Paper1 Social Influence Flashcards
Relevant study: ASCH
The change of behaviour or opinion to fit in with group
Normative social influence (NSI)
Desire to be accepted and avoid disaproval
Informational social influence (ISI)
Desire to be correct.
Going along with others to gain their approval. Adjust your actions to fit in.
Going along with a group in order to be accepted and feel more a part of group.
Public behaviour and private belief changes. Long term change. Results in ISI
Individual acts in response to order from authority figure
Agentic state
Relevant study: MILGRAM
Individual gives up moral responsibility to an authority figure
Want to maintain positive image so obeys
Autonomous state
Taking responsibility for own actions
Capacity to influence others
Legitimacy of authority
In position of social control
Social hierarchy
Describes social relationships between individuals
Individual attains behaviour norms needed to be a part of society
Destructive authority
Relevant study: MILGRAM
When power is used for destructive purposes
Moral strain
Order issued by authority that goes against conscience
Binding factors
Remaining in the agentic state
Diachronic consistency
Saying the same thing over time
Synchronic consistency
Everyone in the group saying same thing
Relevant study: MOSCOVICI
Engaging in activities to draw attention
Augmentation principle
Involve risk to highlight importance of the issue
Relevant study: NEMETH
Uncompromising minority are seen as negative
Snowball effect
Minority views accepted more and more until they become majority
Smaller part representing less than half of the whole
Minority influence
Relevant study: MOSCOVICI
Persuade majority to move to position of minority
Drawing attention
Majority made aware that there needs to be change
Deeper processing
Challenge the existing social norms
Message appears more credible and convince majority
Gradual commitment
“The foot in the door” technique
Once small instruction followed it is harder for larger ones to be declined
Social crypto-amnesia
Failure to remember origin of a change
The message has been disassociated
Social roles
Relevant study: ZIMBARDO
Internalising behaviour and conforming to given role
Dispositional factors
Relevant study: MILGRAM
Relevant study: ADORNO (fscale) and MILGRAM
Individual characteristics influence behaviour
Internal locus of control
Relevant study: MILGRAM
Resist pressure to conform OR obey by taking responsibility for actions and base decisions off own beliefs
External locus of control
Life determined by fate and luck
More likely influenced by others
Social support
Relevant study: ASCH
Presence of people who resist obedience influence you to do the same
Social change
Adaption in social norms
Takes place gradually