Paper 1 Questions Flashcards
Briefly explain the classification of 3 levers in human movement. 6
- First order: are levers in which the fulcrum is situated between the effort and the load.
- Second order lever: are levers where the resistance always lies between the fulcrum and the effort.
- Third order levers: are levers in which the effort is always placed between the resistance and the fulcrum.
Describe three principles of strength training. 6
- Overload: Increase in demand to force bodily adaptation. To stimulate an improvement in the physical condition of the body, it must experience physical stresses greater than those it would normally encounter.
- SAID (Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands):
- Specificity: Changes occur to the parts that are stressed. Type of training effects produced by the exercise are specific to that type of exercise. Must be specific to the type of sport/activity.
- Training Adaptation: Body’s response to physical stress. When the body is subjected to appropriate overload, it will adapt to physical demands.
- Transfer of training: Carry over or cross over training. Training effect can occur from exercised limb to unexercised contra lateral limb.
- Individual Differences: Training must meet individual needs. Genetic, individual commitment, level of physical & mental maturity.
3. Reversibility: Stop strengthening the muscles will weakening the muscles. Detraining
Using hypertension as a health condition, explain three levels of disease prevention: 6
- Primary: Health promotion watch diet and increase exercise to reduce the risk.
- Secondary: Routine screening to identify at risk patients. Can then advocate lifestyle change
- Tertiary: Administration of anti-hypertensive to help symptoms.
Define disability using the biopsychosocial model. 3
Disabilities is an umbrella term for the dynamic interaction:
- impairments,
- activity limitations,
- participation restrictions
- and contextual factors e.g.personal and environmental factors.
List 2 barriers to effective communication. 1
- Time constraint – don’t appear rushed
- Environment – interruptions and privacy
- Cultural differences – seek information about pt’s cultural norms
- Writing notes continuously during pt interview
- Using Jargon
- Language difference and vocabulary use-learn key words
- Age difference
- Attitudes and Beliefs
- “Dr Google”- patients are knowledgeable make sure they have they the right information
List 3 types of muscle contractions. 3
- Concentric
- Eccentric
- Isometric
Mr Ntuli has full range of movement in all of his limbs and your treatments include passive movements. Which type and method of passive movements would you do when treating him? 2
- I would use physiological passive movements
- I would use the relaxed method of passive movements
Outline precautions and contraindications for applications of passive movements. 8
- No overzealous stretching , especially around the elbow myositis ossificans
- Myositis ossificans : do gentle movements within pain free range
- Pain medication and muscle relaxants :prevents patient from responding appropriately
- Immediately following surgical procedures to tendons, ligaments, muscles, joint capsule or skin
- In the region of a dislocated joint or an unhealed/unfixed fracture
You are treating 2 patients in the intensive care unit, one with cerebra oedema and one with decreased cerebral perfusion. How would you position each of these patients and why? 4
Cerebral Oedema:
Intracranial pressure is highly dependent on posture, being higher in patients
who are lying flat and lower when sitting up
Decreased Cerebral perfusion :
When patients who are hypovolaemic are in sitting, they may have reduced
cerebral perfusion and possibly increased cerebral ischaemia these patients have to lie flat.
Explain the difference between an active, passive and assisted transfer using a patient as an example. 6
- Active: The patient is able to move from one area to another, without assistance
- Assisted transfer: The patient has some ability to load bear, but requires some assistance to move from one area to another
- Passive transfer: The HCP moves takes all the load and moves the patient from one area to another
List 5 principles of therapeutic exercise that you will incorporate into group rehabillitation. 5
- Before starting with exercises:advice on contraindications and precautions.
- Begin and end with breathing exercises and coughing.
- Intersperse breathing exercises within the exercise sets.
- Warm up-large mobilizing and stretching exercises.
- Main-easiest to hardest.
- Cool-down and stretch.
