Pancreas Flashcards
Pancreas develop from
Endoderm of primitive gut
Ventral and dorsal bud
Small ventral bud from hepatic diverticulim gives rise to
proximal pancreatic structures proximal main pancreatic duct Wirsung Uncinate process CBD Parts of head
Dorsal bud from duodenum gives rise to
Accessory pancreatic duct (Santorini)
Pancreatic head
Pancreatic body, tail
Most common congenital anomaly of pancreas
Pancreatic divisum
Posterior to head of pancreas
Posterior to body and tail of pancreas
Splenic artery and vein
Posterior to neck of pancreas
Medial to uncinate
Failure to fuse
pancreatic divisum
Pancreatic divisum tx
Failure of ventral bud to rotate
Annular pancreas
Annular pancreas tx
Blood supply head of pancreas
Superior and inferior pancreaticoduodenal branches of gastroduodenal artery
Body of pancreas blood supply
Splenic artery
Tail of pancreas blood supply
Branches from dorsal pancreatic splenic, gastroepiploic artery
Branch of CHA comes off celiac trunk
Gastroduodenal artery
Superior veins of pancreas drain to
Inferior veins drain to
Body and tail drain to
Portal vein
Splenic vein
Pancreatic secretion is innvervated by
efferent fibers from parasympathetic
Blood flow regulation to exocrine pancreas
Sympathetic innvervation
Lymphatic drain of pancreas
Pancreaticoduodenal nodes (head) Pancreaticosplenic nodes (neck body tail) Superior mesenteric nodes
Somatostatin analog for bleeding esophageal varices, inhibitory of pituitary adenoma and carcinoid
80% of acute pancreatitis is caused by
gallstone or alcohol
Drugs associated with acute pancreatitis
Diuretics (thiazide)
Immune modulating drug (azathioprine)
Flank ecchymosis
Grey turner sign
Periumbilical ecchymosis
Cullen sign
Inc WBC Inc glucose Inc LDH Inc AST Inc amylase and lipase
More sensitive and specific
Confirms acute pancreatitis
CT scan: peripancreatic fat stranding, fluid collection, nonenhancing pancreatic parenchyma with gas (necrosis)
If pancreatic necrosis is seen, sx
CT guided aspiration to differentiate if sterile or infected
Latter requires debridement
T/F: Pancreatic enzyme levels do not correlate with severity and outcome
Ranson’s criteria
On admission
Age >55 Glucose >200 mg/dl WBC >16 LDH >350 AST >250
Ranson criteria
Within 48h of admission
BUN >5 Ca <8 Hct dec by >10 Base deficit >4 PaO2 <60 Fluid sequestration >6L
0-2 on Ranson criteria
2% Mortality
3-4 on Ranson criteria
15% Mortality
5-6 on Ranson
40% Mortality
7-8 on Ranson
100% mortality
Uncomplicated acute pancreatitis tx
conservative management fluid resuscitation NPO NGT Close monitoring of fluid balance Pain control Bowel rest with TPN (not for mild)
Necrotizing pancreatitis tx
Prophylactic antibiotic (imipenem with or without antifungal coverage)
Gallstone pancreatitis with obstructivr choledocholithiasis or cholangitis tx
ERCP with sphincterotomy followed by cholecystectomy
Infected necrotizing pancreatitis
Symptomatic organized necrosis tx
Prolonged pancreatic inflammation
Fibrosis and ductal obstruction
Inc ductal pressure and ductal dilation
Irreversible change with loss of exocrine and endocrine function
Chronic pancreatitis
Most common cause of chronic pancreatitis
Others Gallstone Obstruction Pancreas divisum Autoimmune pancreatitis Familial predisposition (SPINK1, CFTR, fam hyperlipidemia)
Intermittent abdominal pain
Weight loss
Chronic pancreatitis
Normal or inc amylase and lipase
Inc blood glucose
Chronic pancreatitis
Chronic pancreatitis dx
CT: dilated, calcified pancreatic duct with stenosis (chain of lakes)
Gold standard for dx in chronic pancreatitis
ERCP: irregular main duct, ductal dilation, duct stricture
Chronic panc tx
Avoid trigger (alcohol)
Pain control (NSAID)
Insulin if DM
Replace pancreatic enzyme (pancrelipase) if exocrine insufficient
Pancreatic stone tx
Amenable to shockwave lithotripsy
Stricture tx
Duct stenting
Surgery indications
Intractable pain
Stenosis of pancreatic duct
Obstruction of duodenum or biliary tree
Duct of normal diameter sx
Dilated duct sx
Longitudinal pancreaticojejunostomy
Distal disease sx
Distal pancreatectomy
Small duct with diffuse disease sx
Total pancreatectomy with autotransplantation of islet cell
Chronic pancreatitis complication
Pancreatic pseudocyst
Pancreatic fistula
Obstruction of duodenum or biliary tree
Most commonly associated with alcoholic pancreatitis
Pancreatic pseudocyst
Chronic peripancreatic fluid collections with nonepithelialized capsule
Resolve in 4-6 weeks
Persistent abdominal pain, early satiety
Inc amylase and lipase
Normal CEA and CA 19-9
Pancreatic pseudocyst
Management of pseudocyst depends on
Pain, size and duration of pseudocyst
Neoplasm, congenital cyst and retention cysts have
epithelialized lining
Pseudocyst differentiated by
MRI superior to CT
Pseudocyst tx
Surgical drain
If organized >6 weeks, pseudocyst may be subjected to
Complications of pseudocyst
Infection Rupture of pseudocyst Hemorrhage to nearby structure Biliary obstruction GOO
Single cyst
No septation
Absence of mass/nodularity
Inside cyst + communication with main duct on ERCP/MRCP
Inc amylase
Normal CEA
Normal CA 19-9
Pancreatic pseudocyst
Single or multiple lesion \+/- septation \+/- mass nodularity inside cyst \+ communication with main duct on ERCP/MRCP
Inc amylase
Normal or inc CEA
Normal or inc CA 19-9
Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm
Single or multiple
+/- septation
+/- mass or nodularity inside cyst
No communication with main duct on ERCP/MRCP
Dec amylase
Normal or inc CEA
Normal or inc CA 19-9
mucinous neoplasm
Mucin production Dilation of pancreatic duct Communication main pancreatic duct Men Head of pancreas
Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm
resection of main duct
Whipple if head
Distal pancreatectomy for tail
Total pancreatectomy if multiple
Middle aged females Body or tail of pancreas Ovarial like stroma Lack of ductal communication Asymptomatic Incidental on imaging
Mucinous neoplasm
Mucinous neoplasm tx
Surgical resection (distal pancreatectomy) due to risk for malignant progression
Pathognomonic of MCN
Ovarian like stroma
Communicate with main pancreatic duct
55, F Persistent epigastric pain radiating to back CT scan: 3.5cm mass at head of pancreas Elevated CA 19-9 How is resectability determined?
