paper2 dont know Flashcards
-nucleus removed from egg
- nucleus from body cell inserted into egg cell
- egg cell given an electric shock to make it divide
- embryo is genetically identical to the body cell taken from the organism they wanted to clone
why can bone marrow cells produce red and white blood cells
stem cells - undifferentiated
have genes to develop different cells
why draining swamps reduces malaria
mosquitos breed in swamps
genetic modification of children - ethical issues
- might not work for humans
- germline treatments so affects all descendants
why a twin is perfect for transplant
- same genes wont be rejected
- same age / size
why selective breeding health problems will be avoided in future generations
- select animals with less problems to breed
- better healthcare
how to genetically engineer pigs to produce organisms not rejected by humans
- identify gene for human tissue
- isolate the gene
- insert into a pig embryo
- replicate cell
- check they have the gene (antibiotic)
produces milk for people with dairy intolerance
why is cloning animals more difficult than cloning plants
- animal cells cant differentiate - lose ability early
- plants retain the ability throughout their life
inverse light rule
need for a DNA database
- for biometrics to unlock a phone or computer to identify someone
- identify genetic disorders
water bath advantages
- comtrol temp
- less fire risk
explain why the amount of O2 given off is not a measure of the rate of photosynthesis
respiration occurs using up some O2
how number of air bubbles changes as distance between lamo and beaker increases
- as distance increase light intensity decreases
- light intensity decreases there is less energy for photosynthesis
- light will not fall to zero
which part of brain automatically controls heart/breathing rate
counter current heat exchange system
- warms cold blood entering body
- cools blood entering foot
- reduces heat loss from the foot
- vessels close together
hwo water content of soil is affected by size of soil particles
- bigger particles have more air space
- more space for water
why ozone is lost from atmosphere
which continent is most affected by ozone loss
south africa - lost the most now exposed to UV
biofuels can be used without causing a net increase in greenhouse gases - how?
CO2 taken in in photosynthesis and released when biofuel is burnt
why keep methane below 10%
so it doesnt explode
why illegal drugs are in different classes
- show their danger
- different punishments for owning/selling
saturated fats
cause cholesteral build up narrowing arteries and reducing blood flow
asthma attack
- lining of airways inflamed
- fluid builds up
- muscles around broncioles contract
- airways narrow
why sterelise equiptment
- so no HARMFUL bacteria is transfered into food
how is malaria spread
- mosquitoes suck infected blood
- pass plasmodium into new human
virus structure
- protein outer layer
- contains genetic material
first class proteins
contin essential amino acids
why high blood pressure and cholesteral build up is dangerous
- saturated fats - build up cholesteral - caues plaque deposits - narrows arteries
- increasing heart attack risk
- hugh pressure - bursts vessles - can cause brain damage /strokes
hwo does smoking affect bronci lining
- causes cancer in cells
- damages cilia so they cant remove mucus
harmless cancer
harmful and causes tumours
commensalism bacteria
not harmful on the skin surface - outcompete pathogenic bacteria
chemcial made by microbes that kills bacteria
what about the lichen could children measure to asses pollution
- identify types of lichen - find out their sensitivity to pollution
biomass transfer efficiency
amount transfered /amount available x100
or biomass in a higher level/ biomass in lower x100
order of levles in an ecosystem
individual, population, community, ecosystem
how antibodies destroy proteins
complementary so bind to it and it can then be engulfed by phagocytes
why female flies suck animal blood
it contains protein they need to make eggs
how to treat breast cancer
- remove ovaries
- stop cell division eg chemo
hwo to use a biological key
to identify species of plant
process that show decrease in biomass
egestion respiration and excretion
why dont destroy marshes
- rare habitat
- plants in them will go extinct
what factor effects germination
why bigger pieces = faster decomposition
- larger SA
- more room for decomposition/feeding of micro-organisms
similarity between selective breeding and natural selection
only some organisms reproduce
why seal with small strips of tape when growing bacteria
reduce the chance of anaerobic bacteria growing
how to plants absorb nitrogen
nitrate ions
study of the evolutionary history and relationships among or within groups of organisms.
3 domains
which scienist developed the 3 domains
carl woese
recombinant plasmid
a plasmid into which a foreign DNA fragment or gene has been inserted