PAN ATM 4444 Flashcards
Whats the document number for PANS ATM?
What does PANS stand for?
Procedures for Air Navigation Services.
Who approves PANS?
PANS are approved by the Council and recommended to Contracting States for world-wide application.
What does ATSU mean? and what comes under ATSU?
Air Traffic Service Units - under which you have
ATCU - Air Traffic Control Unit
- Aerodrome Control
- Approach Control
- Area Control
AFIS - Aerodrome Flight Information Service (cannot give you control in the air, but can on the ground)
RADIO - Just information that they know (cannot give you control)
What is PANS-ATM accompanied and supplemented by?
- Supplemented by Regional Procedures in Doc 7030 where necessary.
- 7030 also deals with in-flight contingency procedures regarding Unlawful Interference if they differ from standard procedures.
The objectives of ATC do …. include prevention of collision with terrain.
Except when an IFR flight is being radar vectored!!.
What is ATFM
Air Traffic Flow Management
ATFM is necessary to organise flow of traffic at times where traffic demand exceeds ATC capacity.
Euro Control Deal with?
ATFM - Manage traffic in and out of Europe
If traffic demand exceeds, or is anticipated to exceed, the capacity of a particular sector or aerodrome, what happens?
- The ATCU responsible for that airspace shall advise the ATFM unit and other ATCUs concerned.
- As soon as practicable, flight crews and operators of aircraft planned to fly in the affected area should be advised of flow restrictions.
Control Zone has a radius of?
5 nm
Who is controlling a control zone?
Aerodrome Control - Aircraft landing and departing
Where can you only ask for SVFR?
The control zone
Who is controlling the control area?
Approach Control
What is the minimum height a control area can be?
700 ft agl
What is the upper limit of a control area?
No upper limit
Who controls air traffic service route / airways?
Area controlled
What can a control area in medium/heavy traffic also be referred as?
Terminal Manoeuvring Area
Used at the confluence of ATS routes at major aerodromes.
ATC is provided by one of the three basic types of Air Traffic Control Units, which are?
1) Aerodrome control.
2) Approach control.
3) Area control.
ATC provide three basic types of air traffic services, which are?
Control Service - Air Traffic controller ONLY
Information Service
Alerting Service - SAR
When shall position reports be made?
Position reports shall be made when over, or as soon as possible after passing compulsory reporting points.
What information should be contained in a position report?
6 things APTFNN
1-3 is Mandatory
- Aircraft Identification.
- Position.
- Time.
- Flight Level / Altitude.
- Next position and Time.
- Next Significant point.
What element of the position report that may be omitted and after the initial call and being equipped with SSR mode Charlie?
The Flight Level / Altitude.
What is the difference between Mode A and Mode C on a transponder?
Mode C has altitude reporting
When can routine met reports be requested?
Routine MET reports must be made at designated points.
Where might you be exempt from making a position report?
where adequate flight progress data is available from other sources (radar for instance) or in other cases where it is found to be acceptable.
What are special air reports to do with?
What is the Future Air Navigation System?
What are the 4 contracts of ADS?
- Periodic: Time Based, information requested depends on ATC
- Event: Pre-setup by ATC Controller, any deviation is immediately reported to ATC
- Demand: When ATC want to know what everyone is doing.
- Mayday: Initiated by the pilot.
Why does ATC give you clearances?
Clearances are issued to prevent collisions between aircraft and expedite and maintain an orderly flow of traffic.
Avoid collision
Flow of traffic
When ATCU issues a clearance an AC may proceed to the?
Clearance Limit
ATC Clearances do not give a pilot the authority to?
Violate Regulations
If a clearance is not suitable to the PIC, you may request an amended clearance.
What are SIDS and STARS?
Standard Instrument Departure
Standard Arrivals
What does a general clearance look like?
- Aircraft identification.
- Clearance limit: The fix, point, or location to which an aircraft is cleared when issued an air traffic clearance.
- Route of flight.
- Level(s) of flight and changes of levels
information on other matters such as:
- Transponder operation.
- Approach or departure manoeuvres.
- Communications.
- The expiry time / Void Time of the clearance.
The following items shall always be read back?
- ATC route clearances.
- Clearances to enter, land on, take-off from, hold short of, cross, taxi and backtrack on any runway.
