PA 40 & 41 - Compensation of employees Flashcards
What are S40 and S41
S40 Compensation of employees
S41 Amount of Compensation
What is S40(1)
IF, while a patent is in force, or WITHIN ONE YEAR of its lapse, an employee makes an application for compensation, and:
a) a patent has been GRANTED for an invention made by the employee and belonging to the EMPLOYER, and
b) the INVENTION AND/OR PATENT is of OUTSTANDING BENEFIT to the employer (factoring in the size/nature of the company), and SO
c) it is JUST that the employer compensates the employee,
the court or the comptroller MAY award compensation to the employee according to S41
What is S40(2)
IF, while a patent is in force, or WITHIN ONE YEAR of its lapse, an employee makes an application for compensation, and:
a) a patent has been GRANTED for an invention made by the employee AND belonging to the EMPLOYEE themselves, and
b) it is assigned or exclusively licensed to the EMPLOYER, AND
c) the benefit to the employee is INADEQUATE in relation to the benefit to the employer of the INVENTION AND/OR PATENT
d) it is JUST that the employer (further) compensates the employee,
the court or the comptroller MAY award compensation to the employee according to S41
What is the difference between S40(1) and (2)
S40(1) deals with when the patent belongs to the employer (i.e. via s39(1))
S40(2) deals with when the patent is assigned or exclusively licensed to the employer (i.e. via S39(2))
When do S40(1) and (2) not apply
Subsections (1) and (2) do NOT apply if the employee is in a trade union that has negotiated a pay settlement regarding such inventions
What happens to previous contracts or agreements re S40
Subsection (2) overrides any contract or agreement, except re (3) relating to the invention
Who deals with matters under S40
Either the Comptroller, or the Comptroller can pass the issue to the courts
What does benefit means re S40
Benefit means in money or money’s worth (S43(7))
What does outstanding benefit mean re S40
Not merely substantial, but out of the ordinary
What can be taken into account for outstanding benefit S40
Future benefit is NOT included
Foreign rights can be taken into account (s43(4))
Must factor out contributions of adverts, and other features etc, in sales
Should be ACTUAL benefit, not theoretical (Unilever v Shanks)
Where is the burden of proof for S40
Onus is on the applicant for compensation i.e. the employee to proved it is outstanding
and it is VERY hard, with very few successful applications
Does the size of a company matter for S40
Yes, benefit is proportionally less outstanding the larger the employer.
See e.g. Shanks v Unilever - actual employer was subsidiary, and therefore on that basis the contribution was of outstanding benefit
What factors may contribute to “just” compensation in S40
If the employer played dirty (equity requires clean hands)
Where balance of power forced an unjust compensation level.
Is there a time limit on S40 applications
Yes, applications must be made when the patent is in force or WITHIN ONE YEAR of lapse
How best to deal with knowing whether a patent is in force
In the UK use PF49 to request to be informed
Can the S40 deadline be extended?
Yes, under R108(1) at the Comptroller’s discretion
What amount of compensation should be given for S40
Under S41
1)2) Should be fair share of the benefit to the employer from the INVENTION, the PATENT / APPLICATION and/or the ASSIGNMENT of, or aof any rights in, the invention/patent/application
What should be taken into account for amount of compensation under S41
a) the employee’s duties and existing pay/benefits;
b) the effort and skill in inventing;
c) any co-inventors contribution (esp. other employees); and
d) the employer’s contribution
In what form is compensation given under S41
S41(6) payment can be a lump sum or periodic