Paediatric Foot, Ankle and Spine Flashcards
Talipes Equinovarus
Clubbed foot
Congenital deformity of the foot due to inter abnormal alignment of the joints between talus, calcaneus and navicular leading to soft tissue contractures
Talipes Equinovarus Characteristics
Ankle Equinos (plantar flexion)
Supination of the forefoot
Varus alignment of the forefoot
Talipes Equinovarus epidemiology
More common in boys
Talipes Equinovarus Risk Factors
Male gender Family history Breech birth Oligohydramnious (low amniotic fluid content) Co-existant skeletal dysplasia
Talipes Equinovarus Treatment
Ponseti Technique
- Deformities are corrected progressively by being help in evolving plaster casts with 6 weekly cast changes
- 80% require achilles tendon tenotomy
- Patients are placed in brace once full correction is achieved (Worn 23/24)
Delayed presentation
- extensive surgery involving bony and soft tissue procedures
Hallux Valgus
Big toe deviates from normal position and angles inwards toward second toe
Hallux valgus characteristics
Affects adolescents
Strong family history
Surgery has high recurrence rate
lateral curvature of the spine
Scoliosis epidemiology
Scoliosis Aetiology
Idiopathic neuromuscular disease Tumours Skeletal Dysplasia infection
Scoliosis Investigations
Urgent MRI if painful
Scoliosis Treatment
-Due to restrictive lung effects
Slippase of one vertebrae over another
Spondylolithesis Epidemiology
- Due to increased body weight and increased sporting activity
Spondylolithesis Characteristics
Spondylolithesis Aetiology
Developmental defects
Recurrent stress fracture of the posterior elements of the vertebrae which fail to heal
Spondylolithesis Symptoms
Low back pain Radiolopathy (severe slippage) Flat back (due to muscle spasm) Waddling
Spondylolithesis Treatment
- Rest
- Physiotherapy
- Stabilisation
- Reduction