Paediatrics: Development Flashcards
What is the approximate age for development of controlling head when pulled to sitting?
gross motor
3 months.
Excessive head lag is a red flag.
What is the approximate age for development of rolling over?
gross motor
6 months
What is the approximate age for development of sitting with support?
gross motor
4-6 months
When should the Moro reflex be absent by?
gross motor
6 months
Asymmetricla neonatal reflexes is a red flag.
What is the approximate age for development of sitting alone (without support)? At what age would a referral be triggered?
Gross motor
7-8 months
Refer at 12 months.
What is the approximate age for development of crawling?
gross motor
9 months
Some children bottom-shuffle instead of crawling - normal variant which runs in families.
What is the approximate age for development of pulling self up to stand?
gross motor
9 months
What is the approximate age for development of walking holding furniture?
gross motor
12 months
What is the approximate age for development of walking alone? When should they be referred if not achieved?
gross motor
11–15 months
Refer at 18 months.
What is the approximate age for development of running?
gross motor
15 months - 2 years
What is the approximate age for development of kicking a ball?
gross motor
15 months - 2 years
What is the approximate age for development of jumping with both feet off the ground?
gross motor
2-3 years.
What is the approximate age for development of pedalling a tricycle?
gross motor
3 years
What is the approximate age for development of hopping on one leg?
gross motor
4 years
What is the approximate age for development of skipping on both feet?
gross motor
6 years
At what age can a child follow horizontally to 90 degrees?
fine motor and vision
0-6 weeks
No visual fixation or following is a red flag.
At what age can a child reach out to grasp an object?
fine motor and vision
3 months (reach)
6 months (grasp)
At what age can a child transfer objects from one hand to another?
fine motor and vision
6 months
At what age can a child point with their index finger?
fine motor and vision
9 months
At what age does a child develop a pincer grip?
fine motor and vision
12 months
Start at 3 months and add 3 months :Retrograde Pyelogram (RGPG)
G- Grasping
P- Pointing
G- Gripping
At what age does a child bang 2 objects together?
12 months.
At what ages does a child build a tower of 2, 3, 6 and 9 bricks?
- 15 months
- 18 months
- 2 years
- 3 years
What can a child draw/copy at 1(8) months, 2 years, 3, 4, 5 years?
- Scribble
- Vertical line
- Circle
- X - cross
- Square and Triangle
Up until what age is hand preference abnormal?
hand preference before 12 months is abnormal and may indicate cerebral palsy
At what age does a child first smile? When should you refer if still not smiling?
social behaviour and play
6 weeks
Failure to smile is a red flag - refer at 10 weeks.
When should a child be competent with a spoon and doesn’t spill with a cup?
social behaviour and play
2 years
At what age should a child be able to use a spoon and fork?
social behaviour and play
3 years
At what age should a child be able to use a knife and fork?
social behaviour and play
5 years.
At what age can a child play peek-a-boo?
social behaviour and play
9 months
At what age can a child play near others but not with them?
social behaviour and play
2 years
At what age can a child play with other children?
social behaviour and play
4 years.
What age should a child be dry in the day?
2-4 years
When should a child be dry at night?
By age 5
When should a child respond to a rattle or bell?
speech and hearing
from birth
startle response is present from birth
failure to respond to sound is a red fag
At what age should a child vocalise?
4 months
At what age should a child say double syllables babbling?
6 months
At what age should a child say ‘mama’ and ‘dada’?
12 months - 18 months
At what age should a child know and respond to own name?
12 months
At what age should a child understand simple commands? And know 2-6 words? when should they be referred?
by 18 months
When should a child be able to combine 2 words?
2 years
At what age should a child talk in short sentences (join 3-5 words)?
Age 3
red flag if unable to speak in simple sentences
When should a child count to 10 , and ask why, when, how Qs?
4 years