- Change exercises to avoid boredom. Usage of equipment; music and games “
Define disability using the medical model. 2
The medical model views impairments as a medical ‘problem’ that belongs to that particular individual
List two common causes of disabillity in south africa. 2
- Non-communicable disease
- Trauma
- TB
- Malnutrition
Zain, a 19 year old soccer player, was tackled during a match, 4 days ago and now presents with left hip pain and swelling. Name the plane and axis at which hip flexion movement occurs. 2
Saggital plane about the frontal axis
Zain, a 19 year old soccer player, was tackled during a match, 4 days ago and now presents with left hip pain and swelling. Explain the principles of training when treating this patient. 12
- Overload: Increase in demand to force bodily adaptation. To stimulate an improvement in the physical condition of the body, it must experience physical stresses greater than those it would normally encounter
- Specificity: Changes occur to the parts that are stressed. Type of training effects produced by the exercise are specific to that type of exercise. Must be specific to the type of sport/activity.
- Training Adaptation: Body’s response to physical stress. When the body is subjected to appropriate overload, it will adapt to physical demands.
- Transfer of training: Carry over or cross over training. Training effect can occur from exercised limb to unexercised contra lateral limb.
- Individual Differences: Training must meet individual needs. Genetic, individual commitment, level of physical & mental maturity.
- Reversibility: Stop strengthening the muscles will weakening the muscle. Detraining reflected by a reduction in muscle performance, begins within a week or two after the cessation of resistance exercises and continues until training effects are lost
Prescribe an exercise to increase hip flexor strength in supine position. 3
- In supine position, have patient flex right knee and extend left knee.
- Calculate 1RM weight for hip flexion of left hip (attaching weight to the ankle)
- Prescribe 80% of 1RM weight
- Perform hip flexion 8 reps x 3 sets
Explain the difference between phsyiological and accessory passive movements. 4
Physiological passive movements: Movements performed for the patient , which the patient would BE able to perform if they had muscle activity (e.g. Elbow flexion)
Accessory passive movements: Movements performed for the patient, which the patient would NOT be able to perform even if they had muscle activity (e.g. Individual vertebral bone OR individual carpal/tarsal bone movements)
Mrs Ndlovu is in hospital following a stroke which has resulted in right-side hemiplegia. Expalin how you would assist Mrs. Ndlovu to move sideways to the edge of the bed using bridging. 5
- Always support the affected leg: right leg
- Move patient to the side while in a bridging position.
- Assist/facilitate lateral movement of the pelvis
- Move patient up in bed while in a bridging position.
- Remind patient to push up with their feet
Mrs Ndlovu is in hospital following a stroke which has resulted in right-side hemiplegia. List 3 locking points that must be supported when ding a standing transfer with Mrs. Ndlovu. 3
- PT uses their knee to grip pt’s weak knee (right)
- PT’s hand over pelvis/waistband of hemiplegic side (right)
- Pt’s weak arm (right) tucked in under PT’s arm
Name the 2 levels of the ICF that are influence by Mrs Ndlovu’s ability to perform an ADL.
Activity and participation level
Explain the social model of disability. 2
Also referred to as the Rights Model. Disability results from the interaction between persons with impairments and attitudina l and environmental barriers that hinder full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.
What are the main goals of community physiotherapy?2
The goals of physiotherapy in this field are to promote health, prevent and reduce disabilities thus improving and maintaining quality of life.
Explain professional behaviour and give an example.3
Develop and produce health care practitioners (physiotherapists) who can perform duties in a manner that is reliable, informed, compassionate, ethical and sensitive to
List 5 advantages of group rehabilitation. 5
- Time saving and cost effective.
- Motivating ( support confidence
- See other people with the same disability increases self acceptance.
- Friendships encourages patient interaction
- Progress from individual treatment to self responsibility and care.
- Learn to work with others team spirit
List 5 benefits of strengthening exercises. 5
- •Enhance muscle performance.
- •Increase strength of connective tissue.
- •Greater mineral density.
- •Decreased stress on joints during physical activity.
- •Reduced risk of soft tissue injury during activity.
- Possible improvement in balance
- Enhanced physical performance during daily living, occupational, recreational activities.
- Positive changes in body composition: lean muscle mass & body fat↓
- Enhanced feeling of physical well-being.
