PA 25 – Term of patent; PR 36-39 Flashcards
What does S25 concern
The term of a patent
When does a patent grant
It grants, and takes effect on the date of notice in the OJ
What is the term or period of a patent
20 YEARS from the date of FILING (not the date of priority
When does a patent cease to have effect
at the end of the renewal date (normally the 4th or subsequent anniversary of filing), if a renewal payment is not made by the end of the renewal period
Is there an extension available for renewals
IF it is paid with an additional fee within SIX MONTHS GRACE (to the END of the sixth calendar month after the last month of the renewal period) then it is treated as if it never lapsed
What happens if the renewal fee is paid in the grace period
a) anything done with or to the patent in the grace period is valid
b) intervening infringements are still infringements and
c) intervening Crown use is still Crown use
What the should the Comptroller do if the renewal fee is not paid
The Comptroller MUST remind the proprietor if the fee is not paid
When does a patent cease if a renewal payment is not paid
If not aid within the renewal period, then the patent ceases to have effect at the end of the renewal DATE (i.e. the anniversary of filing NOT the end of the month)
How should renewals be paid during the renewal period
Using PF12
How should renewals be paid during the grace period
a request for late payment uses PF12 and requires the renewal fee AND the late payment fee (increases each month)
What happens when you pay the renewal fees
R36(5) Payment results in a payment certificate
What does R37 concern
the first renewal
When is the first renewal date
the renewal DATE is the fourth anniversary of FILING,
When is the renewal period for paying the first renewal fee
How can a grant date effect the first renewal date of a GB patent
BUT, if a GB patent grants within a three-month period ENDING ON the fourth anniversary of filing, or any time later, then the renewal DATE is three months after the grant date, and the renewal period is until the end of the calendar month in which that modified renewal date falls.
How can a grant date effect the first renewal date of a EP(GB) patent
If an EP(GB) patent grants within a three-month period ENDING ON the fourth anniversary of filing (Case A), or any time later (Case B),
a) the first renewal DATE is either THREE MONTHS AFTER the grant date (Case A), OR the NEXT ANNIVERSARY of filing (Case B), and correspondingly
b) the first renewal PERIOD is either the end of the calendar month in which the modified date falls (Case A), or until the end of thee calendar months preceding and including the next anniversary after the mention of grant (Case B)
When is the renewal period for subsequent renewal payments (i.e. after the first)
The renewal PERIOD is the three calendar months leading up to and including the renewal date in the third month
When is the second and subsequent renewal date
The SECOND renewal DATE is the next anniversary of filing to occur after the first renewal date, and each SUBSEQUENT renewal DATE is the anniversary of the preceding renewal date
What does R39 concern
The renewal notice
What happens if a renewal payment is overdue
R39 (2)
IF a payment is OVERDUE the Comptroller must send a reminder WITHIN SIX WEEKS after the renewal period expires
(3) a)b) to the last address specified by the proprietor with such a payment, or another address if specifically informed of it, or otherwise the registered address for service
What should a renewal payment notice contain
The reminder states that payment is overdue and the consequences of non-payment
When does a patent term expire
At midnight at the end of the day preceding the 20th anniversary of filing
What do SPCs give
Supplementary protections once a patent term runs out to give equitable protection for products requiring approval from a regulatory body ONLY, and only the produces authorised by the body, so these must fall within the scope of the claims.
What happens if the GB patent grants after the second or subsequent renewal period
ALL the outstanding renewal fees are due with the first renewal fee
Can you get renewal fees reduced
Licences of right (see S46) confer a 50% reduction BUT cancellation of the right means you have to pay ALL the discounts back…
Can the renewal grace period be extended
NO - not using R108,
BUT failure of the Comptroller to send a payment reminder could be a procedural irregularity under R107, which could allow for additional time.