Paediatrics MSK and Congenital heart Flashcards
What are some causes of hip pain in children?
Transient synovitis
Development dysplasia of the hip
Legg- Perthes disease
Slipped upper femoral epiphysis
Septic athritis
What are the different types of Talipes that can come about, and what is the treatment?
- Equinovarus
- Calcaneovulgas
- Ponseti methods
- Surgery
*oligohydramnios is associated with this
What is a key clinical finding of someone with osteogenesis imperfecta?
Blue sclera
*most are autosomal dominant
What type of murmur is heard with VSD?
pansytolic murmur
- usually grade 3-6
What murmur is usually heard in ASD?
Ejection systolic Murmur over the pulmonary area
- fixed splitting of S2 sound
What is meant by fixed splitting?
A2 and P2 usually split during inspiration due to increased volume in the right side. There is usually no splitting during expiration.
In fixed splitting there is a constant split
List some clinical signs of ASD:
Soft mid systolic murmur
- heard in pulmonary area
Fixed splitting of S2 sound
Signs of congestive heart failure
Harrison’s grooves
What pulses are checked in a paediatric examination?
Brachial and femoral
*not radial
What congenital condition is highly associated with coarctation of the aorta?
Turner’s syndrome
What are the typical clinical findings of a child with co-arctation of the aorta?
Differential blood pressure in arm to leg
Absent/ weak/ delayed femoral pulses.
Radio-femoral delay
Ventricular heave
Floppy baby
- if present it will be a ejection systolic due to aortic stenosis
- systolic murmur heard best between the shoulder blades
- rib notching
What investgiations do you want to do into suspected acyanotic heart disease/
Echocardiogram ECG X-ray Oxygen saturation 4 limb BP
What are some of the signs a child may have a cyanotic heart disease?
Blue hue/ blue appearance to them
- cyanosis
Poor feeding
Finger clubbing
- 6 months on
Hypoxic spells
- “TET spells”
What is the most common cause of cyanotic heart disease and what are its features?
Tetralogy of fallot
- Large SVD
- Overriding aorta
- Pulmonary stenosis causing RV obstruction
- RV hypertrophy
What are some of the major risk factors for tetralogy of fallot?
Rubella Maternal age >40 Family history DiGeorge syndrome and Edwards Maternal diabetes Alcohol abuse during pregnancy
What findings may be seen on a child with tetralogy of fallot?
Cyanosis signs
Ejection systolic murmur
- due to pulmonary stenosis
Loud single S2
- only the aortic might close as the stenosis may be severe enough to affect the pulmonary valve
Palpable thrill over the right ventricle
What sign is seen on x-ray of a child with tetralogy of fallot?
Boot shaped heart
In tetralogy of fallot a child may experience a Tet/ Hypoxic spell. What causes these and what maneuver can be done to elevate the hypoxia?
Brought on by:
- crying
- fever
Putting child in squatting position (knees to chest) and giving small amount of morphine to slow breathing
if this doesn’t work:
- 100% oxygen
- Beta blockers
What is the most common type of congenital heart defect?
Ventricular septal defect
What are some clinical findings of a patent ductus arteriosus?
Continual machinery murmur heard midway below the left clavicle
Wide pulse pressure - as blood flows back through the duct during diastole
Bounding femoral pulse
**potentially cyanotic lower limbs if pulmonary hypertension occurs, which causes deoxygenated blood to flow out and into the aorta as it starts to descend.
What is the treatment for patent ductus arteriosus?
- Ibuprofen/ NSAIDs - to close the duct
- surgically ligation - scar over the lateral aspect of the chest
What murmur is most likley to be heard in tetralogy of fallot and why?
Hard systolic ejection murmur in the pulmonary area
- due to high pressure needed to overcome the pulmonary circulation
What classification system is used to assess fractures? of the growth plate
Salter Harris Classification system I - straight across II - above III - below IIII - through IV - Crush
What fractures occur in children but no adults?
Buckle fractures
Plastic fractures
Greenstick fractures
What are the features of an innocent murmur?
Asymptomatic No thrill or heave Soft systolic Varies with position Localised to one area
What congenital heart condition is associated with use of lithium during pregnancy? and what symptoms will you see?
Ebstein’s anomaly
Where the tricuspid leaflets are displaced.
- pansystolic murmur due to tricupsid regurgitation
- mid - diastolic murmur due to tricupsid stenosis
Which cardiogenic abnormalities are cyanotic?
- Tetralogy of fallot
- Transposition of the great vessels
- Pulmonary atresia
- Tricuspid atresia
What does PANDAS stand for and what disease can it commonly be associated with?
Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infections
Rheuamatic fever
What are the managements for a patent ductus arteriosus and Where would you find a scar following a patent ductus ligation?
Surgery scar:
- Around the ribs laterally
Or closed via catheter
In tetralogy of fallot if putting the baby into the squatting position to help with cyanotic episodes does not work, what additional things can be done in hospital?
- 100%
- slow breathing rate
Fluid bolus
Beta blockers