Paedriatric Dentistry Flashcards
What are the indications for Inhalation Sedation in Adults and Children? (6)
Needle phobia
Traumatic procedures
Medical conditions aggravated by stress
Unaccompanied adults requiring sedation
What are the contraindications of Inhalation Sedation in Adults and Children? (7)
Common cold
Tonsillar/Adenoidal enlargement
Severe COPD
First trimester of pregnancy
Fear of ‘mask’/ Claustrophobia
Patients with limited ability to understand
Obstruction of the operation field by mask
What are the components of the equipment utilised in Inhalation Sedation? (7)
Gas cylinders
Pressure reducing valves
Flow control meter
Reservoir bag
Gas delivery hoses
Nasal hood
Waste gas scavenging system
What is the purpose of the Flow Control Meter in the equipment used in Inhalation sedation?
Measures flow rates of up to 10 l/min
Blue= nitrous oxide
Clear= oxygen
Accuracy +/- 5%
What is the function of the Reservoir bag component of the Inhalation Sedation equipment?
2-3 litre bag; rubber or silicone
Should move visibly with each breath and must not collapse
Monitors respiration
What is the diameter of the gas delivery hose component of the Inhalation Sedation equipment?
What is the function of each hose of the gas delivery hoses in the Inhalation Sedation equipment?
One hose: delivers fresh gases from the machine
One hose: delivers waste gas to scavenging system
What are examples of Safety features of Inhalation Sedation equipment?
Pin Index System
Diameter Index System
Minimum Oxygen Delivery
Oxygen Fail Safe
Air entrainment valve
Oxygen flush button
Oxygen monitor
Reservoir bag
Colour coding
Scavenging System
Oxygen and Nitrous oxide pressure dials
Pressure reducing valves
One way expiratory valve
Quick fit connection for positive pressure oxygen delivery
What is the function of a Pin Index System in Inhalation Sedation?
Prevents the wrong cylinder being attached to the
What is the function of the Diameter index system in Inhalation Sedation?
Prevents cross connection of piping
What is the minimum oxygen delivery in Inhalation Sedation?
When does the oxygen fail safe kick in in Inhalation Sedation?
When oxygen pressure <40 psi
What are the advantages of Inhalation Sedation? (9)
Rapid onset (2-3mins)
Rapid peak action (3-5mins)
Flexible duration
Rapid recovery
No injection (for sedation not LA)
Few side effects on patient
Drug not metabolised
Some analgesia (better for ischaemic > inflammatory pain)
No amnesia
What are the disadvantages of Inhalation Sedation? (8)
Expensive equipment
Expensive gases
Space occupying equipment
Environmental concerns
Requires ability to breath through nose
Chronic exposure risk (potentially)
Staff addiction
Difficult to accurately determine actual dose
What are the signs of adequate sedation? (10)
Patient relaxed/comfortable
Patient awake
Reduced blink rate
Laryngeal reflexes unaffected
Vital signs unaffected
Gag reflex obtunded/reduced
Mouth open on request
Decreased reaction to painful stimuli
Decrease in spontaneous movement
Verbal contact maintained
What are the symptoms of adequate Inhalation Sedation? (10)
Mental and physical relaxation
Lessened awareness of pain
Paraesthesia: lips, fingers, toes, legs, tongue
Detachment ‘floating feeling’
Altered awareness of time
Small controllable ‘fits of giggles’
What are the signs and symptoms of over sedation (Inhalation Sedation)? (9)
Mouth closing
Spontaneous mouth breathing
Irrational and sluggish responses
Decreased cooperation
Incoherent speech
Uncontrolled laughter/tears
Patient no longer enjoying effects
Loss of Consciousness
What are the pre-operative instructions prior to Inhalation Sedation? (8)
Have a light meal before appointment
Take routine medications
Child accompanied by competed adult
Adults must be accompanied on their first appointment
Do not drink alcohol on day of appointment
Wear sensible clothing
Arrange care of children during and after appointment
Plan to remain in clinic up to 30 minutes after treatment
Discuss Inhalation Sedation Technique:
Set up
Select nasal hood and connect hoses
Set dial to 100% O2
Set flow to 5-6l per min and position on patient nose
Encourage nasal breathing and verify reservoir bag movements
Reduce O2 by 10%
One min later reduce O2 by 10%
Reduce by 5% per minute until patient ready
What should you do to the O2 concentration when patient is over sedated?
