Parasites Flashcards
What is a parasite
Symbiont dependent on host, but negative effect on host
Ecto and endo parasites
Ecto live on outside
Endo are internal
Direct and indirect life cycle
Direct life cycle has a single host
Indirect has one or more intermediate hosts
Cestoda (tapeworm) life cycle
Eggs hatch free larvae
Eaten by small crustacean (copepod) the primary host
Manipulate behaviour to increase odds of eaten by fish (secondary host)
Crawls from güt of fish into coelom where it turns into adult
Modify fish behaviour to swim and surface and get eaten by bird
Bird is definitive host where multiple parasites combine and reproduce
Bird poops larvae
Salmon louse
Ecto parasite copepod that feed on skin and mucous
attach to wild migrating salmon