Annex 14 - Aerodromes Flashcards
What are Aerodrome Reference Codes
Number followed by a letter
What is the Aircraft Classification Number (ACN)?
An Aircraft with a MCTOM of more than 5,700 kg is issued with a ACN
The ACN is a number expressing the effect of an aircraft on a pavement with a specified standard sub-grade category.
What is the Pavement Classification Number?
PCN is a number expressing the bearing strength of a pavement for unrestricted operations.
An aircraft with a given ACN may operate on a surface with a lower PCN if certain limitations are met:
* Rigid Pavment 5%
* Flexible Payment 10%
What is the Aerodrome Reference Point?
- An ARP shall be located near the Initial or planned Geometric centre of the Aerodrome and shall normally remain where is was first established.
- The ARP is the coordinates of the Airfield.
What is a damp runway surface?
- Damp: Surface has a change of colour due to moisture but is Not Reflective.
What is a wet runway surface?
- Wet: Surface is soaked and Reflective but there is no standing water.
What is standing water?
- Standing Water: Water that is more than 3 mm deep.
What is a contaminated Runway?
- Contaminated Runway: Runway where more than 25% of the surface is covered by ‘Standing Water’.
What are the four defined states of frozen water on a runway?
- Snow
- Frost
- Slush
- Ice
What is slush?
Slush: is water saturated snow which with a heel and toe slap down motion against the ground will be displaced by splatter.
What is the braking action table for snow and ice?
How long is a SNOWTAM valid for?
8 hours
What does a temporary and permanent threshold look like?
What colour are displaced threshold runway edge lights?
What are hot spots?
are areas designated as having the potential of causing a Runway Incursion. Extra vigilance is required in these areas by the flight crew.
What does a stopway and clearway look like?
How is a stopway defined?
How is a clearway defined?
What are the declared distances? Define, TORA, ASDA, TODA, LDA
What is a primary runway?
Primary runway means an existing or planned paved runway, on which a majority of the approaches to and departures from the airport occur.
What is the Rule of thumb for runway width?
Number of stripes x 4 = Runway Width in Meters
What are runway threshold marking dimensions?
What is the runway strip?
What is a taxiway strip?
What is a graded area on a runway?
That portion of a strip of an instrument runway That is intended to serve in the event of an aeroplane running off the runway.
What is the runway end safety area?
Aircraft stand markings should be provided to designated parking positions on?
Paved Aprons.
De-icing Anti-icing Facilities.
Aprons must identify the shoulders of the apron and the non-load bearing
areas by a….?
pair of solid yellow lines.
What are fillets and what are there purpose?
- Taxiways may need to be widened around corners by the introduction of fillets.
- Fillets are meant to provide clearance between the outer main wheels and the edge of the taxiway.
- The strength of fillets should be the same as the taxiway.
High Speed Taxiway Integrated/Rapid Exit Taxiway Integrated lights are what colour? What is the distance between the lights?
Solid Yellow Lights, 100m
What are the alternating green/yellow/green/yellow lights beginning with green?
Lead off or Lead in lights.
What are stopbars?
Red lights, Holding point for example
What are the purpose of Lead On/Lead Off Lights?
Are meant as visual guidance for AC exiting the Runway
What is the purpose of Runway holding bays?
- Runway holding bays should be provided at aerodromes where the traffic volume is medium or heavy.
- A defined area where aircraft can be held, that need to be at a specified distance from the runway Centreline.
What is an ILS critical area?
ILS critical area, the pilot must stop so that no part of the aircraft extends beyond the holding position marking. If a pilot crosses the ILS critical Area this can lead to:
Enhanced taxiway centreline gives you an indication of…?
Holding point
When LVP procedures are in force you must hold at…?
The ILS Critical area
Used during LVP to protect the Accuracy of the ILS Antennas
Red and white are what kind of sign?
Mandatory instruction sign
The Inscription on a runway-holding position sign at a runway-holding position shall consist of the…?
Taxiway designation and a number.
Runway Holding positions should be established on…?
- A Taxiway intersecting a runway.
- Runway intersecting another runway if runway is part of a standard taxi route.