Increase O2 in 5-10% increments
What should you do to the O2 concentration if the patient is under sedated?
Decrease O2 in 5% increments
What should you do to get to the recovery phase of Inhalation Sedation?
Increase O2 to 100%
Administer 100% for 2-3 minutes
Remove hood and turn gas flow off
Return patient up right, praise and reassure
Why do you leave the O2 at 100% for 2-3 minutes in Inhalation Sedation?
To prevent diffusion hypoxia
What is the success rate for Inhalation Sedation and why does it vary?
Patient populations, greater success with orthodontic extractions, poorer in patients with pain
What are the important aspects of a social history for IV sedation assessment?
Nature of fear
Phobia vs anxiety
General vs Specific
Anxiety questionnaire
What are the important aspects of a dental history for IV sedation assessment?
Referral source
Previous bad experiences
Previous sedation/GA
Proposed procedure
What are the important aspects of a medical history for IV sedation assessment?
Drug history/allergy
Recreational drug use
Which drugs increase the sedative effect of midazolam?
Recreational drugs
What is ASA 1?
Normal healthy patient
Non smoker
Minimal alcohol
What is ASA 2?
Mild systemic disease
What is ASA 3?
Severe systemic disease
Limits activity but not incapacitating
What is ASA 4?
Severe systemic disease
Constant threat to life
What is ASA 5?
Not expected to live >24 hours
What is ASA 6?
Brain dead for organ donation
Which ASA can be treated in primary care?
1 and 2
Which ASA can be treated in secondary care?
3 and 4
What questions should you ask an asthmatic in regard to IV sedation?
What drugs do they take and how often?
Have they been hospitalised?
Is it exacerbated by stress?
What is the definition of pharmacodynamic interactions?
Interactions between drugs which have similar or antagonistic pharmacological effects or side effects
What is the definition of pharmacokinetic interactions?
One drug alters the absorption, distribution, metabolism or excretion of another thereby increasing or reducing the amount of drug available in the system
What ASA category does pregnant put a person in?
What are the important features of a general examination for IV sedation?
Signs of anxiety
Discomfort with surroundings
Eye contact
Vital signs
What are the vital signs?
Heart rate
Blood pressure
Oxygen saturation
What is the BMI for underweight?
What is the BMI for healthy weight?
What is the BMI for overweight?
What is the BMI for obese?
What is the BMI cut off for sedation?
What is a good working time for IV sedation patients?
45 minutes
What are the ideal features of an IV sedation agent?
Sedative effect
Ease of administration
Quick onset
Quick recovery
No side effects
Low cost
What is the mode of action of benzodiazepines?
Acts on receptors in CNS to enhance effect of GABA
Prolongs the time for receptor repolarisation
Mimics effect of glycine on receptors
What allows benzodiazepines to attach to receptors?
Benzene ring
Why do sedative agents cause respiratory depression?
CNS depression and muscle relaxation
Decreases cerebral response to increased carbon dioxide
Synergistic relationship with other CNS depressants
Increased respiratory depression in already compromised patients
How do sedative agents affect the cardiovascular system?
Decrease blood pressure by muscle relaxation decreasing vascular resistance
Increasing heart rate due to baroreceptor reflex compensating for blood pressure fall
What are the side effects of sedative agents?
Sexual fantasies (increases with dose)
Why is diazepam not given in water?
It is insoluble in water
What is the elimination half life of diazepam?
43 hours
What is the dosage of diazepam?
What is the current gold standard sedative?
What is the elimination half life of midazolam?
90-150 minutes
Where is the metabolism of midazolam?
Liver and extra hepatic
What are the advantages of midazolam over diazepam?
Quicker onset
Quicker recovery
More reliable
Who makes up the sedation team?
Operator; sedationist
Second sedation trained person: dental nurse etc
How often is sedation training?
Why is the dorsum of the hand a cannulation site?
