PAES 206:2015 Flashcards
outer layer of the brown rice consisting of the aleurone cells covering the endosperm of the
rice grain
pieces of grains smaller than three-fourths (3/4) of the average length of the unbroken kernels
Broken grains
dehulled rice
cargo rice
dehusked rice
rice kernels from which only the hull has been removed and with the bran layer still intact
brown rice
ratio of the dehulled grains to the total amount of grain input, expressed in percent
coefficient of hulling
ratio of the whole brown rice to the total amount of dehulled grains, expressed in percent
coefficient of wholeness
grain or a piece of a grain with its length equal to or greater than three-fourths (3/4) of the
average length of the whole kernels
head rice
component of a rice mill that removes the hulls (palea and lemma) from the grains
product of the coefficient of hulling and the coefficient of wholeness of grains, expressed in
hulling efficiency
weight of paddy per unit loading time into the huller, expressed in metric tons per hour
input capacity
white rice
grains obtained after the removal of hull, bran and germ
milled rice
quantity of paddy that the rice mill can process to a specified quality per total milling
time,expressed in metric tons per hour
milling capacity
extent or degree by which the bran layer of the brown rice is removed as a result of whitening
milling degree
ratio of the weight of milled rice to the total weight of paddy, expressed in percent
milling recovery
ratio of the milling recovery obtained in actual testing, to the milling recovery obtained from
the laboratory test mill
milling recovery index
rice mill that employs a series of two or more whitening/polishing machines
multi-pass rice mill