What is an intermediate holding position?
established on a taxiway at any point other than a runway-holding position where it is desirable to define a specific holding limit.
ATC may ask you to hold there.
Road-holding positions shall be established at an intersection of a road with a runway and denoted by a…?
Stop Sign
What is a VASI?
What is the PAPI?
Precision approach path indicator
Where is the aim point marking measured from?
The Threshold
What is the range the aiming point marking shall be located?
Between 150m and 400m from the threshold dependent upon the Landing Distance Available
If the landing distance available is 2400m and above what is the distance from the threshold to beginning of marking?
Detail the holding Patterns…
No entry sign and No Entry markings are different, how?
No Entry sign
No entry marking ‘no entry’
What colour is an information/direction sign?
Black Inscriptions on a yellow background
What colour is a location sign?
Yellow inscription on a black background
What colour is an aircraft stand identification sign?
Black inscriptions on a yellow background
What colour are taxiway edge markers?
Taxiway edge markers should be?
frangible and those located near a runway or taxiway shall be sufficiently low to provide adequate clearance for propellers and the engine pods of jet aircraft.
Taxiway centre line markers are… in colour?
What are the two green lights at an aerdrome?
Taxiway centre line and runway threshold lights
Airport signs Shall be illuminated when intended for use on?
1) Instrument runways at night.
2) Code 3 or 4 Non-Instrument runways.
3) RVR Conditions Less than 800m
When mobile objects are marked by colour, a single conspicuous colour, preferably …… or ………. for Emergency Vehicles
Red and Yellowish Green for Emergency Vehicles
Emergency vehicle lights are…………?
Flashing Blue
Service vehicle lights should be…?
Flashing Yellow - they can be red but preferably yellow
Flags should be…?
displayed around, on top of, or around the highest edge of the object.
For fixed objects they should be Orange in colour or a combination of two triangular sections, one orange and the other white, or one red and the other white.
Objects are list with…?
1) Low (˂ 45m) – Fixed Red Lights
2) Medium (>45m)
3) High (>150m) – Flashing White
In the case of a chimney or similar structure, the top lights should be placed…… minimise contamination by smoke?
sufficiently below the top
Markers displayed on overhead wires, cables and similar objects should be spherical and have a diameter of not less than…….?
Where there are multiple wires and cables, a marker should be located not lower than the level of the highest wire at the point where the marker is placed
When Operationally Necessary, an aerodrome beacon light shall be provided at an airfield that is intended….
For use at night
Detail the different beacon lights?
- Civilian (Land) Airports: white and green.
- Military Airport: Two white and one green.
- Water Airport: white and yellow.
- Heliport: white, yellow, and green.
Detail the Runway lights
What are REIL and RTIL lights?
Runway End Identifier Lights - REIL
Runway Threshold Identifier Lights - RTIL
Flashing White Light
On during low visibility
Lights on and in the vicinity of an aerodrome that are not intended for en-route navigation may be turned off if….
it is unlikely that they will be required for normal or emergency use.
What are the timings for Pilot Controlled Lights (PCL)
Detail a simple approach light system?
Simple approach light system?
How long are precision approach lights?
900 m - 5 Cross bars
What are mandatory lights on Cat II and III runway?
Centreline lights, touchdown zone, red lights at threshold (1000ft before threshold - 300m)
Detail CAT I, II and III lighting
Detail T-VASI - How many wing bars are there on a T-VASI?
What is PAPI?
Precision Approach Path Indicator
Lead in lights are measured from the..?
The most important factors affecting an effective rescue in a survivable aircraft accident are:
1) The training received.
2) The effectiveness of the equipment.
3) The speed with which personnel and equipment designated for rescue and fire fighting purposes can be put into use.
What are the emergency service categories based on?
The aerodrome category is based on the longest aeroplanes normally using the aerodrome and their fuselage width.
In optimum visibility and surface conditions, the operational objective of the rescue and fire fighting service should be to achieve a response time in?
- Not exceeding Two minutes to any point of each operational runway
- Not exceeding Three minutes to any other part of the movement area
What is the response time?
The time between the initial call to the rescue and fire fighting service and the time when the first responding vehicle/s is/are in a position to apply foam at a rate of at least 50% of the required discharge rate.