Superficial and visible
Poorly tethered
Affected by peripheral vasoconstriction so may need to warm up hand
What is the second choice for cannulation area?
Antecubital fossa
What is ametop gel?
A topical anaesthetic
When must the assessment for intravenous sedation be carried out?
On a separate day
What must be done pre-operatively to intravenous sedation?
Pulse and blood pressure
Reconfirm consent
How is a patient monitored during intravenous sedation?
High volume aspiration
Pulse oximeter
Non invasive blood pressure (NIBP) measurements every 5-10 minutes
What emergency drugs should be prepared during intravenous sedation?
Flumazenil (antagonises benzodiazepines)
What is the drug administration of midazolam?
2mg bolus
1mg increments every minute
What is the drug administration of midazolam?
2mg bolus
1mg increments every minute
What is the end point of intravenous sedation?
Slurring and slowing of speech
Delayed response to commands
Willingness to accept treatment
Vergil’s sign ptosis
Eves sign-loss of motor coordination
What is the maximum dose of midazolam?
What makes the therapeautic dose of midazolam change?
What makes the therapeautic dose of midazolam change?
What are the steps for managing respiratory depression?
Talk, shake, hurt
Head tilt, chin lift, jaw thrust
O2 (2l/min via nasal cannulae)
O2 (5l/min via Hudson mask)
Ambu bag
What is the preparation and dose of Flumazenil?
500mcg in 5ml
Dose; 200mcg then 100mcg increments every minute until a response is seen
What is the half life of Flumazenil?
50 min
What is anéxate?
What is the meaning of Child Protection?
Activity undertaken to protect specific children who are suffering, or are at risk of suffering harm
What is the meaning of Children in Need?
Those who require additional support or services to achieve their full potential
What is the meaning of Safeguarding Children?
Measures taken to minimise risks of harm
What are three methods of safeguarding children?
Protecting children from maltreatment
Preventing impairment of children’s health or development
Ensuring children grow up in a safe and caring environment
What are the three factors of child abuse?
Carer has some responsibility for the harm
Significant connection between the carer’s responsibility to the child and the harm to the child
Significant harm to the child
What are the features of a wellbeing wheel?
Which three features can decrease parental capacity?
Domestic abuse
Drug and alcohol misuse
Mental health problems
What 4 factors are associated with vulnerable children?
Under 5’s
Irregular attenders
Medical problems and disability
Looked after children
What 4 factors are associated with vulnerable children?
Under 5’s
Irregular attenders
Medical problems and disability
Looked after children
What are the five types of neglect?
Warmth, clothing and shelter
Hygiene and healthcare
Stimulation and education
What are the short term effects of childhood neglect?
Physical health
Emotional health
Social and cognitive development
What are the long term effects of child neglect?
Increased arrests
Suicide attempts
Major depression
Heart disease
What are three indicators of dental neglect?
Obvious dental decay
Impact on child
Practical care offered, child does not return for treatment
What are the three stages of management for child neglect?
Preventive Dental Team Management
Preventive Multi-agency Management
Child Protection Referral
What are the ten features of the Index of Suspicion?
Delay in seeking help
Story is vague, lacking in detail and varies from person to person
Account is not compatible with the injury
Parent’s mood is abnormal
Parents behaviour is a cause for concern- refusal of treatment or hospital admission, aggression to staff
Child’s appearance and interaction with parent is abnormal
Child may contradict parents
History of previous injury
History of violence within family
What are the expectations of the dental team when dealing with child neglect?
What percentage of abuse injuries are found in the head and neck area?
What is motivational interviewing and how is it conducted?
Translating knowledge into behaviour
Seek permission, open questions, affirmations, reflective listening, summarising
What is standard prevention?
Tooth brushing demo once a year
OHI and diet advice
What is enhanced prevention?
Tooth brushing demo and diet advice each appointment
Where should fissure sealant be placed in enhanced prevention?
2’s palatal pits
What is the toxic dose of fluoride?
5mg/kg body weight
What % of 2800 ppm toothpaste is fluoride?
What age does tooth trauma most commonly occur?