Assess extrapancreatic disease
Encasement or invasion of celiac axis
hepatic artery SMA SMV PV
Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma rf
Age African american Tobacco Chronic pancreatitis DM Family history (familial multiple mole melanoma, hereditary breast-ovarian, hereditary pancreatitis-pancreatic cancer)
Pancreatic adenocarcinoma classic presentation
painless jaundice
Palpable gallbladder
Courvosier sign
Palpable periumbilical metastatic disease
Sister Mary Joseph nodule
Migratory thrombophlebitis
Trosseau sign
Palpable left supraclavicular fossa node
Virchow node
Palpable metastases on rectal exam
Blummer’s shelf
Missed by CT scan
Liver mets <1cm
Inc bilirubin Inc ALP Inc AST ALT normal amylase lipase Inc CA 19-9 and CEA
Pacreatic adenocarcinoma
More specific for pancreatic adenocarcinoma
CA 19-9
Dx for pancreatic adenocarcinoma
contrast enhanced triple phase CT for stage and resectability
Hypoechoic associated with pancreatic atrophy and distal ductal dilation
Confirms dx of pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Endoscopic uts with fine needle aspiration
ERCP of pancreatic adenocarcinoma:
Double duct sign (CBD and pancreatic duct dilatation) with two stricture
ERCP: dilated pancreatic duct/CBD but only 1 stricture
Amupllary cancer
Unresectable at time of diagnosis
Tumor at body and tail
Resectability of PDAC
absence of extrapancreatic disease
no encasement or involvement of celiac axis, HA, SMA, SMV, PV
Complication following Whipples
Pancreatic fistuka
Delayed gastric emptying
Intraabdominal abscess
Wound infection
Biliary obstruction
Chemoradiotherapeutics for PDAC
35 M
Collapsed while walking to work
Diaphoretic, tachycardic
Blood sugar 35mg/dl
Most appropriate management?
CT scan with IV reveal hypervascular lesion in pancreas
Ocreotide scan for mets
B cell/insulin
Evenly distributed in pancreas
10% malignant
Whipple’s triad: Fasting hypoglycemia, blood sugat <50 mg/dl during episode, relief with glucose
G cells/gastrin Gastrinoma triangle Pancreatic head 70% malignant Better prognosis if MEN-1 Epigastric pain and ulcers refractory to medical treatment diarrhea
Alpha cell/glucagon Tail 75% malignant with mets Migratory necrolytic erythema Anemia, DM, PM, Hypercoagulability, stomatitis
Dela cell/somatostatin
50% malignant with mets
DM, diarrhea, biliary tract disease
D2 cells/VIP Body, tail 50% malignant 75% metastatic Watery diarrhea, hypokalemia, achlorydia inc Ca
Verner Morrison Syndrome
Watery diarrhea
Verner-Morrison Syndrome
WDHA syndrome
Most common functional endocrine tumor of pancreas
Dec glucose
Inc insulin
Inc C peptide
Preoperatively used to prevent hypoglycemia in insulinoma
Formal pancreatic resection for insulinomas
> 2cm
Unresectable malignant tumors debulked and ff by
Used to control symptoms of insulinoma
Boundaries of gastrinoma triangle
Cystic duct
Junction of second and third portion of duodenum
Junction of neck and body of pancreas
second most common functional endocrine tumor
Associated with ZES
inc gastrin level >1000
inc gastrin >200 in secretin stimulation test
Resect if >2cm
Fasting glucagon level >50
Preoperative reversal of catabolic state with ocreotide, enteral nutrition, AA supplementation
Decarbazine or streptozocin if unresectable
Unresectable at diagnosis
Chemotherapy: streptozocin, decarbazine, doxorubicin
If resectable at head, perform Whipple
Inc serum VIP >200
Localized by CT or SRS
Preoperative ocreotide to correct fluid and electrolyte imbalance
50, M
Chronic pancreatitis with bleeding gastric varices
Splenic vein thrombosis
Most common location
Insulinoma: evenly distributed
Gastrinoma: triangle
Glucagonoma: pancreatic tail
65, M
Painless jaundice suspected PDAC
Most sensitive radiographic modality?
Endoscopic ultrasound
Chronic pancreatitis
Intractable pain
Pancreatic duct dilated at 1.2 cm
Length of anastomosis?
Puestow for pancreatic ducts dilated >1cm
Anastomosis should extend to distance of at least 6cm