Pain management Flashcards
What is the treatment for mild pain
Paracetamol 1000mg oral
or 500mg oral for old frail ppl
What are the contraindications for paracetamol
- Hypersensitivity
- Had paracetamol in last 4 hours
- Exceed max dose in last 24 hours
- 4g for adults
- 60mg/kg for paeds - Chest pain associated with ACS
- Children under 1 month
What is the treatment for Moderate pain
IV Access available:
- IV Morphine or IV fentanyl
Morph: 5mg @5min intervals | max 20mg
Fent: 50mcg @ 5 min intervals | max 200mcg
If IV Acess unavailable:
- Fentanyl IN
200mcg IN, repeat 50mch @ 5 mins max 400
Unable to administer IN Fent
- Methoxy 3mL
repeat 3mL to max dose of 6mL
What is the treatment for Severe pain
IV Access available:
- IV Morphine or IV fentanyl
Morph: 5mg @5min intervals | max 20mg
Fent: 50mcg @ 5 min intervals | max 200mcg
If IV Acess unavailable:
- Fentanyl IN
200mcg IN, repeat 50mch @ 5 mins max 400
Unable to administer IN Fent
- Methoxy 3mL
repeat 3mL to max dose of 6mL
IM Morph
- 10mg IM
repeat 5mgIM after 15 mins
Morph 0.1mg/kg IM single dose
What are the contraindications for Morphine
- Hypersensitivity
- Renail impairment
- Late 2nd stage labour
WHat are the contraindications for Fentanyl
- Hypersensitivity
2. Late 2nd stage labour
What are the contraindications for Methoxyflurane?
- Renal impairment
- Muscular dystrophy
- Family history of Malignant hyperthermia
- Had 6ml in last 24 hours
- Concurrent use of tetracycline antibiotics
What are the contraindications for Ketamine
- Suspected non-traumatic brain injury with severe hypertension over SBP 180
WHat is the dosage of IN Ketamine in the new pain management CPG
75mg @ 10 min intervals no max dose
50mg @ 10 mins no max
What is the mild pain management for paeds?
Paracetamol 15mg/kg
What is the management for Moderate pain in paeds?
Fentanyl IN: Small child (10-17kg) = 25 mcg Medium child (18-39kg) = 25-50mcg
Repeat doses at 5-10 mins
COnsult after 3 doses
Methoxy 3ml max 6ml
What is the treatment for severe pain in paeds
Fentanyl IN +- Mehoxy
What are the side effects of Morphine
CNS effects:
- Drowsiness
- Resp depression
- Euphoria
- Nausea & vomiting
- Addiction
- Pin point pupils
Cardiovascular effects:
- Hypotension
- Bradycardia
What are the precautions for morphine
- elderly/frail
- Hypotension
- Respiratory depression
- Current asthma
- Respiratory tract burns
- addiction to opioids
- Acute alcoholism
- Pts on Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
What are the precautions for fentanyl
- elderly/frail
- Impaired hepatic function
- Respiratory depression
- Current asthma
- addiction to opioids
- Pts on Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
- Rhinitis or facial trauma
What are the side effects of fentanyl
- Resp depression
- Apnoea
- Rigidity of the diaphragm
- Bradycardia
What are the precautions for paracetamol
- impaired hepatic function or liver disease
- elderly/frail
- malnourished
What are the side effects of paracetamol
Hypersensitivity reactions
haematological reactions
What are the precautions for methoxyflurane
- must be held by patient incase they lose consciousness
- pre-eclampsia
- concurrent use with oxytocin may cause hypotension
What are the side effects of methoxyflurane
- Drowsiness
- Decrease BP and bradycardia
- Exceeding max dose in 24 hours may lead to renal toxicity
What is the onset peak and duration for fentanyl IV
onset= immediate peak= < 5mins duration= 3-=60 mins
What is the peak for fentanyl IN
peak 2 mins
What is the onset peak and duration for morphine IV
onset= 2-5mins peak= 10 mins duration= 1-2 hours
What is the onset peak and duration for morphine IM
onset= 10-30mins peak= 30-60 mins duration= 1-2 hours