2-4 years
What gender is mostly affected by tooth trauma?
Which teeth are mostly affected by tooth trauma?
Maxillary incisors
What are the features of a concussed tooth?
Tender to touch
No displacement
No increased mobility
What are the features of subluxation?
Tender to touch
No displacement
Increased mobility
What are the features of lateral luxation?
Tooth displaced in palatal/lingual/labial direction
What are the features of lateral luxation?
Tooth displaced in palatal/lingual/labial dirección
What are the features of intrusion?
Tooth displaced apically
What are the features of extrusion?
Partial displacement of tooth out of socket
What are the features of extrusion?
Partial displacement of tooth out of socket
What are the features of avulsion?
Tooth completely out of its socket
What are the four features of a paediatric patient assessment?
Patient factors
Treatment plan
What do patient factors consist of?
Coping style
What does MCDASf stand for?
Modified child dental anxiety scale (faces)
What are the options of methods of pain and anxiety management?
Non-pharmacological behaviour management
Local anaesthesia
General anaesthetic
What is used for inhalation sedation?
Nitrous oxide and oxygen
What are the indications of inhalation sedation in paeds?
Age (must be amenable to hypnotic suggestion, understand nasal breathing)
Anxiety level (mild to moderate)
Management of gag reflex
Medical considerations
Previous dental history
Dental needs
What are the contraindications for inhalation sedation in paeds?
Age (under 4)
Anxiety level
Medical considerations
Previous dental history
Dental needs
Patient choice
What is the consenting procedure for inhalation sedation in paeds?
Check understanding
Written pre-operative and post-operative instructions
What are the important factors of providing inhalation sedation in paeds?
Keep talking to patient
Ensure child avoids mouth breathing
What are the important factors of providing inhalation sedation in paeds?
Keep talking to patient
Ensure child avoids mouth breathing
Post op instructions
What drugs are used for IV sedation in paeds?
What are the indications for IV sedation in paeds?
Anxiety level
Medical considerations
Previous dental history
Dental needs
What are the contraindications for IV sedation?
Anxiety level
Medical considerations
Dental needs
What does TCI mean?
Target controlled infusion
When is TCI Propofol used?
For very long and short procedures
Mean rapid onset and recovery
What is the consenting procedure for IV sedation in paeds?
Check understanding
Written pre and post op instructions
What are the alternative sedative techniques to IV and inhalation sedation?
Oral and transmucosal sedation
What are the 9 features of a trauma stamp?
Ethyl Chloride
What are the radiographic signs of tooth trauma?
Periapical radiolucency
Internal inflammatory resorption
External inflammatory resorption
What is the definition of a strong recommendation?
Based on available information, weighing up balance of benefit vs risk, almost all individuals would choose this option
What is the aim of pads dental treatment?
To reduce the risk of the child experiencing pain, infection or treatment-induced anxiety
What does a comprehensive assessment include?
Patient history
Clinical examination
Caries risk assessment
What are the five factors of motivational interviewing?
Seek permission
Open questions
Reflective listening
Where should fissure sealant be placed in enhanced prevention patients?
2’s palatal pits
What are the components of silver diamine fluoride?
Ammonium ions
What are the indications for use of SDF?
Asymptomatic cavitated carious lesions in primary teeth
Non-restorable dentinal lesions
Root caries
Pre-cooperative children and adults whose behaviour/medical conditions limit invasive restorative treatment
What are the contraindications for use of SDF?
Not able/willing to brush teeth
Potassium iodide contraindicated in pregnant/breast feeding women, patients undergoing thyroid surgery/medication
Patients with ulceration, mucositis, stomatitis
Allergy to silver, fluoride or ammonia
What method can be used for needle desensitisation?
Teach relaxation
Explain LA
Practice LA
Deliver LA
What prevention should be carried out alongside providing SDF?
Dietary advice
Topical fluoride application
What are the causes of child dental anxiety?
Parental anxiety
Difficult medical experiences
Difficult dental experiences
What are some physiological and somatic associations with dental anxiety?
What is concussion?
An injury to the tooth supporting structures without increased mobility or displacement
Pain to percussion
What are three signs of a brain injury?