Parasite 3 Flashcards
intestinal nematode…not associated with eosinophilia (because no migrating larva)…especially prevalent in Southeaster US (due to humid/warm conditions and poor sanitation)
Trichuris trichiura
where do Trichuris trichiura attach and lay their eggs?
human cecum
how long does it take for Trichuris trichiura to become infective after being passed in the feces?
3-6 weeks
how long does it take larvae to penetrate villi of small intestine after ingestion of Trichuris trichiura egg?
3-10 days
where does Trichuris trichiura larvae go to after penetrating villi in cecum? how long does it take to develop into adult?
cecum; 1-3 months
what are some symptoms of Trichuris trichiura infection? how many worms are needed to be symptomatic?
ab pain, vomiting, diarrhea/dysentery, prolapsed rectum; more than 100
what population is most affected by Trichuris trichiura?
small children, Southeastern US
diagnosis for Trichuris trichiura
barrel-shaped egg in feces
what is treatment for Trichuris trichiura?
mebendazole (binds B-tubulin to prevent assembly)
intestinal nematode…up to 1 foot long…adults live in small intestine (largest and most common nematode)
Ascaris lumbricoides
where do Ascaris lumbricoides adults live (lay 200,000 eggs/day)?
small intestine
how long is embryonation time for Ascaris lumbricoides (eggs in stool)?
3 weeks
what is pattern of Ascaris lumbricoides development (starting with eggs hatching, ending with developing into adults)?
duodenum, mucosa, lymph, portal circulation/liver, heart, lungs, bronchioles, trachea, glottis, esophagus, small intestine
how long does it take Ascaris lumbricoides to go from ingestion to lungs? how long does it take to get to intestines (after being coughed up and swallowed back down)?
1-7 days; 2 months
this results from hemorrhages in lung due to larvae breaking out
where may Ascaris lumbricoides travel to?
gall bladder, liver, appendix (can also wander to anus or up to mouth)
age groups that Ascaris lumbricoides is most common
5-9 year olds
diagnosis for Ascaris lumbricoides
egg in stool or larva in sputum
what is treatment for Ascaris lumbricoides?
how long are Ascaris lumbricoides viable for?
6 years
similar to Ascaris, infects dogs and cats…causes visceral larval migrans in humans (*high eosinophilia*)
Toxocara canis/cati
what is caused by Toxocara canis/cati infection?
visceral larval migrans, ocular larval migrans
major pathology of Toxocara canis/cati
tissue damage and strong immune response
what is age group most affected by Toxocara canis/cati?
1-5 year olds
diagnosis of Toxocara canis/cati
ELISA for Toxocara antigen
this larva can travel to liver to cause lesions (encapsulated larva) or to eye (becomes trapped in tissue)
Toxocara canis/cati
possible treatment for Toxocara canis/cati (but mostly self limiting)
aka pinworm…intestinal nematode…humans are only host and M/F live in cecum; cause anal itch
Enterobius vermicularis
where do Enterobius vermicularis females migrate to and deposit their eggs (5000-15000)
anus/perianal region
how long does it take Enterobius vermicularis eggs to become infective after being deposited in perianal region?
4-6 hours
how long is the life cycle for Enterobius vermicularis ?
2 weeks
where is it common to find Enterobius vermicularis (30-40 million infected in US and Canada)?
prisons/dorms, clothing and bedding