List 4 aims of passive movements. 4
- To prevent contractures
- To prevent soft tissue adhesions
- To maintain joint range
- To improve joint range
Explain 2 therapeutic considerations of activities of daily living.4
- Should be as economic and as normal as possible
- Economic: Use of cost effective devices/improvise
- Normal: Alignment/Posture/Sequencing
- Should be activities they do regularly to promote self responsibility
- Reeducation should be task orientated
- Should fit into the patient’s daily routine
- Focus on the patient’s highest level of function
List the models used to define disbaility. 5
- Moral model
- Medical model
- Philanthropic model
- Social model
- Biopsychosocial model
Explain two ways you could demonstrate professional behaviour as a physiotherapy student.
Aim of instilling professional behaviour and practice: Develop and produce health care practitioners (physiotherapists) who can perform duties in a manner that is
reliable, informed, compassionate, ethical and sensitive to diversity.
Therefore, as a physio student I can make sure I am always on time for class and that I do the recquired reading so I am informed about what is going on.
List the five elements of well-being. 5
- • Career/profession
- • Social
- • Financial
- • Physical
- • Mental/psychological/emotional
- • Community/environmental
- • Cultural/spiritual
I want to be a physiotherapist for a sports team. Therefore, to satisfy this element of well-being I must achieve this goal.
Explain the primary prevention of disease and give an example. 2
Primary level of prevention:
Directed at healthy people (not yet exposed) and aim to keep people healthy and prevent them from getting disease e.g. hygiene, abstain, safe sex, immunization
Give three characterisitics of an adult learner. 3
- Autonomous (independent) and self directed
- Bring life experiences to learning
- Goal oriented
- Practical
- Relevancy oriented
- Need for respect
Give two principes of group therapy. 2
- Have a group therapy plan
- Select patients/clients carefully
- Prepare the area venue access, size, safety etc.
- Start with an ice breaker joke; game
- Inform patients/clients about the goals of the group
- Select exercises appropriately according to the group (patient/client) needs
- Apply the principles of therapeutic exercises:
- Change exercises / positions to avoid boredom
- Usage of equipment; Music and Games
- Finish/Start with education
Mr Davis has weakness on the right side of his body due to stroke. He has full range of movement in all of his joints. Your treatment of Mr Davis includes passive movements and temporary wheelchair prescription among other things.
What type of wheelchair would you prescribe for Mr Davis? 2
A self propelled chair with a double push rim, with left side drive
List 5 principles of relaxed rhythmical passive movements. 5
- The patient must be relaxed and supported
- Explain what you are going to do and why
- The therapist should stand so that either gravity or the body weight can be used to make the movement effective
- The hand grip must be comfortable to the patient
- The motion should be smooth and rhythmical and maintained at even tempo
- The sequence of movement should be decided: e.g. proximal distal
- The limb must be well supported throughout movement
You’ve been asked to teach nursing staff about safe lifting techniques when transferring patients. Explain five principles you woud cover in your lecture.
I would cover:
- Reasons for correct lifting
- Body mechanics
- Principles of lifting
- Types of transfers
- Types of grips.
Name the lifting technique you would teach the nursing staff to use when lifting a patient with complete paralysis of all limbs and trunk.
3 man transfer or draw sheet transfer
Explain health education and its importance to health care delivery
- •Any planned, organized and structured activity which promotes health or illness related learning, done for informed and uninformed participants.
- •It is a combination of learning experiences designed to help individuals and communities improve their health, by increasing their knowledge or influencing their attitudes
List three types of disabilities.
- Difficulty seeing(blind)
- Difficulty moving(physical)
- Difficulty hearing and speaking
- Mental: difficulty learning, psychiatric, head injured people
- Intellectual: difficulty in learning and retaining new information
- Fits(convulsions)
- No feeling hands and feet
Name the plane and axis at which hip abduction movement occurs. 2
Frontal plane through the sagiital axis
Explain one precaution to resistanc exercises.
