Global Fishery Crisis Flashcards
Major Concerns
Expanding capture
Calculation MSY
Exploitation Rate
Age-Specific Mortality
High Consumption rate, natural predators
Greater Capture
More boats, and larger boats
1974-2010 800% increase in effort
25% increase in catch
CPUE is generally decreasing
The average age of catch is decreasing
Global CPUE is decreasing
Expansion of tech
Radar: ~1945
Sonar: detect fish below surface ~1950
Loran: long-range navigation ~1970
GPS: ~1975
Satellite imagery: 2000
Aircraft/drones as spotters
Use of drones to detect fish below the surface
Increased capture efficiencies
125 km line with 10 000 hooks
Trawl nets engulf 12 jumbo jets
Electric fishing on trawl nets
Drifts nets up to 65km in length
Monofilament gill nets
freezer boats
factory processing boats
Food to Mariculture/aquaculture
Input of fished stock exceeds farmed output by 2-3 times
22 billion kg go to aquaculture
Calculation of MSY
Baranov model
MSY = rN and many others
Schaefer model
Gulland Eage
These all tend to predict 0.5 extraction
Exploitation rate
Has been set above for nearly the whole time
Allow for more exploitation than possible
Single predator: about 10-15% exploitation
We target about 10x as much and the reproductive capital and methods that bypass specific fish adaptations
Age-specific mortality
Natural predation: Juveniles, weak, old, post-reproductive
Us: adults, reproductive age, sub-adults
High Consumption rate of natural predators
remove natural predators to increase fishery quotas
Dolphin culls in japan,Peru and denmark
Canda has many seal culls
Ecosystem Level Factors
average sea surface temperature increasing
causes phytoplankton declines, which is linked to declining fish biomass
decreased aragonite and O2 in the oceans
Spawning habitat degradation
This affects the flow characters of the river
The logged rivers have higher flow rate that washes away cobbles and eggs
And there is less filtration so the rivers are muddier, this reduces oxygen and flow for eggs
There needs to be 50-100 m of tree strip left beside the river to stop this
Parasites and pathogens
These can affect survival of fish stocks globally
Other management issues
Failure of fishery science to identify problems and implement changes
Growth Overfishing
Removal of mass greater than the gain of biomass
Recruitment overfishing
Remove too many adults so that recruitment of young in compromised
Economic overfishing
removal of fish at a rate that costs exceeds benefit
patterns of fishing result in escapement less than required to produce MSY
Ecosystem overfishing
overfishing to impact overall ecosystem function
Muraski definition of overfished stocks
Ecosystems are overfished when stocks fall below biological limits such that:
Recruitment is impaired
Rebounding times are very long
Stock recovery is difficult and jeopardized
Extinction is threatening stocks