Microbiology- Fungi Basics Flashcards
Three basic caterogies of fungi
- Yeast
- Mould
- Dimorphic (can grow into both, depending on environment. On skin turns into yeast)
Important cel features of fungal cells (4 plus details)
Cell wall: multilayered, carbohydrates, polysaccharides, proteins
Cell membrane: bilayer, glycoproteins, lipids, ergosterol
Nucleus: membrane bound
Cytosole complex: organelles, mitochondria, golgi, ribosomes, ER
What proteins are in the cell wall of fungi?
Chitin Glucans Mannans Glucomannans Galactomannans
Sterol in cell membrane? And drugs a that bind it (3)
Asexual spores (5)
- Conidia
- Blastospore product of budding process (yeast)
- Arthrospore easily carried by air
- Chlamydospore large thick walled spore
- Sporangiospore quickly formed spore
Conidia spore
Non sexual
Produced from transformation of vegetative yeast or hyphal cell
Conidial formation through a budding process (yeast)
Type of segmentented spore
Very light- travels easily via air
Large thick walled produced from terminal hyphal cells
Spore fromed within seconds
What are the sexual fungi spores? 4
- Ascospore (pneumocystis, candida)
- Basidiospore (Cryptococcus, malassezia, Trichosporon)
- Zygospore (Mucor, Rhizopus)
- Deuteromycotina (fungi imperfecti)
What are some laboratory diagnostics of fungal diseases
- Scrapings from skin and nails
- Hairs plucked from involved area
- Microsporum-infected hairs flouresce under woods light in dark room
How do we obtain Amphotericin B?
From Streptomyces Nodosum
Mechanism of action of Amphotericin B?
- Hyrdophobic interaction with ergosterol on fungi cell membrane Forming a PORE
- Potassium leaves Fungus causing cell death
Classification of Mycoses (5)
- Superficial
- Cutaneous
- Subcutaneous
- Systemic
- Oppertunistic
Superficial mycoses causative agents
- Malassezia furfur - Pityriasis Versicolor
- Exophiala werneckii - tinea nigra
- Trichopsporon beigelii - white piedra
- Piedraia hortae- black piredra
What disease is caused by MALASSEZIA FURFUR
Superficial mycoses
Pityriasis Versicolor
What disease is caused by exophiala werneckii
Tinea nigra
What disease is caused by trichosporon beigelii
White piedra
What disease is caused by piedraia hortae
Black piedra