helps process migrates to different tissues destroyed hot cells
disease caused by trypanosoma cruzi
Chagas disease
what is chugs disease?
acute from severe in kids
chronic form: causes dilated myocardiopathy, megacolon, mega oesophagus
diagnosis if trypanosoma cruzi?
- blood smear for acute form
2. biopsy and geology for chronic
does leishmania ssp circle in blood?
no it doesnt
where doe leishmania stay?
as amastigotes in macrophages
what is the vector for leishmania ssp?
sand flys
classical characteristics of leishmania?
flagellates obligate intracellular (amastigotes in Macrophages)
name a few specials of leishmania?
- L. tropica
- L. braziliensis
- L. donovoni
diseases caused by leishmania:
- cautious leishmaniasis
- mucocutanoues leichmansisasis
- visceral leichmansiisas
what is cutaneous leishmaniasis?
caused by L. tropica
ulcerations of the skin
what is mucocutenous leishmanisiasis
caused by l. braziliensis
disfiguration of face
death if untreated
what is visceral leishmaniasis?
asked by L. donovoni Kala azar scattered black spots fever chills invasion of liver, spleen and bone marrow causes pancytopenia hepatosplenomegaly
diagnosis of leishmania?
take a clinical sample
tissue biopsy
What is the romana sign?
Shown in trypanosoma Cruzi
Edema around the eyes
What is the winter bottom sign?
Caused by trypanomaoma brucei
Cervical lymph ode enlargement