Conservation Flashcards
1700-1900 Conservation
3 mile limit
20th Century Conservation
use of 12 mile and 200 mile limit
UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
Met in 1973, signed in 1982 and ratified in 1993
This designated 200 mile EEZ
Can exceed a 200 mile if shelf is wider, but not exceed 350 mile
Need to cooperate and conserve stocks
FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (1995)
conserve aquatic ecosystems
prevent overfishing
based on science and traditional knowledge
Multiple-use area management
protect rights of fisheries
promote diversification by aquaculture
Lack of goal posts
Two Management Philisophies
No take zones and Regulation
No Take zones
Designated areas with no extraction
Little management needed, just enforcement
During WWI and WWII little fishing occurred and stocks recovered
These were still initially opposed
Control fishing gear
Size of gear
Duration and location
Total quota
Licence fees
21st Century Management
Regulation, MPA and No-take zones
Benefits of No-take Zones
Increased abundance of fish
Increased mean size and age of fish
Increased reproductive output
Maintenance or increased genetic diversity
Enhanced fishery yields in adjacent fishery grounds: 46% increased CPUE
Increased species diversity
Increased habitat complexity
Bet hedging due to ecological uncertainty
Recovery of competitors, biodiversity and ecosystem services
1970-1990 Terminology
Initially no-take zone, then MPA
No species extraction
Canada (DFO) Campaign for terminology shift
They pushed for terminology for extraction
1994 IUCN – MPA is area dedicated to conservation of biodiversity
Canadas MPA’s
Protect dumping, dredging, and extraction of non-renewables
What is Canadas MPA protection zones close to
They are closest to Crown Land
Managed research protected area
Gwaii Haanas Marine Reserve
Initially established to stop logging and extraction of the area
This national marine reserve is still commercially harvested
In 2018 they pushed to protect more areas in different management types
Increased up to 40% no-take zone
Bowie Seamount
An incredibly rich and diverse community
Set as an MPA
They state that there can be no take or damage of any organisms, but they have quotas set for commercial fishing
Tons of vessels passing over top
No take in Canada
Only 3 no-take zones
Less than 1% no-take zone
Global No-take
94% of all MPAs allowing commercial fishing
MPA Planning
Global MPA network needed to assess connectivity
They need to be large, no-take, enforced, isolated
They have 2x as many large fish species and 5x as much large fish biomass
Evaluate the argument that MSY is flawed using the class principles