Obstetric emergencies Flashcards
What are the risk factors for cord prolapse?
Preterm labour
Artificial rupture of membranes
- the head may not be fully engaged when this is done
Placenta previa
List some interventions that can be done whilst waiting for help to arrive in a cord prolapse:
Tilt the bed back
Apply pressure to presenting part to relieve pressure off cord
Catheterise and inject saline into bladder to push presenting part back
Place mother on all fours or modified sims position
What is the advised delivery method for the fetus in a cord prolapse?
In a vaginal delivery what are the definitions of a PPH?
> 500ml
Major PPH is >1000ml
List some antenatal and intrapartum risk factors for PPH:
- previous PPH
- pre-eclampsia
- placenta previa/ abruption
- multiple pregnancy
- large baby
- multiple pregnancy
- prolonged labour
- pyrexia in labour
Placenta previa carries the highest risk for PPH
In a Major PPH what bloods do you want to take and how will you monitor the mother?
- Coagulation studies
- Cross match (if not already done)
- U&Es
- LFTs
- vitals
- blood loss measurements
- urine output
*document on Obstetric Early Warning Score Chart/ OEWS
Why should any retained products be removed off the cervix immediate?
This can stimulate vagal tone reducing the blood pressure
What blood can be salvaged and reused for the patient?
Blood from laparotomy or C-section.
*note from the vagina due to the blood being contaminated.
When there is maternal collapse, how long should CPR be going on for when Emergancy C-section should be done?
4 minutes.
After 4 mins there should an Emergancy C-section
There are a set of factors which make CPR more challenging in a female, what are they?
Laryngeal oedema
Increased weight in the abdomen
Decreased residue capacity of the lungs
In a >24 week year old female who collapses and has no respiratory effort - who should be called?
Cardiac arrest team
Obstetric team
Neonatal team
What are some risk factors for shoulder dystocia?
Induction of labour
Previous shoulder dystocia
Pre-longed labour
What are the complications of shoulder dystocia?
- perineal tears
- Brachial plexus injury
- Fractured clavicle
What is the preventative options for shoulder dystocia?
Estimated fetal weight of:
>4.5kg in a diabetic
= C-section
What is the definition of retained placenta and what are some aetiologies?
- Active management - no placenta after 30mins
- Physiological management - no placenta after 60mins
- uterine atony
- Trapped placenta (cervix closes to quickly)
- Placenta acreta/ percreta