- Runway-in-use, altimeter settings, SSR codes, level instructions, heading and speed instructions and Transition Levels.
What don’t we read back to ATC?
General information (birds, traffic)
What is CPDLC?
Controller Pilot Data Link Communication
Air Traffic Incident Reports are normally submitted to the ATSU concerned for incidents related to the provision of ATS involving?
Aircraft Proximity (AIRPROX)
or other serious situations resulting in a hazard to aircraft caused by:
- Faulty procedures.
- Non-compliance with procedures.
- Failure of ground facilities.
What are the two separation environments?
Radar Separation - Radar
Procedural Separation - Non-Radar
What are the two types of procedural separation?
Vertical and Horizontal
What is composite separation?
A combination of both Vertical and Horizontal.
With composite separation Vertical and horizontal separation minimums may be reduced by half the standard value.
What is the minimum for SVFR flights?
600 ft and 1.5 Km
What are the rules for cruising levels?
Cruising levels shall be assigned so that aircraft will be in the planned approach sequence at the destination.
- 1st AC at the lower level and the 2nd, and subsequent AC at higher levels.
- Aircraft at a cruising level has priority over other aircraft requesting that level.
- When 2 or more aircraft are at the same cruising level, the leading aircraft
normally has priority.
An aircraft may be cleared to a level previously occupied by another aircraft after that aircraft has reported vacating it, except when: (3 points)
1) In severe turbulence.
2) The higher aircraft is in a cruise climb.
3) The difference in aircraft performance means that less than the applicable separation minimum may result.
Lateral separation of aircraft at the same level is achieved by requiring them to:
1) Operate on different routes.
2) Operate in different locations.
3) Operate using RNAV.
Using VOR what are the lateral separation rules?
15nm from the beacons and a angle of 15 deg from each other (example 090 and 105 tracks)
Using an NDB what are the lateral separation rules?
15 Nm and 30 deg from each other
Using MDR what are the lateral separation rules?
15nm from fix and 45 Deg from each other
Longitudinal separation - using speed control - general rules?
- Crews should be given adequate notice of planned speed control.
- Speed control shall not be applied to aircraft in a holding pattern.
- Instructions for frequent changes of speed should be avoided.
- Pilots must inform ATC if they can’t comply with a speed instruction. In these cases, the controller shall apply an alternative method to achieve separation between aircraft.
Above FL250 speed adjustments should be in multiples of…?
0.01 Mach.
Below FL250 speed adjustments should be in multiples of…?
10 kts IAS
Speed control should not be applied to aircraft within … when on final approach.
4NM of the threshold
Maximum speed adjustment on Intermediate and Final Approach is
+/- 20Kts.
What is the standard time separation? Same Track, Same level, no nav aids
15 mins
If navigation aids permit frequent position checking, what is the time separation of two aircraft same track, same level, no performance advantage of leading ac?
10 mins
What are the numbers for longitudinal time seperation?
10 with nav aids frequent reporting
5 +20 knots TAS
3 +40 knots TAS
- If navigation aids permit frequent position checking.
- If 1st Aircraft is 20kts TAS faster.
Time separation?
5 mins
- If navigation aids permit frequent position checking.
- If 1st Aircraft is 40kts TAS faster.
Time separation?
3 mins
Time – Crossing Track, Same Level
What is the time separation?
Time – Crossing Track, Same Level, with nav aids
What is the time separation?
Time – Climbing or Descending on Same Track, no nav aids
What is the time separation
15 mins
Time – Climbing or Descending on Same Track, with nav aids frequent position reporting
What is the time separation
10 mins
Aircraft on reciprocal tracks, separation is required to be provided for at least ….. the time that the aircraft are estimated to pass each other, or are estimated to have passed each other.
10min before and after
DME – Same Track, Same Level
What is the standard separation?
DME – Same Track, Same Level, AC ahead 20 kts faster?
What is the longitudinal separation?
DME – Crossing Tracks, Same Level
Standard longitudinal separation?
20 nm
DME – Crossing Tracks, Same Level, AC 20 knots faster
Standard longitudinal separation?
DME – Climbing or descending on Same Track
Standard longitudinal separation?
Mach Number Technique Separation - Standard Mach Separation?
10 mins