- •Valsalva manoeuvre
- •Substitute motions
- •Compensatory effort
- •Overtraining and overwork
- •Exercise induced muscle soreness
- –Acute soreness
- –Delayed onset muscle soreness – self study
Explain 5 possible roles you would have as a health educator. 10
- Assessment of the individual and community needs for health education.
- Planning effective health education programs.
- Implementing health education programs.
- Coordinating the position of a set of health education services.
- Acting as a resource person for health education.
- Communicating health and health education needs concerns and resources.
- Evaluating defectiveness of health education.
Mrs Jones had a head injury and now presents with weakness on the left side of her body. She still needs help transferring from one surface to another and sometimes uses a wheelchair for long distances. Her physiotherapist did her lower and upper limb passive movement when she was still unconscious and she has always had full range of motion in all her joints.
Discuss 5 reasons why postioning in her bed is important.
- Attempt to inhibit the abnormal posture typical of hemiplegia
- Sensory stimulation through weight bearing on the affected side
- Stimulation of awareness of the affected side
- Prevention of pressure sores
- Prevention of soft tissue contractures
- Maintenance of a clear airway and reduction of the risk of aspiration
The patient’s physical, psychological and social needs should be taken into account when selecting a wheelchair. Discuss this statement. 12
When prescribing a wheelchair, there are many factors to consider.You need to consider the patients physical, psychological and social needs when selecting a wheelchair. What are their physical abilities, also include endurance and whether or not they will manage different surfaces such as an incline. Is the patient ready to be more independent or are they still fearful?
Consider the medical condition, including their age and their weight. How long will the wheelchair need to be used?
Special wheelchairs are needed for patients that have had bilateral lower limb amputations and who cannot use a prosthesis. The loss of both limbs moves the centre of gravity further back and they will therefore need an anti-tipping device to stop them from falling backwards
Patients that have a dense hemiplegia will require a wheelchair with a single push-rim
Patients with high cervical lesions will need wheelchairs with extended back supports to provide better positioning.
What is the difference between forced and relaxed passive movement.4
Relaxed: The limb/joint is moved within the available ROM to maintain ROM
Forced The limb/joint is moved beyond the available ROM to increase ROM
What is the difference between a standing and sitting transfer?2
- Standing transfers: patient takes weight on one or both legs
- Sitting transfers: patient takes weight on arms
Why is it important for physiotherapists to know correct lifting techniques? 3
- Incorrect lifting can result in back injuries e.g. disc lesions and muscle strains
- The physiotherapist (PT) lifts and transfers patients all day
- The PT also needs to lift objects and place them in a proper place
- It is also the PT’s responsibility to teach correct liftingmethods to the general public and to patients
Which principles of lifting would apply when two or more people lift? 4
If two or more people lift together they should:
- Be nearly the same height
- Carry approximately the same weight
- One person should give a clear signal
- The stronger person should be at the head side
What type of wheelchair will people with paralysis of all limbs and the trunk use?
An electric wheelchair
What type of wheelchair will people with paralysis of the arm and leg on the same side use?
Should use a wheelchair with a double push rim which is either left or right drive depending on which side is affected
What type of wheelchair will people with bilateral above the knee amputation use?
Should use a wheelchair with rear wheels shifted backwards
Why is a wheelchair removable armrest preferred to a fixed armrest?
Removable armrests are important for transfers and working comfortably at a desk.
In what instance would you use a tipping lever of a wheelchair?
For tipping chair when going up a curb/stair
Define reflective practice.
Reflective practie is a process by which you:
- stop and think about your practice
- conciously analyse your decision making
- draw on theory and relate it to what you do in practice
List three components of refelective writing.
- Describe- what happened.
- Interpret-what does the experience mean to the person as a learner, thinker, writer
- Evaluate-how valuable was the experience?
- Plan- what will the person do with their learning.
Explain three techniques that you would use to develop a therapeutic relationship.
- correct greeting, showing care, calling him Mr main.
- Listening to his story, showing understanding and allowing him to tell his story and explain his hardships.
- To give genuine feedback. Not to lye to him but rather telling him the truth in a positive, thoughtful manner.