Annex 15 - Aeronautical Information Service Flashcards
Aeronautical Information Service::
Is established by a state to support International _____ and to ensure the Flow of information necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of international air navigation.
- Civil Aviation
Aeronautical information service should be provided 24 hours a day, the minimum is?
A service must be provided for the duration the aircraft is flying over that state in addition to 2 hours before and after that period.
Pre-Flight information bulletin provides?
Information relevant to the flight (Met, NOTAMS, etc)
What is the IAIP? Who is responsible for providing it?
(IAIP) Integrated Aeronautical Information Package
(responsibility of the State to provide a complete package)
(IAIP) Integrated Aeronautical Information Package - consists of?
- AIP Including (Amendments and Supplements).
- Pre-Flight information Bulletin (PIB).
- AIC (Aeronautical Information Circular).
- Checklist and Summaries.
Amendment is a ?
Permanent change
Supplement is a ? do they expire?
Temp change (+3 months), yes they expire
The main sections of the AIP are:
- GEN (General).
- ENR (En-route).
- AD (Aerodromes).
GEN (General)
GEN 0 Preface; Record of AIP Amendments; Record of AIP
Supplements; Checklist of AIP Pages; List of Hand Amendments to the AIP Part 1 (GEN Section); Table of Contents to Part 1 (GEN Section)
GEN 1 National Regulations and Requirements
GEN 2 Tables and Codes (Gen 2.4 Location Indicators).
GEN 3 Services (Gen 3.5 Meteorological Services).
GEN 4 Charges for Aerodromes/Heliports and Air Navigation Services
GEN is to do with?
Non operationally significant
ENR is to do with?
Operationally significant
ENR contains
Has 7 Sections
ENR 0 List of Hand Amendments to Part 2 (ENR Section), ENR 0.6Table of
Contents to Part 2 (ENR)
ENR 1 General Rules and Procedures (VFR, IFR, SVFR, SIDS, APP)
ENR 2 Air Traffic Services and Airspace
ENR 3 ATS Routes
ENR 4 Radio Navigation Aids/Systems
ENR 5 Navigation Warnings (Special Use Airspace)
ENR 6 En Route Charts
Aerodromes (AD) contains
Has 4 Sections
AD 0 List of Hand Amendments to Part 3 (AD Section), Table of
Contents to Part 3
AD 1 Aerodromes and Heliports Introduction
AD 2 Aerodromes (Refuelling Facilities, SIDS, STARS, APP Plates)
AD 3 Heliports Introduction
What does AIRAC stand for?
is an Acronym for a system that distributes information concerning the establishment, withdrawal of, or premeditated significant changes to the AIP.
AIRAC are published ?
Published at intervals of 28 days.
AIRAC is a _____?
If Major changes are planned and where advance notice is desirable and practicable, should be published in paper form at least in advance of the effective date., how long?
56 days
And be distributed at least _____ in advance of the effective date with the objective of reaching recipients at least ____days in advance.
- 42 days
- 28 days
A NOTAM shall be issued promptly in the following circumstances?
- When the information to be disseminated is of a temporary nature and of short duration
- When operationally significant permanent changes or temporary changes of long duration are made at short notice.
- Information of short duration which contains extensive text and/or graphics is published as an AIP Supplement.
NOTAM distributed in ___ by the _____
aeronautical fixed service
Some weird NOTAMs include
forecasts of solar cosmic radiation
Volcanic activity (ASHTAM)
Radioactive materials or toxic chemicals
Checklist of valid NOTAMs are published every ?
SNOWTAM 5/5/5 indicates?
every third of the runway
Maximum validity of a SNOWTAM is?
8 hours
Maximum validity of a ASHTAM?
24 hours
ASHTAM time is?
ASHTAM code red?
Volcanic eruption - as plumb above FL250
ASHTAM code Orange?
Volcanic eruption - expected to reach FL250
Technical legislative or administrative matters
Pre-flight information bulletin includes?
Weather, maps and charts and NOTAMS